photo [ˈfəʊtəʊ]  [ˈfoʊtoʊ] 


photo 基本解释

名词 照片,相片

及物/不及物动词 (给…)拍照

photo 中文词源

photo 照片


photo 相关例句


1. She photos well.

photo 双语例句

  • 1. The popular papers all have photo features on their inside pages.

  • 通俗报纸的内页都有照片专栏.

  • 2. They said, after digging around, the photo was a fake.

  • 在搜集了有关情况后,他们说照片是伪造的。

  • 3. I've got a photo of him on the wall.

  • 我在墙上挂了一张他的照片。

  • 4. On a shelf beneath he spotted a photo album.

  • 他在下面的架子上瞅见了一本相册。

  • 5. The gift shop's biggest seller is a photo of Nixon meeting Presley.

  • 这家礼品店最畅销的商品是尼克松会见猫王普雷斯利的照片。

photo 词典解释

1. 同photograph
    A photo is the same as a photograph .

    e.g. We must take a photo!...
    e.g. I've got a photo of him on the wall.

photo 单语例句

1. In one photo, Zhang lies on his stomach as doves perch on his back and buttocks.

2. The last photo showed the victim being kicked in the head and buttocks.

3. He said he doubted the FBI had found his photo by chance on the Internet.

4. An employee of an examination center put somebody else's photo in Zhang's computerized file by mistake four years ago.

5. Photo of Cristiano Ronaldo of Manchester United in a new photo book published by the club.

6. Members of Thailand's new Cabinet take a group photo at the Government House in Bangkok yesterday.

7. Zoo visitors are now lining up to take a photo with the mynah in its cage and laugh heartily when it shouts at uncivilized visitors.

8. Each page of the calendar has a photo of one of the female students in her undergarments and a personal message to the prime minister.

9. Some villagers living near the site have already built temporary stands hawking souvenirs from photo services to calligraphy of Cao's poetry.

10. While providing traditional film developing services and selling digital cameras produced by the company, the centre focuses on building a viable photo business in cyberspace through the Internet.

photo 英英释义


1. a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide
    recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material

    Synonym: photograph exposure picture pic


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