policeman [pəˈli:smən]  [pəˈlismən] 


policeman 基本解释

名词 (男)警察,警员; 看守矿井的人; [化] 淀帚

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policeman 相关例句


1. A plainclothes policeman detained the drugpusher.

policeman 网络解释

1. 淀帚(橡皮头玻璃搅棒):pole-changer 换极器 | policeman 淀帚(橡皮头玻璃搅棒) | polish 磨光,抛光,精加工

2. 男警察:singer歌手 | policeman男警察 | policewoman女警察

3. (细胞)刮棒,细胞帚;淀帚:polar mutation 极性突变[突变基因对邻近非突变基因的影响具有极性] | policeman (细胞)刮棒,细胞帚;淀帚 | poliovirus 脊髓灰质炎病毒

policeman 双语例句

1. The policeman ran after a pickpocket and eventually caught him.

2. A young woman of a modest and pleasing guise was standing before a show window gazing with sprightly interest at its display of shaving-mugs and inkstands, and two yards from the window a large policeman of severe demeanour leaned against a waterplug.

3. policeman的反义词

3. The policeman was chasing a convict who escaped from prison last night.

4. A policeman is on duty weekend nights, and keeps in touch with the Incom surveillance operator, as well.

5. A traffic policeman stop - ped his car and said, Good afternoon, sir!

6. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

6. A policeman was killed when his booby- trap ped car blew up.

7. be helpful and do as one is asked 配合; 协助: `If you co-operate we'll let you go, 'said the policeman.

8. She had committed herself so fully to the policeman that she could not well retract.

9. When I told the policeman that I have nothing certificate, he got angre.

10. The policeman said: Do you want to make a fool of me If I let you go, you`ll run away.

11. When I was young, I wanted to be a policeman.

12. Go to confess to the policeman, you should know the urgence of saving your mistake.

13. Of course, this need the policeman help.

14. If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it.


15. Ask when the policeman the girl comes to which factory work, when letting its show id card, girl immediately tongue-tied, one is passed through in the eyes flurried.

16. Sounds of flutes are a call to life, we see when coming in earthquake, rescue teacher of student, have policeman, PLA soldier that disregard own safety of house Gu at all, sacrifice oneself great mother to protect child, etc.

17. He's/ She's a doctor/policeman/farmer.

18. He''s/ She''s a doctor/policeman/farmer.

19. policeman

19. The policeman shove d me aside.

20. Policeman: It`s next to the hospital.

policeman 词典解释

1. 男警察
    A policeman is a man who is a member of the police force.


policeman 单语例句

1. By throwing away the coin, the policeman in Shijiazhuang actually told the child to throw away the good tradition.

2. Ciudad Juarez's top policeman Guillermo Prieto resigned just days after suspected cartel hit men killed the city's No 2 police officer.

3. Virtual cops first appeared last year in Shenzhen, where the police inserted a floating cartoon icon of a policeman on major websites.

4. Italian soccer is trying to crack down on its radical elements after a policeman was killed during rioting outside a match in Catania in February.

5. A policeman was killed and 100 people injured when fans went on the rampage after last Friday's derby between Catania and Palermo.

6. The incident comes just a month after a policeman died in crowd trouble in Sicily following a game between Catania and Palermo.

7. The decision to reduce the number of night matches followed the death of a policeman during violence in Catania earlier this month.

8. The camera is set up in the policeman's office to protect himself and his colleague from people who willfully cause trouble.

9. An enterprising policeman in Chongqing municipality cracked a tough bribery case recently by going undercover as a clerk.

10. Another was a man whose cellphone was taken by a policeman and found to contain an explicit video clip.

policeman 英英释义



1. a member of a police force

    e.g. it was an accident, officer

    Synonym: police officer officer


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