politely [pə'laɪtlɪ]  [pəˈlaɪtlɪ] 

politely 基本解释


副词 有礼貌地,客气地,委婉地

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politely 相关例句


1. He thanked me politely.

politely 网络解释

1. 殷勤地:polite 有礼貌的 | politely 殷勤地 | politeness 有礼

2. politely

2. 礼貌地:礼貌的 polite | 礼貌地 politely | 礼堂,演讲厅 auditorium

3. 有礼貌地:highly高度地 | politely有礼貌地 | really真实地

4. (礼貌地;客气地):public (公众的;民众的) | politely (礼貌地;客气地) | African elephant (非洲象)

politely 双语例句

1. Among them, some politely wished me good luck and others simply told me my GPA was too low...

2. 好好学单词·英语单词

2. I don't know of any that do, 'Alice said very politely, feeling quite pleased to have got into a conversation.


3. Grandmaster Yip could interpret what Mr. Leung was thinking from his face, because he was observant and perceptive. He knew that Mr. Leung was doubtful about him. After they greeted each other politely, they had a match.

4. politely的反义词

4. Americans also indicate their attentiveness in a conversation by raising their eyebrows, nodding, smiling politely and maintaining good eye contact.

5. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

5. Wear good clothes of it be quick to sit politely let the Cui son comb hair hair, magpie at a side tidy up bed, fold a quilt.

6. But it is very politely to tell u that mayb you will hurt either one of them.

7. He raised over ten questions in oen breath, he said he kept close eyes on every report about china, and always doubted why there is so large rural labor force flooded to urban area, why they don't move to city, by the end of this meeting, he asked politely if it is convenient for a america to go to china since china is a socialism.

8. I'd also like to know how to politely ask for more food.

9. He said to me politely, Here you are.

10. I don't think you need to treat him politely.

11. politely的反义词

11. To help someone politely, you can say, Can I help you?

12. politely在线翻译

12. I don't quite understand you, 'she said, as politely as she could.

13. I am asking you, if I may most politely...

14. As long as you ask politely, most people do not mind repeating something you didn`t hear or understand.

15. Once there is a guest, the master will offer the first-class seat to the guest politely.

16. You would usually only use this phrase after politely requesting that someone repay a debt to you and they try to weasel out of it.

17. How does a gay girl-about-town politely bat off the mingers?

18. politely什么意思

18. Second, we should remember to refuse requests politely.

19. politely在线翻译

19. He decided to refuse him politely.

20. How to refuse politely 男: Can I buy you a drink?

politely 单语例句


1. He then politely invited those who raised the questions to leave their phone numbers so that they can ask take it up with them later.

2. Luo ran round the mat with a Chinese national flag to celebrate her win, politely making bows to the spectators around and shaking hands with some of them.

3. He and the other policemen apologized profusely for their countryman's behavior, and smiled politely as they shook my hand.

4. Security personnel were politely showing early arrivals where to pick up their badges while stopping the simply curious from entering.

5. The date symbolizes two orderly lines and encourages residents waiting for public transportation to wait in line politely.

6. The MOFA initially instructed Taiwanese missions overseas to " politely reject " offers of aid but reversed the decision on August 13.

7. He was enthusiastically cheered and greeted when he stepped up on stage, but only politely applauded when he talked about deployment extensions.

8. " You might consider sitting down next time, " the toilet told a male Reuters reporter politely in a female robot voice.

9. The course also covers how to politely engage with the disabled, something that Luo Tingting found beneficial.

10. The Air Force " politely declines comment, " Lieutenant Colonel Tatiana Stead said in an interview.

politely 英英释义


1. in a polite manner

    e.g. the policeman answered politely, `Now look here, lady...'

    Synonym: courteously


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