pork chop [pɔ:k tʃɔp]  [pɔrk tʃɑp] 

pork chop 基本解释


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pork chop 网络解释

1. pork chop

1. 猪排:常吃的主菜有牛排 (steak)、猪排 (pork chop)、烤牛肉 (roast beef)、炸鸡 (fried chicken)、火腿及烤羊排 (roast mutton chop) 等. 随主菜吃的有蔬菜、面包、黄油 (butter)、米饭、面条等. 多数美国人喜欢饭后吃一道甜食,如蛋糕、家常小馅饼或冰淇淋等,

2. pork chop的意思

2. 连骨猪排:猪里脊肉 pork tenderloin | 连骨猪排 pork chop | 猪小排 pork side ribs

3. 排骨:蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg | 排骨 pork chop | 竹笋 bamboo

4. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

4. 大排:hot pot火锅 | pork chop 大排 | steamed bun 馒头

pork chop 双语例句

1. Havent been to Tonkatsu for a long time because always need to wait for a long time, used to be my favorite. The quality of food is not as good as before, both pork fillet and pork chop are very dry.
    开饭喇!》 OpenRice.com 为香港最具规模的餐厅指南及食评搜寻器,提供最新的饮食资讯、餐厅优惠及时令食谱,更是最受食家欢迎的食评发表平台及讨论区。

2. pork chop

2. In here, provides each kind of spot for the visitor the beef, to roast the pork chop, the barbecued mutton platoon, the chicken wing and the chicken heart, the pork intestines, the Bacon volume, roasts the banana, the vegetables and so on several dozens above typical delicacies to bake for the visitor chooses.

3. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

3. So, yea or nay on the pork chop?

4. pork chop


5. 30 When, he begins to cut potato, clean vegetable to make salad, touch crumble to pork chop, pare those fresh bean, prepare dinner.

6. We can choose one from veal cutlet, pork chop, chicken noodle soup, or ten-ingredient deluxe fried ice.

7. pork chop的意思

7. Which would you like to try, pork chop or beef steak?
    您 想 尝尝猪排呢,还是牛排?

8. Ingredients: Rice, Pork Chop, Peas, Sweet Corn, Carrots, Tofu, Black Pepper, Soy Sauce, Seasoning, Spice.

9. Good to get that smooth skin - red wine jam ribs _ _ China's largest online network of restaurants search engine...1, about 2.5 cm pork chop block, add red wine, jam, a little salt, spread your pickled 5 hours and drain...

10. The salted boneless deep frying and pork chop with rotten inserts into chunks steam or text you can eat and some half-boiled in the pot red called braised stuffed tofu Hakka unique flavor.

11. pork chop的意思

11. You never order chop suey, sweet and sour pork, or any other imitation of oriental food.

12. I'd like a pork chop and a glass of beer.

13. B: I`m eating pork chop.

14. Yes, please. I'd like the pork chop fried rice to go.

15. But the pork chop isn't about you.

16. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

16. And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.

17. pork chop

17. Today's special is roast pork chop.

18. pork chop在线翻译

18. Peel the ginger and the shallots, finely chop them with the coriander leaves and mix into the pork with the raspberry vinegar.

19. W: We also serve Grilled Fish sliced, Braised pork chop with white beans, Stewed Mutton, fried prawns, curry chicken, etc.

20. pork chop的解释

20. If it wasn't necessary for us to gorge down our pork chop buns, hot dog, pig liver congee, pig ear dim sum, pig feet noodle and all the yummy sausages, would Swine-flu mean anything to us?

pork chop 单语例句

1. Passing that increase on to consumers would tack an extra 15 cents per pound onto a pork chop.

2. On the other hand, the abalone and morel mushrooms helped degrease the pork chop.

3. Braised pork chop is a classic Chinese dish, but it is often considered a bit too greasy.

4. Take your time and stop at any snack store for an egg custard tart or a pork chop bun.

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