postcard [ˈpəʊstkɑ:d]  [ˈpoʊstkɑ:rd] 


postcard 基本解释


名词 明信片

手机查看postcard的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 好好学单词 后发送 postcard 即可

postcard 相关例句


1. 好好学单词·英语单词

1. He sent me a postcard from the United Nations.

postcard 网络解释

1. 明信片:在十九世纪末,明信片(Postcard)的出现,更受到人们的喜爱,还有立体照片(Stereoscopic Card)的流行,使照片名片的制作基本绝迹了. 摄影术发明三年后,1842年,中国在第一次鸦片战争中失利,失去香港岛,开放了5个通商口岸. 从此,

2. 名信片:11.send.送;寄;派谴 | 12.postcard.名信片 | 13..Hawaii夏威夷

3. (名) 明信片:send (动) 送;派遣;发射 | postcard (名) 明信片 | spoil (动) 糟蹋;溺爱;宠爱

4. postcard的翻译

4. 普通邮资明信片:邮政用品集邮Postal Stationery Philately | 普通邮资明信片Postcard | 已销邮戳 Postmarked

postcard 双语例句

1. Here is a postcard from Lily to her friend in the USA.

2. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

2. As you scan the horizon, the surrounding peaks stand out in sharp relief, clear as a picture postcard.

3. And I'm very glad to send you a postcard to tell you about my situation.

4. You`ve received a postcard from a school mate!

5. You`ve received a greeting postcard from a school mate!

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Lego: A tabby postcard?

7. I see from the postmark that this postcard was mailed from New York.

8. postcard的解释

8. In the end of March, 2008, I struggled to climb this mountain, smiling alongside the fench, facing towards what you see from this postcard

9. postcard是什么意思

9. You can find a Chinese stamp, corner the postcard.

10. Think of your postcard printing project as your marketing medium to your target readers who are always on the go.

11. postcard的解释

11. The size and font type of your text are very important elements in your postcard printing project.

12. It's the picture postcard symbol of Australia.

13. The picture on this postcard is beautiful.

14. The front of the postcard shows a picture of a lake.

15. postcard什么意思

15. The front of the postcard show a picture of the summer palace.

16. postcard的反义词

16. The front of the postcard shows a picture of our hotel.

17. This kind of product is many still in net inn, if Shaolin Temple is manual, day of watch of candlestick of palm of postcard, iron sand, little Lin Gongfu, day toes step on CD of picket of puppet, wintersweet is worn etc.

18. Thank you for your postcard!

19. She sent me a postcard asking for your address.

20. Thanking you for your postcard from the Great Wall.

postcard 词典解释

1. 明信片
    A postcard is a piece of thin card, often with a picture on one side, which you can write on and send to people without using an envelope.

postcard 单语例句

1. US Postal Service spokesman Victor Dubina says the postcard may have been stuck in equipment or lost behind a mail chute.

2. Censors want everything to be postcard pretty and every detail to be agreeable to every segment of society.

3. Following the debut of the Ru porcelain postcard album in March this year, another suite of limited edition albums will be released to the public on July 15.

4. It started operations last October and was inspired by the late delivery of a postcard founder Liu Wei was sent by a friend from Yunnan.

5. A landscape that has given us thousands of picture postcard images but remains incredibly vibrant and impossible to capture.

6. Hanalei features postcard views from every angle and is untouched by the feverish development that has transformed the coastlines of other islands.

7. This'postcard'from the panoramic camera on the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows a view of the martian landscape southwest of the rover.

8. A postcard bearing good wishes that was sent from Ohio to Montana has arrived 47 years after being posted.

9. Donors could choose a child's name on a list and receive a personal postcard as expression of gratitude for the gift.

10. The landscape on either side of the road is pristine and unfolds like a scene from a postcard.


postcard 英英释义


1. a card for sending messages by post without an envelope

    Synonym: post card postal card mailing-card


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