postcode [ˈpəʊstkəʊd]  [ˈpoʊstkoʊd] 


postcode 基本解释

名词 邮政编码

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postcode 网络解释

1. postcode的解释

1. 邮政编码:英华园商务目录虽然不强求公司/机构提供实际地址,但提供地址,特别是邮政编码(postcode)将方便客户找到贵公司/机构. 如果贵公司/机构已在英华论坛注册帐号,欢迎提供并公布在商务目录. 英华园商务目录将不会收录只有传销代码或传销号码的网站或个人/机构资料.

2. 邮编:敬业创造成就 乐业实现梦想加入友邦保险业务团队 用专业开启美好人生联系人(ContactName):孙小姐电子信箱(E-mail)地址(Address):北京市朝阳区光华路7号汉威大厦西区9层9B2 邮编(postcode):100004基本要求(Requirements)1、无寿险从业经验;

3. 郵區號:信件尺寸必须介於最低90毫米x140毫米、最高165毫米x250毫米,厚度介於0.25毫米至6毫米,信封必须使用白色或浅色及不反光纸质,必须封口,信封以下须保留宽15毫米空间,而填写地址时,邮区号(postcode)必须排在城市名字之

4. 邮编/邮政编码:Tel 电话 | PostCode 邮编/邮政编码 | Search 搜索

postcode 双语例句

1. O: If you write the postcode, it will be helpful.

2. Would you tell me your Telephone and Postcode?

3. Intended person send the material such as resume please send traditional Chinese medicine to accuse a ministry of resource of manpower of Beijing limited company, address: Beijing esteems article area always outside 3 yuan of Xi Hangjia 12, postcode: 100077
    有意者请将个人简历等材料投寄到国药控股北京有限公司人力资源部,地址:北京市崇文区永外三元西巷甲12 号,邮编:100077

4. postcode的意思

4. This allows you to plan routes in these areas with accuracy down to postcode areas.

5. To further narrow your search, enter the destination postcode, country and/or the shipper's UPS account number.
    要进一步缩小搜索范围,请输入目的地邮政编码、国家或地区和/或发货人的 UPS 帐号。

6. Contact us: Address: Xi'an, Yan Cheung Road Building 88, National Instrument Tel:029-83125586 FAX:029-83125526 Postcode: 710061 Website: gyck. co. bokee. net corporate blog: gyck. co. bokee. net
    联系方式:地址:西安市雁翔路88号国仪大厦电话:029-83125586 传真:029-83125526 邮编:710061 企业网址 企业博客

7. Full text does not exceed 5000 words commonly, with: 5000-4500 word is advisable. 1.2 contribution should include full name of autograph, author, unit (place province city and postcode), word of summary of medium, English, theme, medium the graph classifies date, brief introduction of the first author of direction of sexual distinction, native place, degree, title, research, preceptorial must make clear...

8. postcode在线翻译

8. Company Address: Futian District, Shenzhen Xin·Building Agriculture, Forestry Road, 16 Floor, A Block, Room 06 Postcode: 518040 Tel:86-755-33365807 Fax:86-755-33380202 Our company welcomes new and old customers come to contact, welcome home VENDOR negotiations.
    公司地址:深圳市福田区农林路鑫竹苑大厦A座16楼06室邮编:518040 电话:86-755-33365807传真:86-755-33380202本公司欢迎新老客户前来联系,欢迎供应商上门洽谈。

9. If I knew his postcode, I would tell you.

10. What's the postcode for this area?

11. postcode

11. Ability to Search postcode in detailed search, that means you can search any cities in the world

12. If you try to get a job, employers see the M16 postcode and they don`t want to know.

13. The book is on information of 8560 more Guangdong electronic enterprises statistically ending 2006, including enterprise name, address, telephone, fax, person in charge, business range, investment amount, website, postcode and business status etc.

14. Legal Information: You agree that Law binds you, to give *** your correct personal data, which includes: postcode, your bank's name and address, your bank's account number and Swift Code as well as the amount of money you want to transfer.
      合法信息:用户同意在法律允许的范围内,向***提供正确的个人数据,包括邮政编码、银行名称和地址、银行账号和 Swift 代码,以及需要支付的金额。

15. Most companies offer an online check where you enter your postcode and they will tell you if the service is available in your area, if it is new to your area you may find a waiting list.

16. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

16. Where no patent agency is appointed, the name, address, postcode and telephone number of the liaison person

17. postcode的反义词

17. Mark the frame with your postcode

18. Users often are not sure if they should include a space in a postcode.

19. This matches the postcode property set in the message, so the message is delivered to this MessageConsumer.

20. The postcode of Yuhuan County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China is317600.

postcode 词典解释

1. 邮政编码;邮区编号
    Your postcode is a short sequence of numbers and letters at the end of your address, which helps the post office to sort the mail.


in AM, use 美国英语用 zip code

postcode 英英释义



1. a code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail

    Synonym: ZIP code ZIP postal code


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