pouch [paʊtʃ]  [paʊtʃ] 


pouch 基本解释

名词 小袋; 育儿袋; 烟草袋

及物/不及物动词 (使)成为袋状; 把…装入袋中; 吞进

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pouch 相关例句


1. The mail was sorted and pouched by midnight.


1. The old man is always carrying a tobacco pouch with him.

2. pouch在线翻译

2. A kangaroo carries its young in a pouch.

3. He has pouches under his eyes.

pouch 网络解释

1. 小袋:有了卷轴后,向东、东、南,看树桩(stump),得到小袋(pouch),向南走3次,再向东走4次. 拿到碗(bowl),看看碗,装满(fill)碗. 向北走,看看海滩(beach),得到鹅卵石(pebbles). 向东、南、东、南、南,现在进入一栋奇怪的房子(在里面用键7和9向上,

2. pouch

2. 钱包:流行款式为软质零钱包(pouch)、超大尺码包(XXL Bag)、中性包(unisex bag)、肖像包(portrait)、运动风格的购物包(shopper)、后背包(backpack). 黑白色调使女鞋展现高贵气质,却是不失自然、平静的色彩计画. 此外,

3. 囊:2)胃肠间质肿瘤(GIST)的诊断要点2.胃肠间质肿瘤(GIST)的治疗要点3)空肠囊(pouch)间置法4)空肠囊(pouch)间置法

4. 袋:实验包括了在外科手术上取出动物消化系统的部份,切断神经束来判定影响,还有在消化器官和外部囊袋(pouch)之间植入瘘管(en:fistula)以测试器官的内容. 这些研究成为许多消化系统研究的基础.

pouch 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Apply skin quality: pouch tumescence. black eye socket, dry eye, lack of water, creasy skin

2. pouch的近义词

2. Supplied with protective carry pouch including strap, the translator cross translates 12 International languages - English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Swedish, Japanese, Chinese and Turkish and you can save frequently used sentences.
    与保护 ,其中包括携带袋带,两岸的翻译提供的翻译12国际语言-英语,法语,德语,西班牙语,荷兰语,意大利语,俄语,葡萄牙语,瑞典语,日语,中文,土耳其,可以保存经常使用的句子。

3. danci.911cha.com

3. Not too big a brooding pouch but the full golden lower jaw is very obvious in this picture.

4. pouch什么意思

4. bag main zipper seal bags, including a document within a cell phone pouch zipper bags camera bag, bag buckle in front of a large suction wall pocket.

5. Taking the end of a loose thread from her waistcoat, she drew out a single strand of red silk, wound it around her little finger several times to make a ring, tied it off, and tucked it into the small pouch at her belt with the Dark Mirror.

6. He showed me how to drape the sling over my left shoulder and across the chest so that the pouch lay easily accessible to my right hand, allowing the best in journalism, fiction, and cartoons to be swiftly extracted and sold to a citizenry whose happiness and security depended up on us soldiers of the free press.

7. I fear just now his Majesty is both sick and sorry, and never a penny in his pouch to boot

8. Use skin quality: pouch tumescence, black eye socket, chromatosis around the eyepit

9. pouch的解释

9. Spring rain is the grandmother of the lines and pin lamp; spring rain is the grandfather of tobacco wrapped in tobacco pouch; spring rain injury worry is the eyes and the hazy window.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. And then, as if to enunciate his point, he pulled from his K-Way pouch a Lego fighter jet that was really well-assembled.
    然后,彷佛在阐述他的观点,他把他的K -路袋一乐高战斗机,这真的很好组装。

11. Researchers at Duke University in North Carolina have developed a small pouch made of foil and plastic.

12. PATH designed a foil pouch that could keep the medicine stable for up to two months.

13. One is the fenestra type, through a defect in the broad ligament, and the other is the pouch type, with herniation into an anterior or posterior aperture of the broad ligament.

14. pouch在线翻译

14. A canine model of saccular aneurysm using a venous pouch surgical technique is described.
      本文报道用静脉囊镶嵌技术·制成犬的囊状动脉瘤模型。18个模型(6个单侧型,6个分叉型,6个末梢型)造型后2周经IA DSA检查。

15. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

15. DPE10 and DPE12 were tested for their antagonistic effect on AA-induced capillary contractions of human endometrium implanted in hamster cheek, pouch.

16. 好好学单词·英语单词

16. Because what the skin causes flabbily, ? ? pouch is.

17. Flabby: Promotion skin reachs pouch to amount to flabbily 95%.

18. When brown pelicans spot a fish in the ocean, they dive straight at it. In the water, the pelican's beak opens for the fish. Water rushes into the pouch, carrying the fish with it. The pelican quickly closes its beak.

19. When brown pelicans spot a fish in the ocean, they dive straight at it. In the water, the pelicans beak opens for the fish. Water rushes into the pouch, carrying the fish with it. The pelican quickly closes its beak.

20. Package: Nitrogen sealed packaging, or 50 grams per pouch sealed packaging.

pouch 词典解释

1. 小袋子;荷包
    A pouch is a flexible container like a small bag.

2. (袋鼠、考拉等的)育儿袋
    The pouch of an animal such as a kangaroo or a koala bear is the pocket of skin on its stomach in which its baby grows.

pouch 单语例句

1. A pair of koala twins finally emerged from their mother's pouch on Tuesday, much to the delight of visitors to Guangzhou Xiangjiang Safari Park.

2. A pouch is composed of two sides, the interior and the exterior.

3. The foursome includes a pair of female twins that appeared outside of their mother's pouch for the first time early this month.

4. The new koala baby will stay in its mother's pouch for eight months before it comes out.

5. The marsupial babies had been in the pouch for about five months.

6. It also features a removable pouch to hold small items like tweezers, cotton swabs and cotton pads.

7. One of the cubs emerged from its mother's pouch recently to check out visitors.

8. The Digital Sound Bag from Red Envelope comes with a pair of stereo speakers and a clear plastic pouch for your iPod.

9. Simply open the package and shake the pouch around a little bit.

10. After the final steamed herbal pouch was placed on the belly, the therapists performed a revitalizing head massage that awakened our senses.

pouch 英英释义


1. a small or medium size container for holding or carrying things

2. (anatomy) saclike structure in any of various animals (as a marsupial or gopher or pelican)

    Synonym: pocket

3. an enclosed space

    e.g. the trapped miners found a pocket of air

    Synonym: sac sack pocket



1. swell or protrude outwards

    e.g. His stomach bulged after the huge meal

    Synonym: bulge protrude

2. send by special mail that goes through diplomatic channels

3. put into a small bag


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