predict [prɪˈdɪkt]  [prɪˈdɪkt] 


predict 基本解释

及物动词 预言,预测; 预示,预告

不及物动词 预言,预示:预言某事,预言

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predict 相关例句


1. He predicted that an earthquake was imminent.

2. She predicted that he would marry a doctor.

3. He predicted a good harvest.

predict 网络解释

1. 预测:通常是将数列分为偶数序列(2) 预测 预测(Predict)是利用偶数序列和奇数序列之间的相关性,由其中一个序列(一般是偶序(3) 更新 更新过程的目的是使某一全局性质得以保障,需要一个更新(Update)过程.

2. predict

2. 预见:从这个立足点出发,所有相关的只是能够预见(predict)法官在特定的一组事实下如何判决,且这也是为什么人们向律师咨询. 立法和司法意见为这种预见提供了材料. 预见法院将做什么,就真的是法律的全部. 道德一点关系也没有.

3. 预测,预知:predicament 困境 | predict 预测,预知 | predispose 使倾向於,使偏向於

predict 双语例句

1. Economists cannot predict with any great degree of accurancy just when an upturn or a downturn will occur, but a study of such cycles does show that business activity tends to follow some kind of wavelike pattern and is not merely an assortment of random moves.

2. From the point of view of function approximation, a new nonlinear time series prediction model based on wavelet network and its learning algorithm by conjugate gradient method are developed. This model is applied to predict faults of propulsion system for spacecraft.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Of this share share sell reach buy trade predict to be finished this month, round-the-world resource and TMH will regard Hui Cong net as the main shareholder of limited company no longer, IDG will become one of partner with Hui Cong the mainest network.

4. We put forward a comprehensive geophysical method to predict carbonate fractures.

5. Switzerland has developed the latest TSP2O3 system that is very intelligent in data acquisition, processing and evaluation. This system can predict the character, location and size of the geological body at least loom in ahead of the tunnel and also can estimate the rock mechanical parameters. For this reason, it can confirm the evidence for the reasonable sup porting parameter, and ensure the quality and safety in tunnel operation.

6. predict

6. The results predict the phynomina which tridational macro-experiment can not explained that at impact condition (the range of medium strain rate) the material micro properties embrittle while macro ones ductile; A method which can estimate material's dynamic properties by combination of numerical simulation and experimental determination has been suggested.

7. Our results showed that logarithm model y = a + bln(x can accurately predict the changes of egg air diameter, Haugh unit and albumen...

8. Thus, the policyholder dividends in the purchase of insurance before difficult to predict the future dividend income.

9. predict的反义词

9. This software also can obtain virtual experimental data for any time during the projectile motion, and from processing these data the user can predict a characteristic property of the projectile motion.

10. predict是什么意思

10. How to predict blend miscibility of natural polymers by using simpleviscometry was studied.

11. predict什么意思

11. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of the factors which influnce the cost of each ton of coal, use vague mathematics and the theory of grey system to predict ef- fectiely the cost of each ton of coal.

12. predict的翻译

12. However, stop codon susceptibility to gentamicin between different genes is difficult to predict.

13. The result showed that there existed significant positive relationship among 4factors offilial piety and betweenfilial piety and achievement motive, andthat female students`scores were sig— nificantly higher than male students`on 3factors offilial piety, andthat achievement motive of middle school students were able to be predict— ed bytwo factors offilial piety.

14. Moreover, combined treatment effects were nonadditive, suggesting that we cannot predict the combined effect of global changes and human activities from single-factor studies.

15. Seismic attenuation analysis is that attenuation attribute can be used to predict reservoir by calibrating with well data.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. The applied bioinformatic techniques can be used to efficiently predict antigenic epitopes.

17. In addition, we discussed the CQA process in TRW, and how to assume the profitability of the program at the quoting status, and how to predict the profitability and manage the profitability during the program.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. The classification system derived from KIT and CK19 was able to predict clinical behavior of PET.

19. Therefore, chemorheology models are applied to predict the resin viscosity.

20. predict的意思

20. I do not think pelvic floor exercises work for most people and I can not predict who will get better and who will not.

predict 词典解释

1. 预言;预测;预告
    If you predict an event, you say that it will happen.


    e.g. The latest opinion polls are predicting a very close contest...
    e.g. He predicted that my hair would grow back 'in no time'...

predict 单语例句

1. Scientists predict that people will increasingly be surrounded by machines that can not only see but also reason about what they are seeing.

2. Although she had the foresight to predict the trend, even she has been caught by surprise by its rapid development.

3. Farmers living within 10 square kilometres can predict the weather by observing the cliff.

4. It is hard to predict whether Chinese calligraphy will see a rebirth or lose itself amid its flirtation with new trends in world art.

5. Many analysts predict Jean - who is very popular among Haitians, particularly the young - would easily win the presidential election if his candidacy were approved.

6. Candy goes as far as to predict online shrines may soon consign cemeteries and graveyards to the past.

7. New research findings suggest that the sound of a person's voice may predict his or her level of sexual activity.

8. " I was in a unique position to predict the outcome of NBA games, " Donaghy told US District Court Judge Carol Amon in Brooklyn federal court.

9. However, it is premature to predict the central bank's next step.

10. Analysts still predict the country will get its first female chancellor in Angela Merkel, the leader of the conservative Christian Democrats.

predict 英英释义


1. indicate by signs

    e.g. These signs bode bad news

    Synonym: bode portend auspicate prognosticate omen presage betoken foreshadow augur foretell prefigure forecast

2. make a prediction about
    tell in advance

    e.g. Call the outcome of an election

    Synonym: foretell prognosticate call forebode anticipate promise


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