programming [ˈprəʊgræmɪŋ]  [ˈproʊgræmɪŋ] 


programming 基本解释

名词 编程; 规划,设计

动词 训练( programme的现在分词 ); 培养; 预调

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programming 网络解释

1. 规划:在这里,主要的讨论范围也将控制在整个设计流程里的评估规划(programming)、设计草案(schematic design)和设计扩出(design development)的阶段,基本上都属於对照明设计前期的相关讨论.

2. 程序设计:程序设计(Programming)是指设计、编制、调试程序的方法和过程. 它是目标明确的智力活动. 由于程序是软件的本体,软件的质量主要通过程序的质量来体现的,在软件研究中,程序设计的工作非常重要,内容涉及到有关的基本概念、工具、方法以及方法学等.

3. 编程:或許這就是為何編程(programming)才華可能在年輕時就展現出來,而軟體設計(software design)才華卻常需要更多時間才能成熟. 來應用程式員(application programmer)便能根據個別情況組合出他所需要的功能.

4. 编写程序:到各式各类的电脑语言(Computer Language)、编写程序(Programming)、电脑绘画(Computer Graphic)、资讯系统(Information System)等有关软件方面的知识. 毕业前,此科系学生需交上两份电脑研究报告.

programming 双语例句

1. That is the very reason that writing them is just as error-prone as writing any other complex programming code.

2. programming的近义词

2. We all know the emphasis on concurrent programming as linear processor speed growth is limited in the past years.

3. Taking AutoCAD2000 as a platform, use VB6.0 language for programming, the parameterized modeling s stem for entity of conical cam with conical roller oscillating follower was developed.

4. Event-driven programming stresses flexibility and asynchrony as virtues, and tries to be as modeless as possible.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The parper elaborates the programming course of the software and concrete content.

6. With no reference to its public, the BBC has cut its losses by axing the very programming that made it so excellent and unique – keeping instead the pop tart variety of television that can be found anywhere at any time.

7. What happened next has me completely dumbfounded, and seriously doubting that I really understand much at all about the internal programming of a slot machine.

8. Based on these concepts, method of noninferior matrix to solve multi-objective dynamic programming problems with indefinite phases was given.

9. In chapter one, according to the content of the last four chapters, the reviews and the comments are given for the theory of noninferior solutions, algorithms, and group decision making of multiobjective programming.

10. Corba Tunnel can also be used in interoperation of Web and similar distributed programming environments.
    Corba Tunnel模式也可以应用在其它类似的分布计算环境与Web的互操作中。

11. The main contributions of this paper: 1, stochastic factors are paid attention, and the model is based on the combination of MDP and dynamic programming theory. 2, both of the allocation cost and the shippers satisfaction are considered, and the integer programming in the third section of the model makes the solution of the problem more comprehensive.

12. This is a method used Eigenface do face detection and recognition, using Matlab programming.

13. 好好学单词·英语单词

13. A top-down stepwise programming method, in which a method of a class is the proving unit, is provided.

14. The process is called top-down programming.

15. This subject, mainly in the way of combining a top-down structured automation programming method with object-orientated method, studies and develops a company`s management system of personnel and salary information.

16. programming在线翻译

16. A programing language designed to teach programming through a top-down modular approach.

17. OOP planned on creating software reuse code, a better simulate real-world environment capacity, it was generally acknowledged to be the winners of top-down programming.

18. By use of entropic coefficient method, the multiple-object optimal model was changed into single-object model which was based on the comprehensive benefit considering of economy, society and environment. Finally, the optimal solution of model was obtained by use of linear programming method.

19. programming的反义词

19. With the programming of new national space tracking system and the lunar resource satellite, the results given in this paper should have been applied in space mission.

20. As the final design process, we introduce the exhibitory thinking combine with architecture programming design, then choose the Sher Suei Ecology Industry Exhibition Center be the core museum of whole eco-museum. The design process from concept, space structure, construction and exhibitory will engaged and totally match the site configuration, eco-environment, deliver culture and productivity item. This will integral the whole communication from concept, goal, process and manner, arrive the way of deliver just the way of life.

programming 单语例句

1. The contract will enable SCN to simulcrypt programming broadcasts on its network, a requirement for future business growth.

2. But even Winfrey was not immune to the dips in ratings that have plagued broadcasters as viewers flock to specialty programming on cable.

3. People who subscribe to cable or satellite services or have a newer television with a digital tuner are not at risk of losing their programming.

4. The decline in audience numbers has long argued for a move to cable, where audiences are increasingly able to finding niche programming.

5. Public interest was so high that CCTV was forced to reschedule its programming at the last minute to provide coverage of the final three rounds.

6. What China acutely lacks is not only advanced theaters but also management and programming personnel.

7. The station has also formed a consultant committee composed of TV directors, established educators and other respected celebrities to ensure the quality of programming on the channel.

8. Village Voice columnist Michael Musto appears in a documentary about the history of gay Americans that will kick off Logo's programming on Thursday.

9. Wu learned computer programming on her own and dreamed of becoming an " IT super woman " and having her own company.

10. Chen says that at around third grade, he was enrolled in a computer programming class against his will.


programming 英英释义


1. creating a sequence of instructions to enable the computer to do something

    Synonym: programing computer programming computer programing

2. setting an order and time for planned events

    Synonym: scheduling programing


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