protoplasm [ˈprəʊtəplæzəm]  [ˈproʊtəplæzəm] 

protoplasm 基本解释

名词 <生>原生质

形容词 <生>原生质的


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protoplasm 网络解释

1. 原形质:麦氏于其所著<<基督教与实证主义>>(Christianity and Positivitism)一书中,曾有一段话说:(三) 原形质(Protoplasm)只能从有生命的物质产生. 麦氏又在其所著<<神治论>>(Method of Divine Government)一书中,斥责某些哲学家之愚妄,

2. protoplasm的翻译

2. 原生质,细胞质:Density 密度,密集 | Protoplasm 原生质,细胞质 | Weightless 没重量的,失重的

3. 原生质,原浆;细胞质:protons 质子 | protoplasm 原生质,原浆;细胞质 | pterosaur 翼龙

protoplasm 双语例句

1. These selected and superior strains of living protoplasm should be jealously and intelligently guarded when once they make their appearance.

2. By using antimonate potassium cytochemistry method, we found that antimonate calcium precipitates existed only in the cell wall rather than the protoplasm and showed a tip to base gradient in the cell wall of hyphal tips, i.

3. The substance could produce cavity in the cell wall which lead to the flow-out of the protoplasm and the fragmentation of the mycelium. Mycelium-growth method was used to qualitify the inhibitive substance.56Primary study showed that 80% saturation of the NH^SQj precipitate the most of the inhibitive substance. It was primarily identified as polypeptide.

4. Many tracheids lack protoplasm at maturity and have lignified secondary cell walls.

5. Later on, the opened sieve plate was formed because of callose autolyzing after the protoplasm disappeared completely. Ultimately, the physiological function of SE was lost.


6. Nonliving material in the protoplasm of a cell, such as pigment granules or nutritive substances.

7. Two whiplike threads of protoplasm reduced to a microscopic scale.

8. A small mass of protoplasm or cells from which a new organism or one of its parts may develop.

9. Biology A small mass of protoplasm or cells from which a new organism or one of its parts may develop.

10. L. chinense phloem periphery have one circle meristem-like tissue regularly arranged which are composed of 3-4 layers with having big nuclei and thick protoplasm, their tangential wall is 4 times length of radial wall. The author thinks this may be supernumerary cambium of hetero vascular bundle.

11. The next best way to quantify the amount of protoplasm in each trophic level is to weigh it.

12. He called the agent a Contagium vivum fluidum, a living germ that soluble, He postulated that the agent must incorporated into the living protoplasm of the cell in order to reproduce, and that its reproduction must be brought about with the reproduce.

13. protoplasm的解释

13. What the primary effects of hormones closely related to physiological changes of membrane. The ABA increased permeability of cell membrane, and the ZT had less effect on it. The both hormones affects on leakage of the ion inside cell identified with that of their affects on permeability of protoplasm membrane. The ABA inhabited activity of Ca(superscript +2)-ATPase and Mg(superscript +2)-ATPase in chloroplast membrane, the ZT promoted it.

14. In the first part, the mixture of full yeast cells 54.S. cerevisiae DC5 (a, leu2-3, 1eu2-112, his-39, canl-11 or their protoplasm and plasmid (YRP12-54) were treated in low electromagnetic pulse field provided by Broad Band Transverse Electromagnetic Cell.
      第一部分研究了弱电磁脉冲下质粒对酵母完整细胞及其原生质体的转化,以超宽频带横电磁波传输室提供弱电磁脉冲场,酵母为54.S.cerevisiae DC5(a,leu2-3,leu2-112,his-39,can1-11),质粒为YRP12-54。

15. A submicroscopic structural unit of protoplasm, composed of a cluster of molecules.

16. The mature stage started when the vacuole membrane was ruptured. Whereafter, the protoplasm of SE autolyzed selectively, and the mature SE had being formed.

17. They are usually associated with specialized parenchyma cells called COMPANION CELLS, whose protoplasts are connected with the protoplasm of the sieve tube by plasmodesmata.

18. protoplasm的意思

18. The fatty acid saturation degree of the protoplasm membrane lipids of the shoots and the roots was dropped in the lower concentration of salt solution (0.9%), and raised in the high concentration of salt solution (1.8%) except for 5-day treatment in shoots.


19. Changes of protoplasm membrane lipids of two wheat varieties (ShangQiuJianMai and JiYuan 728) cultured in the nutrient solutions were studied in the phytotron.

20. After the amoeboid tapetum disintigration, it's protoplasm round the pollens to provide nutrition for them.

protoplasm 英英释义


1. the substance of a living cell (including cytoplasm and nucleus)

    Synonym: living substance


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