psychosis [saɪˈkəʊsɪs]  [saɪˈkoʊsɪs] 


psychosis 基本解释

名词 精神病; 精神错乱; 精神上极度的紧张,不安

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psychosis 网络解释

1. 精神症:精神症(psychosis)是一种脱离现实的精神状态,亦可能涉及知觉,认知,行为及情感等各方面的严重错乱.. 有些策略能减低精神症对病者,其家人及社区所带来的个人,社会和经济压力. 人们对此类策略也越来越注意.

2. 神经病:neurosis神经精神病 | Psychosis神经病 | Pleasure Principle 享乐原则

3. psychosis的近义词

3. 精神:psychophysics 精神物理学 | psychosis 精神 | psychosomatic 身心的

psychosis 双语例句

1. psychosis的反义词

1. Different factors included five items of somatization, depression, anxiety, fear and psychosis.

2. The former four factors were melancholy, anxiety, horror and psychosis.

3. Different professions, different grades, different regions and different marital status on mental health showed significant differences, in which significant differences in factor is mainly somatization, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety and psychosis.

4. The former f our factors were melancholy, anxiety, horror and psychosis.

5. Graduate student's self-concept and mental health have shown a negative correlation, that is the more self-concept the more positive psychological health. Factors affecting mental health are mainly somatization, compulsion, interpersonal relationships, anxiety, psychosis and paranoia.

6. psychosis的近义词

6. The psychosis anxiety factors showed conspicuous and most conspicuous difference during 4-6 weeks through HAM.

7. Of, relating to, or affected by psychosis.

8. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

8. Using these measurements, the researchers could retroactively predict 71% of the patients who went on to develop psychosis.

9. Abstractaim: to observe the efficiency and security of fanxieye in treatment of the coprostasis about patient with psychosis.

10. It was decided that there will be three taskforces as follows: Taskforce on Awareness: will be mainly concerned with: Further information about child mental health issues, addressing child problems at different levels from different cultures, epidemiology and service organizers, producing the required manuals, guidelines and a booklet regarding awareness and its distributions, Taskforce on Prevention:will be mainly concerned with: Search for preventive measures of some disorders as PTSD, depression, conduct, ADHD, psychosis, suicide, epilepsy and mental retardation, widening the concept of the term primary prevention, to discuss the risk factors and protective factors of childhood disorders, and address problems of children with deficits e. g. hearing and visual impairments, etc.

11. I call the ambulance today, because i think i am psychosis...

12. It is clinically characterized by a recurrence of neurological or psychiatric symptoms, which are usually misdiagnosed as psychosis or drug abuse, among others.

13. Earlier state manic psychosis is mandatory and free treatment.

14. psychosis在线翻译

14. In l937 she received an unwelcome telegram from Olivier asking for divorce, but in her heart, she always believed that he would come back to her Vivien drank severely during this period and was diagnosed with cyclic manic- depressive psychosis

15. psychosis

15. In l937 she received an unwelcome telegram from Olivier asking for divorce, but in her heart, she always believed tha、he would come back to her Vivien drank severely during this period and was diagnosed with cyclic manic- depressive psychosis.

16. psychosis什么意思

16. Bipolar disorder (or manic- depressive psychosis):Mental illness characterized by the alternation of manic and depressive states.

17. Results showed that rapid cycling patients were more likely to be female, a fact more evident in bipolar I than bipolar II patients. Rapid cycling patients also showed a younger age of onset and a higher occurrence of depression at study entry. In the year prior to the study, the rapid cycling group showed poorer global functioning and a significantly greater rate of depressive and hypomanic/manic episodes. History of psychosis showed no correlation with rapid cycling but bipolar I patients were more likely to have symptoms of psychosis than bipolar II patients.

18. psychosis

18. Result: we can see reporters contribute a lot to their work but the fee back is very little; the pressure is huge; the feeling of tiring is deep and it would get worse seriously; most of them think their health status gets worse than the last year and half of them aren`t satisfied of their job, they are considering to change another job; they don`t think this career deserves the right position in the society; they get new sickness such as melancholia, manic depressive psychosis and tiring, the dropsy, the headache, the shoulder neck backache, the gastoenteritis and so on, is disease which the majority of people altogether has.

19. Schizoaffective psychosis, manic type

20. Among 173 defendants, 47 were assessed as schizophrenia, 11 paraniod psychosis, 2 affective psychosis, 12 epileptic disorders, 40 other ps...

psychosis 词典解释

1. 精神病;精神错乱;精神失常
    Psychosis is mental illness of a severe kind which can make people lose contact with reality.

    e.g. He may have some kind of neurosis or psychosis later in life.
    e.g. ...senile psychoses.

psychosis 单语例句

1. In contrast, people with psychosis firmly cling to unreasonable explanations instead.

2. It has side effects including increased blood pressure and heart rate, psychosis and possibly convulsions.

3. Its side effects include increased blood pressure and heart rate, psychosis and possibly convulsions.

4. Josie described having to dig deep into herself to discover the misery and psychosis for her role.

5. Some doctors believe the condition is a form of delusional parasitosis, a psychosis in which people believe they are infected with parasites.

6. The new regulation stipulates that people with either serious dementia or aggressive psychosis cannot get married.

7. The defense says Yates suffered from severe postpartum psychosis and did not know that drowning the children was wrong.

8. Exporters are already reeling from the fear psychosis gripping the Western markets.

9. They hope that will reveal new ways to detect who's on the road to psychosis and to stop that progression.

10. This study is the first anywhere of the effects of physical exercise involving patients suffering early psychosis.

psychosis 英英释义


1. any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted


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