pulsate [pʌlˈseɪt]  [ˈpʌlseɪt] 


pulsate 基本解释

不及物动词 搏动; 悸动; 有规律地跳动


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pulsate 网络解释

1. 跳动:LED Effects产品可与各种大型动态照明数组组件整合,例如如:走灯(chase)、亮边(stroke)、跳动(pulsate)、跑动(run)、色偏(color shift0、亮闪(sparkle)、闪烁(scintillate),或纯粹投射单色光至亮区上的诸多效果;此外,

2. 脉动:pulsatance 角频率 | pulsate 脉动 | pulsating air intake 脉动进气口

3. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

3. 悸动,跳动:propulsion 推进 | pulsate 悸动,跳动 | pulse 跳动

4. pulsate什么意思

4. 搏动:pulsar 脉冲星 | pulsate 搏动 | pulsatile 脉动的

pulsate 双语例句

1. Tree and blossom and bird and sea and sky and wind whisper it, sound it afresh, warble it, echo it, let it throb and pulsate through every atom and particle; let the air be filled with it.

2. Pulsate us have fob price for Ms. plate.

3. If uneven pressure should cause the regulator to pulsate, its action can be stabilized by throttling the valve.

4. The new kind of electronic stethoscope has functions of recording and revealing with pulsate rate of the heart, lung and bowels.

5. Electronic stethoscope simultaneous monitor; heart's pulsate rate; recording; revealing.

6. In this way the L-P wavelet is applied to simulating the pulsate wind velocity history at a certain point, which conforms to Davenport power spectral density. A numerical example shows that the simulated PSD is consistent with the prescribed one and the method is valid.


7. The design of pulsate pneumatic conveyer

8. 好好学单词·英语单词

8. I felt my heart pulsate with the aftershock.

9. Now they need to beat the same opponents to make the Holte End pulsate with conviction once more.
    现在他们需要打败同一个对手来让 Holte End 的观众坚定信念。

10. pulsate的解释

10. That was to good to be true and have to pulsate unknown idea...wo oh

11. Hues of purplish, rose and amber begin to pulsate in the sky.

12. pulsate的意思

12. These functions are: low vibration, high vibration, pulsate and vibrate high pulsation and low pulsation.

13. They think I am vermin, those rats whose brains pulsate with bilious light.

14. To beat loudly or heavily; throb or pulsate.

15. When ABS is activated, the driver feels the brake pedal pulsate gently.

16. pulsate在线翻译

16. Finally, pulsed Doppler was used to collect spectra and measure the peak systolic velocity (PSV), end-diastolic velocity, resistance index and pulsate index.

17. pulsate在线翻译

17. The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate, flicker, or even move like waves.

18. Each index of common carotid artery walls pulsate for evaluating common carotid artery elasticity in healthy adult

19. Grosskopf himself believes that photons " pulsate " in the direction of light.

20. The nation pulsed with music and proclamation, with rages and moral pretensions (Lance Morrow) See Synonyms at pulsate

pulsate 词典解释

1. (有节奏地)搏动,跳动,震动
    If something pulsates, it beats, moves in and out, or shakes with strong, regular movements.

    e.g. ...a star that pulsates.
    e.g. ...a pulsating blood vessel.

Several astronomers noted that the star's pulsations seemed less pronounced.

pulsate 单语例句

1. When rainstorms descend in the summer, the fields pulsate emerald green and canals brim with brown water.

pulsate 英英释义


1. produce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of short bursts or pulses or cause an apparatus to produce pulses

    e.g. pulse waves
           a transmitter pulsed by an electronic tube

    Synonym: pulse

2. expand and contract rhythmically
    beat rhythmically

    e.g. The baby's heart was pulsating again after the surgeon massaged it

    Synonym: throb pulse

3. move with or as if with a regular alternating motion

    e.g. the city pulsated with music and excitement

    Synonym: beat quiver


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