pylorus [paɪ'lɔ:rəs]  [paɪ'loʊrəs] 


pylorus 基本解释

名词 幽门,幽门部

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pylorus 网络解释

1. pylorus

1. 幽门:胃为消化器官中最膨大部份,位於上腹部及左季肋部,其上端开口於食道处叫贲门(cardia),下端开口於十二指肠处叫幽门(pylorus). 胃腔之於贲门以上部叫胃底(fundus ),自切迹(incisura angularis)以下部之胃腔叫胃窦(antrum).

2. 幽门部:维生素B12胃肠道中的吸取系要依靠胃液中的里因子没有活化,而里因子的构成是种胃粘膜蛋白,此物质觉察在胃的贲门(cardia)及基底部(fundus),而不是在幽门部(pylorus).

3. 胃底:cardia 幽门 | pylorus 胃底 | small intestine 小肠

4. 幽门/幽门部:pylorostomy /幽门造口术/ | pylorus /幽门/幽门部/ | pyocephalus /脑室积脓/

pylorus 双语例句

1. This is the normal appearance of the gastric antrum extending to the pylorus at the right of center.

2. pylorus的翻译

2. Objective To analyze the postoperative recovery after pylorus preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy versus conventional Whipple operation.
    目的 分析保留幽门胰十二指肠切除术与Whipple手术在围手术期恢复情况。方法将 49例PPPD与同期 63例Whipple术后恢复情况作对照比较。

3. 好好学单词·英语单词

3. Three gastric biopsies were taken within 2-3cm around the pylorus of gastric antra, urease detection, HE fuchsin staining and immunohistochemical analysis of Helicobacter pylori IgG antigen, HBsAg and HBcAg were performed separately.
    2例肝病或非肝病因伴有胃病行胃镜检查的患者,取胃窦小弯距幽门周围(2 - 3)cm处粘膜 3块,分别做快速尿素酶试验及嗜伊红、品红染色,并行免疫组化检测幽门螺旋杆菌HPlgG型抗原。

4. Surgical strategy in CP with mass has been directed at the pancreatic head with a variety of tactics including pancreatoduodenectomy(Whipple procedure with or without pylorus preservation) and partial resection of the pancreatic duct drainage(Frey operation, Beger operation).
    胰头部肿块型慢性胰腺炎的手术方式是直接针对胰头的,不同的手术方法包括胰十二指肠切除术(保留或不保留幽门的Whipple手术)和胰头部分切除加胰管引流术(Frey 手术,Beger 手术)。

5. pylorus的反义词

5. The location of the SS-, 5-HT-, Gas- and VIP-positive cells mostly show up in the colon, the pylorus, the duodenums and the cardia respectively
    消化道内5-HT、SS、Gas和VIP 4种细胞出现最多的部位分别是结肠、幽门腺区、十二指肠和贲门腺区。

6. Results The morphology of endocrine cells in digestive tract was of multiplicity. The density of 5-HT cells was the highest in the colon, but not found in the esophagus, cardia gastric and cecum. The results showed that SS cells were distributed in the pylorus mostly, but not detected in the cardia, colon, cecum and rectum. Gas positive cells were the most in the duodenums, while in the esophagus and cardia was not discovered. In the cardia VIP cells were maximum, but in the esophagus, duodenums and ileum did not appear.
    结果 消化道中4种免疫阳性细胞形态多样,大多呈椭圆形和锥体形。5-HT阳性细胞数量以结肠最多,空肠和回肠次之,幽门腺区、十二指肠和直肠较少,食管、贲门腺区、胃底腺区和盲肠中未见;SS阳性细胞在幽门腺区数量最多,贲门腺区、结肠、盲肠和直肠中未见;Gas阳性细胞大量出现于十二指肠,在食管、贲门腺区和盲肠未见;除个别器官未见VIP阳性细胞外,在消化道的其余各段均有分布。

7. The distribution density curve appeared waveform and there were three density peaks: cardiac part of the stomach, pylorus of the stomach and ileum.

8. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

8. Objective:To examine the relationship between the improvement of symptoms and the morphologic changes of the pylorus after pyloromyotomy.

9. Objective To explore an effective method for the prevention and management of delayed gastric emptyingafter pylorus preserving pancreatoicduodenectomy.

10. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

10. ObjectiveTo explore the effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on pylorus ligated gastric ulcer in rats and its mechanism.

11. In addition, when a conditional incision laparoscopic pylorus.

12. To observe the clinical effect of quadri-combination therapy on positive pylorus spirillum digestive ulcer.

13. pylorus的意思

13. Themyoelectric wave of pylorus is little earlier than that of the omasum, after that themyoelectric wave of abomasum begins.

14. The double pylorus is a rare condition consisting of fistulous communication between the gastric antrum and the duodenum.

15. The effect of selective vagotomy of the abomasum, pylorus, duodenum and liver on insulin release during the cephalic phase of digestion was investigated in wethers and lactating ewes.

16. Methods Rat gastric-ulcer models induced by water immersing method, burned acetic acid, absolute ethyl alcohol and ligated pylorus were used to evaluate the effects of chitosan-bismuth on rat ulcer area or ulcer index.

17. Those groups showing tumor size over four areas on double contrast imaging or over 5 cm on the longitudinal axis on CT, pylorus obstruction of gastric antrum carcinoma and unclear margins abutting upon peripheral structure had a higher positive expression rate of VEGF (P < 0.05).

18. Inferior pylorus artery and right gastroepiploic artery form anastomose under chorion.

19. Finally, the pathological results after surgical excision demonstrated an inflammatory fibroid polyp located at the pylorus.

20. Long-term clinical results after highly selective vagotomy plus pylorus-preserved mucosal antrectomy

pylorus 英英释义


1. a small circular opening between the stomach and the duodenum


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