qualm [kwɑ:m]  [kwɑm, kwɔm] 


qualm 基本解释


名词 不安,疑惧; 恶心,眩晕; 忧虑; 良心谴责

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qualm 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. I sometimes have qualms about our teaching.

2. He has no qualms about lying.

3. qualm在线翻译

3. He felt no qualms about borrowing money from friends.

qualm 网络解释

1. 疑虑:受访者谈到业界对於皮克斯新片能否成为超级票房强档(megahit)的普遍疑虑(qualm),这个字在这里指的是对於所做的事是否正确的疑虑或忧虑,与misgiving 同义.

2. 疑虑 疑虑:qualification 资格 资格 | qualm 疑虑 疑虑 | quarantine 检疫隔离 检疫隔离

3. 疑惧,紧张不安:依偎:Snuggle;Nestle | 疑惧,紧张不安:Qualm | 犹豫不决:Shilly-shally

4. qualm的近义词

4. 一阵恶心;一阵眩晕:psalm 赞美诗,圣诗 | qualm 一阵恶心;一阵眩晕 | elm 榆

qualm 双语例句

1. qualm的反义词

1. Mrs. Liu also approved of her husband's keen reasoning, her only qualm being that Fang was so inept and would need her husband to keep his job for him

2. Mrs. Liu also approved of her husband's keen reasoning, her only qualm being that Fang was so inept and would need her husband to keep his job FOR him

3. qualm在线翻译

3. Lastly she arrived at the tresses and felt a qualm of disgust.

4. I had to cling tight to the backstay, and the world turned giddily before my eyes; for though I was a good enough sailor when there was way or this standing still and being rolled about like a bottle was thing I never learned to stand without a qualm or so, above all in the morning, on an empty stomach.

5. An ignorant ruffianly gaucho, who. would. fight, steal, and do other naughty things without a qualm W. H. Hudson.

6. Kruger was one of those saints who have gone wrong, a masochist, an anal type whose law is scrupulousness, rectitude and conscientiousness, who on an off day would knock a man's teeth down his throat without a qualm.

7. The only qualm I have is that almost everything is only in one colour which is called the China Red and a weird-looking leather?

8. After I was weaken up, I found qualm in a lot of novels was false; felling down on floors quickly, or felling down on sofas slowly, I thought dramatis personae acted a part.

9. Did she see her husband as capable of murder? She had used the word without a qualm.

10. Their lives ended without compunction or qualm.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. With the development of he Taiping revolution, the American missionaries and the media calmed down from initial stirringness and religious zealousness, their attitude to he Taiping Revolution changed from jubilancy to qualm to hostileness.

12. qualm的意思

12. Currency markets are famous for going to extremes, distorting economies and people's lives without any qualm of conscience or reference to value.

13. qualm的反义词

13. All these suppositions contradicted with the Newton's law of gravitational pull and it still remains under qualm as what lies deep inside the planet earth.

14. Fans believe that Global Live Events, in an attempt to qualm the media and the Estate, rescinded their offer to Simmons.

15. He felt a qualm in his stomach, and it was more in memory of his own loneliness than anticipation of hers.

16. The doctor seemed seized with a qualm of faintness.

17. qualm什么意思

17. It brings difficulty of selection and integration for human value comparison and puzzle, qualm and confuse of value pursuing, it also inspires human passion of hunting new value system and society dominant values.

18. I was leaving without a qualm, without a single backwood glance.

19. qualm的意思

19. I have qualm s about her illness.

20. qualm

20. I sometimes have qualm s about our teaching.

qualm 词典解释

1. 忧虑;不安;担忧
    If you have no qualms about doing something, you are not worried that it may be wrong in some way.

    e.g. I have no qualms about recommending this approach...
    e.g. Did she see her husband as capable of murder? She had used the word without a qualm.

qualm 英英释义



1. uneasiness about the fitness of an action

    Synonym: scruple misgiving

2. a mild state of nausea

    Synonym: queasiness squeamishness


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