rapport [ræˈpɔ:(r)]  [ræˈpɔr, -ˈpor, rə-] 


rapport 基本解释

名词 友好关系; 融洽,和谐

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rapport 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 协调关系:协调关系(rapport)是一个专业术语,在临床心理咨询、心理治疗中经常用到. 在心理测验实施中,这种关系指的是主试和被试之间一种友好的、合作的、能促使被试最大限度地做好测验的一种关系.

2. 治疗关系:非指导式疗法主要依据罗吉斯(Rogers)的自我实现理论,让儿童藉由治疗关系(rapport)的建立,重新体验人际关系和解决内在与外在的冲突. 若以参加的儿童人数来区分则有一对一游戏疗法,二、三人~四、五人的团体疗法,

rapport 双语例句

1. rapport的反义词

1. Capble of getting along well with colleagues, have some certain communication skills and be able to establish rapport with others.

2. rapport是什么意思

2. We already had good rapport with each other earlier at Darling, more relax this time, endless topics floated, she was so beautiful with a figure so hot, and I had some alcohol- I can`t help but touched her, in the meanwhile a Portugal man next to us actually came over and got his hand under Meow`s dress, this happened often in those days` bar I doubt that guy was an off duty police, making use of opportunity to harass working girls

3. rapport的翻译

3. We usually develop rapport easily with people who are like us.

4. I am a very friendly person who can quickly estabilsh rapport with people with people of all ages

5. rapport在线翻译

5. When people share rapport, they speak the same language.

6. As a teacher by profession, I was able to establish a good rapport between the people towards my work.

7. Listening is where people develop rapport and trust.

8. Closer rapport between the people of Singapore and China is one step towards the East Asian community.

9. What matters is the good rapport he has established with Singaporeans of all races and all social backgrounds.

10. rapport是什么意思

10. In Champ cars you can be with a team 10 years and build a better rapport with your engineers and that helps you win, he says.

11. 好好学单词·英语单词

11. This will enable you to easily connect to and build a better rapport with your audience.

12. Through the right words you can build rapport with them.

13. It will be a great chance to build rapport with the investor.

14. rapport什么意思

14. He always found he could build up a good rapport with children.

15. We are particularly interested in working with those who would like to build rapport with Kyoto citizens.

16. rapport的近义词

16. L'interprétation des évènements entre en action et nous donne une information: il précise le niveau d'attente que l'on a par rapport à soi.

17. If you assume anything at all- instead assume she loves to hear your rapport and get to know you.

18. rapport的近义词

18. Another great way to get rapport is to demonstrate that you know her better than she knows herself.

19. Let`s look at some examples of getting rapport or forcing them to get rapport with us.

20. The best salespeople go far beyond establishing rapport, they get to know prospects deeply.

rapport 词典解释

1. 和睦;友善;亲近
    If two people or groups have a rapport, they have a good relationship in which they are able to understand each other's ideas or feelings very well.

    e.g. He said he wanted 'to establish a rapport with the Indian people'...
    e.g. The success depends on good rapport between interviewer and interviewee...

rapport 单语例句

1. But American Aaron Jacobson says he doesn't care if he develops a rapport with any of his Internet dates.

2. The fight against terrorism reflects that a convergence of interests between two nations can serve as a catalyst for a strong rapport.

3. The fight against terrorism mirrors that convergence of interests between China and the United States and can serve as a catalyst for a strengthened rapport.

4. Good timing and his rapport with musicians also helped him catch Johnny Cash memorably " flipping the bird " at a 1969 performance at San Quentin Prison.

5. The thickness of the curry is ideal for the bread and also shares a good rapport with the simplest of rice.

6. The process of regional integration and globalization has also added multilateral dimensions to this rapport.

7. In addition to a rapport with dogs, a good trainer requires endless patience and endurance.

8. Hu said China and the region have kept attracting each other's enterprises, enlarging investment and rapport in the areas of energy resources and transportation.

9. The aim of the exercise is to practice counter terrorism mechanisms along with drills in mountains and developing interpersonal rapport between participants of both sides.

10. Fifth, there is great potential for rapport in the field of gas and nuclear energy.

rapport 英英释义


1. a relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between people

    Synonym: resonance


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