recline [rɪˈklaɪn]  [rɪˈklaɪn] 


recline 基本解释

不及物动词 斜倚,倚靠,躺卧; 依赖

及物动词 靠; 使躺下; 使斜倚; 依靠,信赖

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recline 相关例句


1. She reclined her head on my shoulder.


1. The tired girl reclined on the couch.

recline 网络解释

1. 斜倚,横卧,依赖:reclaim 纠正改正拯救 | recline 斜倚,横卧,依赖 | recluse 隐士,遁士者

2. 斜躺(安娜卡列尼娜卧轨自杀) ple 满,完成:decline 下降 | recline 斜躺(安娜卡列尼娜卧轨自杀) ple 满,完成 | implement 实施,执行

3. recline的反义词

3. 斜躺(安娜卡列尼娜卧轨自杀):decline 下降 | recline 斜躺(安娜卡列尼娜卧轨自杀) | ple 满,完成

4. 卧:receive full ordination 受具足戒 * | recline 卧 * | rejoice exceedingly 大欢喜 (profuse joy) *

recline 双语例句


1. When working at the computer you can recline as it is ergonomically designed.

2. The slight curve also means a bit more recline--the effect of which isenhanced by a higher pivot joint that lets the seat dropback an extra inch without bruising the knees of theguy in back of you.

3. The link is rigid and pivoted to the base for movement about a horizontal axis and also pivoted to the one component. By this arrangement, the flexible member and the link move the one component along a defined path during recline of the back.

4. With the transfer of vision, a slender build, Linglong Small girls drink a beer approaching. The girls appeared lattice Department to make people feel different, soup to-face, a pair of beautiful big eyes seemed to bring a touch of melancholy. demonstrates a distinct temperament, the girls of this place does not work days and who has become the sirens ah, is forever girls advance to a table we stumble recline, a cup of beer dumping out onto my colleagues clothes, instant she kissed Blush, standing there speechless.

5. Laojunshan raining through the hundreds of sites, recline in the Lancang River and Jinsha River between the peak elevation of 4, 240 meters.

6. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

6. And people will come from the east and the west and from the north and the south and will recline at table in the kingdom of God.

7. And they did so and made them all recline.
    9:15 门徒就如此行,叫众人都坐下。

8. 好好学单词·英语单词

8. And they will come from the east and the west, and from the north and the south, and will recline at table in the kingdom of God.
    13:29 从东、从西、从北、从南,将有人来,在神的国里坐席。

9. recline的意思

9. The seats can face each other and they both recline.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. In many of the pictographs, the Misses Nurturer Gatherer recline demurely among the furs of animals as firelight flickers on one bared shoulder, a bended knee, a sensuously arched foot.

11. To be or place oneself at rest in a flat, horizontal, or recumbent position; recline

12. When you then recline, this void will be even greater, especially if it does not follow the hip pivot point.

13. May I recline my seat? .

14. May I recline my seat?

15. Most of the time I fly commercial and sit in coach, hoping for an aisle or window seat and crossing my fingers that the guy in front of me doesn`t want to recline.

16. And He ordered them to have all recline by companies on the green grass.
      6:39 耶稣吩咐他们叫众人一组一组的,坐在青草地上。

17. I recline my head on my soft pillow.

18. Recline one's head on......

19. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

19. Recline one's head on...

20. Air France first-class seats recline almost like beds

recline 词典解释

1. 靠;躺;斜倚
    If you recline on something, you sit or lie on it with the upper part of your body supported at an angle.


    e.g. She proceeded to recline on a chaise longue...
    e.g. Move to a reclining position on the mattress and rest for 15 minutes.

2. 向后倾斜(坐椅);(使)(坐椅)椅背后仰
    When a seat reclines or when you recline it, you lower the back so that it is more comfortable to sit in.

    e.g. Air France first-class seats recline almost like beds...
    e.g. Ramesh had reclined his seat and was lying back smoking...

recline 单语例句


1. The seats recline, and can be turned around when families or friends want to sit facing each other.

recline 英英释义


1. lean in a comfortable resting position

    e.g. He was reposing on the couch

    Synonym: recumb repose

2. cause to recline

    e.g. She reclined her head on the pillow

3. move the upper body backwards and down

    Synonym: lean back


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