recur [rɪˈkɜ:(r)]  [rɪˈkɚ] 


recur 基本解释

不及物动词 复发; 重现; 再发生; 回想

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recur 相关例句


1. Old memories constantly recurred to him.

2. recur在线翻译

2. Old memories often recurred to him.

3. Leap year recurs every four years.

4. The builder recurred to the matter of the cost of remodeling our house.

recur 网络解释

1. 再发生,重现:recuperate 恢复(健康) | recur 再发生,重现 | redeem 偿还,救赎,补偿

2. 重现,再回到:recourse 求助 | recur 重现,再回到 | recurrent 频频发生,重现,周期性的

3. 复发:recur to 重新提起 | recur 复发 | recurrence 复发

4. 再发生:editor 编辑 | recur 再发生 | scour 搜索

recur 双语例句

1. After 12 months, boths of the types recur rate were declined and had evident different.

2. All patients have received bone healing. 12 cases showed bone healing 18-month later after X-ray inspection, the nail has been taken out and no fracture recur. the hip, knee extension and ankle brace, plantar flexion functions are good and normal walking is possible.

3. One of his leg is lame, and walk recur to crutch.

4. recur的反义词

4. Thus, it is a key point for shaking table experiment that whether the wave of shaking table can recur requested seismic wave or not.

5. The bleeding is more severe than usual and the attacks of pain recur every 7 to 10 minutes.

6. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

6. overpass hsp childrens reasonable bite and sup dominate, tend and protect skin. arthrosis gall cold sprend and psychology therapy, nursing and hspn, effective tend, all the methods can promote morbid healing, decrease recur ratio.

7. recur

7. Studies by B. F. Skinner indicate that reward positively reinforces behavior and makes that behavior likely more to recur.答案:D

8. recur的近义词

8. Precisely the same phenomena recur during that more recent transmutation of European society which entirely substituted the feudal form of property for the domainial and the allodial.

9. Small part of LSCs have the similarity with the normal haemopoietic stem cells in boundless proliferation and self-renewing. What is more, the LSCs can lie in resting stage and can get rid of the effect of drugs, then, the leukemia will recur.

10. recur

10. The first one produces recursive programs that generate new instances of problems as they recur; accumulator-style. programs collect data as they process inputs; and history-sensitive programs remember information between successive applications.

11. recur

11. It is clear that the same difficulties will recur in all the towns of the favoured state.

12. There are three phrases that continually recur in this new legislation, tamquam delegatus, deinceps, and ipso iure, a phrase of the same force as our own common expression, English now as well as Latin, ipso facto--the fact here, being the law in which the phrase appears.
      有三句话,不断出现在这一新的立法,tamquam delegatus ,deinceps ,并依iure ,一个短语同一武力作为我们自己的共同表达,英语现在以及拉丁美洲,事实上-的其实在这里,是法律在该词组。

13. The main advantage of CBT over medication is that the symptoms are less likely to recur if you have learnt to understand your condition and you have learnt techniques to help you cope.

14. The crises and conflicts of the past recur, recognisably similar even when altered by new conditions.

15. Aricoceles sometimes recur due to the growth of new collateral eins surrounding the treated essel, or due to incomplete treatment for technical reasons.

16. 5 To prevent the formation of urinary calculi, especially in cases where they tend to recur.

17. The reason for the battery removal is to reset the camera so old error codes are wiped and to get them again the problem must recur.

18. Counterirritant products carry a FDA-mandated warning against use for more than seven days, or in conditions that clear up but recur again within a few days.
      美国食品和药品管理局发出明确指导方针,在某些情况下,引起疼痛的条件下,非处方产品和设备的使用需通过 FDA OTC 审查程序。

19. The analysis results indicate that with thermo-mechanical coupling method, the simulation calculation results for the key braking parameters, such as the braking distance, braking time, and the change trajectory of wheel tread temperature etc. can be achieved, which can more fully reflect the actual braking condition. Further, the calculation results obtained by thermo-mechanical coupling method are relatively close to the results of the braking tests. However, the thermo-stress field of the wheel can`t be calculated by this method. With non-thermo-mechanical coupling method, only the wheel tread temperature field and the thermo-stress field can be simulated, which can not completely recur the whole braking process.

20. Sept 6 Ventricular tachycardia recur red, it was controlled by bolus and continuous intravenous infusion of Lidocaine, but the BP and PaO2 could not be maintained

recur 词典解释

1. 复发;重现;再次发生
    If something recurs, it happens more than once.

    e.g. ...a theme that was to recur frequently in his work.
    e.g. ...a recurring nightmare she has had since childhood.

recur 单语例句

1. But they note that an excessive and sharp rise in the price of agricultural produce is unlikely to recur in the near future.

2. We should leave the past to the museums and rebuild the imperial gardens in an effort to recur the profound culture of Chinese nation.

3. If society doesn't learn the proper lesson, such tragedies may recur.

4. The central bank also emphasized that the inflation risks remain high and inflation could quickly recur as a result of both supply and demand forces.

5. The traditional Chinese way of counting time uses 12 animals that recur in cycles of 12 years.

6. And if measures are not taken to ensure migrant workers are paid properly and timely more such incidents will recur.

7. It is surely very heartening news, but the thing now is to ensure that such an accident does not recur.

8. However, some economists think the stellar performance of the export sector is unlikely to recur.

9. Much needs to be done and should be done to ensure that such an accident does not recur.

10. " We will take all necessary steps to ensure this does not recur, " the notice stated.

recur 英英释义



1. happen or occur again

    e.g. This is a recurring story

    Synonym: repeat

2. return in thought or speech to something

    Synonym: go back

3. have recourse to

    e.g. The government resorted to rationing meat

    Synonym: fall back resort


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