rein [reɪn]  [ren] 


rein 基本解释

名词 缰绳; 驾驭(法); 统治手段; 控制(权)

及物动词 驾驭; 勒缰绳使(马)停步; 严格控制

不及物动词 勒住马

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rein 相关例句


1. The officer reined in his horse at a crossroads.

2. You must learn to rein in your temper.


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. He reined in as he approached the busy road.


1. The rider pulled on the reins, and the horse stopped.

2. Few kings now hold the reins of government.

3. Pull on the right rein and the horse will turn to the right.

rein 网络解释

1. 重新初始化:重新初始化(REIN) 此命令终止USER,将所有I/O和帐户信息写入,但不许进行中的数据传输完成. 重置所有参数,控制连接打开,可以再次开始USER命令. 退出登录(QUIT) 此命令终止USER,如果没有数据传输,服务器关闭控制连接;

2. rein什么意思

2. 缰绳:257. 马肚带:girth; cinch; surcingle | 258. 缰绳:rein | 259. 控制缰:checkrein

3. 控制;统治:Biofuel: 生物燃料 | Rein: 控制;统治 | Shrub:灌木丛


4. 手柄:reimport 再进口 | rein 手柄 | reindexing 变换符号;重新分度

5. rein的解释

5. rein:reinitialize; 更换登录帐号

rein 双语例句

1. Donald Hambrick, of Pennsylvania State University, asks: Isn't there some element of shame or social sanction that should persuade them to rein themselves in?

2. Donald Hambrick, of Pennsylvania State University, asks: Isn`t there some element of shame or social sanction that should persuade them to rein themselves in?

3. Human-rights campaigners think the limpness of America and European Union countries, especially Britain, in the face of Mr Zenawi gives him a free rein to abuse his own people.

4. METHOD Myeloid hematopoietic function was damaged by 6.0 Gy60 Co radiation, the peripheral leukocyte count and classification were carried out in the blood from the rein of mouse tail. One side myeloid nucleus cells were collected for counting, the other one was for observing the change modile of bone marrow cells in the fission cistern. MATURITY cistern and storage cistern of granulocyte cistrn.
    采用6.0Gy 60 Co辐射小鼠造成严重造血功能损伤,尾静脉采血计数外周血细胞及其分类,取一侧股骨骨髓计数骨髓有核细胞,取另侧骨髓制片,观察计数骨髓粒系分裂池,成熟池,贮存池骨髓细胞绝对值的动态变化。

5. But international law is of little help, complains Rein Lang, Estonia's justice minister.

6. Regulators who sat on the sidelines for too long are now eager to rein in Wall Street`s bad boys and the practices that proliferated in recent years.

7. His jerkin on the rein s only add to the horse's wildness.

8. rein是什么意思

8. And it is not clear that China can rein in its own economic juggernaut.

9. It`s time to hold one`s rein on the brink of precipice.

10. In the light of the phenomenon such as flowing sand, and sand boil subjected from the flowing sand stratum, in the construction of artificial digging piles, the advanced support with rein- foreement and the chemical churning pile technology can be used to form the watertight curtain, thereby preventing successfully the loss of san.

11. rein的反义词

11. He found that the rein was not in his hand and that the horse was gone.

12. One school argues that the Chinese government `s recent efforts to rein in overly rapid growth are working and that the economy is now on a glide path to what is referred to as a soft landing.

13. He outlined plans for a Europewide code of conduct to rein in the marketing of unhealthy food to children and broader policy initiatives across agriculture, education and transport that address the obesity problem.

14. rein的近义词

14. As the estimates were unveiled, a statement was delivered to the conference on behalf of EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection Markos Kyprianou. He outlined plans for a Europewide code of conduct to rein in the marketing of unhealthy food to children and broader policy initiatives across agriculture, education and transport that address the obesity problem.

15. As the estimates were unveiled, a statement was delivered to the conference on behalf of EU Commissioner for health and Consumer Protection Markos Kyprianou. He outlined plans for a Europewide code of conduct to rein in the marketing of un health y food to children and broader policy initiatives across agriculture, education and transport that address the obesity problem.

16. I mention the private companies to rein in, although not affect anything, After all, or should be shouldered by the Department of stem.

17. rein

17. Keep a tight rein on desire, and concentrate more on getting to know the person that you are attracted to.

18. rein

18. My mother always kept a tight rein on us.

19. The teacher kept a tight rein on his students.

20. As for JPMorgan Chase, it has kept a tight rein on risk, managed capital well and acquired sensibly.

rein 词典解释

1. (马的)缰绳
    Reins are the thin leather straps attached round a horse's neck which are used to control the horse.


2. (新闻用语)支配权,控制权
    Journalists sometimes use the expression the reins or the reins of power to refer to the control of a country or organization.

    e.g. He was determined to see the party keep a hold on the reins of power...

3. 放任;不管;纵容
    If you give free rein to someone, you give them a lot of freedom to do what they want.

    e.g. The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transport.

4. 严加控制;严格管束
    If you keep a tight rein on someone, you control them firmly.

    e.g. Her parents had kept her on a tight rein with their narrow and inflexible views.

相关词组:rein back rein in

rein 单语例句

1. By defining the space requirement for small houses in a stricter way, the government has demonstrated its resolution to rein in excessive hikes of house prices.

2. Acting students who don't face commercial pressures also have freer rein.

3. China's cabinet said last week it will expand measures to rein in residential prices in smaller cities after limiting home purchases in metropolitan areas.

4. A 2003 peace " road map " calls on Israel to freeze all settlement activity and for the Palestinians to rein in militants.

5. Zhou did not name the specific measure to rein the inflation, but sources say the commission uses administrative policies more and more cautiously.

6. The central bank can certainly further hike the reserve requirement ratio to rein in the growth of liquidity.

7. Li said that the central government took the step after previous financial measures to rein in soaring housing prices had little impact.

8. Some supermarkets and suppliers in Beijing are ignoring a new national standard that aims to rein in the chaotic organic food industry.

9. It seems to them that by opposing schools charging at the market level they can effectively rein in growth of education expenses.

10. The chief judge resigned, complaining about criticism by politicians that he was not doing enough to rein in Saddam.

rein 英英释义


1. one of a pair of long straps (usually connected to the bit or the headpiece) used to control a horse

2. any means of control

    e.g. he took up the reins of government


1. keep in check

    e.g. rule one's temper

    Synonym: rule harness

2. stop or check by or as if by a pull at the reins

    e.g. He reined in his horses in front of the post office

    Synonym: rein in

3. stop or slow up one's horse or oneself by or as if by pulling the reins

    e.g. They reined in in front of the post office

    Synonym: rein in

4. control and direct with or as if by reins

    e.g. rein a horse

    Synonym: harness rein in draw rein


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