relay race[ˈri:lei reis] 

relay race 基本解释


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relay race 网络解释

1. relay race的近义词

1. 接力赛跑:I regret saying that. 我对说过的话感到的遗憾. | relay race 接力赛跑 | Who will be in a relay race? 谁参加接力赛?

2. 接力:障碍跑Steeplechase | 接力Relay race | 竞走Race walking

3. 接力跑:run长跑 | relay race接力跑 | blood shot eyes眼睛红红的

relay race 双语例句

1. In 400 girls'relay race Wu Yan ran at the head of the team.

2. How fast he runs in the relay race!

3. Sports One stretch of a relay race.

4. Ancient Greek had never organized the torch relay or torchbearer race.

5. Soon after that I ran a relay race during an important high school track and field meet.

6. Nbsp; after that I ran a relay race during an important high school track and field meet.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. I pray that our team won the relay race.


8. We also played a toy relay race that everyone seemed to really enjoy!

9. N after that I ran a relay race during an important high school track and field meet.

10. The final event is Baby Buggy Race, a relay based on the shopping frenzy.

11. At last he caught him. and preponderated over him. They made a corporate effort to win the relay race.

12. In the relay race, the first athlete is almost the last one. But the scond athlete preponderated over several athletes that in the front. It`s the last athlete`s turn to run. At the time our class was the scond.

13. relay race

13. What I want to tell you is this:you have won the relay race.

14. What I want to tell you is this:You have won the relay race.

15. relay race是什么意思

15. You have no idea how she finished the relay race.

16. 好好学单词·英语单词

16. They say I am the black sheep of the relay race.

17. They have just won a relay race.

18. He passed on the last stick to me in the relay race.

19. relay race的翻译

19. Play an important role play the role of make room for be rude to sb.
      take possession of public affairs public opinion in public publishing house on purpose push aside push over 拖延,推迟不可能接力赛通过无线电广播衣衫褴褛,穿破衣服在火车站小雨一线希望伸手去拿够不着乐意干某事事实上实现希望为此,为此理由接待处参考;谈到留在某人的记忆中提醒某人做某事使某人想起应…请求因此,结果盛产;有大量的…除掉抢走某人某物起重要作用扮演…的角色给…腾出地方对某人无礼用完高峰时间,拥挤时间满足某人的需要 put off out of the question a relay race on the radio in rags 节省体力也就是说为某事责备某人就座,坐下不让人知道某事,保密抓住小偷的衣领与某人握手店员;营业员领某人出去/进来炫耀对岸;在…另一面支持某人站在…一边看不见看到,发现看不见静静地和…类似的单程票量…的大小偷偷塞给某人一张纸条在雪地上滑倒克服困难大约与…有关系国歌

20. The players in a relay race team must align themselves with each other.

relay race 单语例句

1. Water wave race includes circling race and obstacle race, and the water wave group relay race is competing by groups.

2. Gatlin announced on July 29 he had tested positive for testosterone or its precursors following a relay race in Kansas in April.

3. The winning swimmers should have all parts of their race technique honed to perfection, including the changeovers in the Relay events.

4. She also helped the team to win the relay race for the first time at the Olympics.

5. There was a relay race with 30 students from each of the four classes participating.

relay race 英英释义



1. a race between teams
    each member runs or swims part of the distance

    Synonym: relay

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