reliability [rɪˌlaɪə'bɪlətɪ]  [rɪˌlaɪəˈbɪlətɪ] 


reliability 基本解释

名词 可靠,可信赖

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reliability 网络解释

1. 信度:朗阁海外考试研究中心(RAFLE)评论:  信度(Reliability)一直是一种考试最重要的评估特征之一,它指的是考试的客观性,是一个考试反映考生真实水平的程度.

2. reliability的翻译

2. 可*性:但是,RIP是以跳数为度量单位;IGRP以多种因素来建立路由最佳路径;带宽(Bandwidth),延迟(Delay),可*性(Reliability),负载(LOAD)等因素 但是它的缺点就是不支持VLSM和不连续的子网.

reliability 双语例句

1. Drive circuit with over-temperature protection, short circuit protection, long life design and high reliability.

2. And then a ship generator excitation compound control method with rough neural network inverse system feed forward compensation was presented, and the stability and reliability of compound system was analyzed.

3. With the Master/Slave framework constructed by the advanced embedded operating system, embedded industrial computer and digital signal processor technology, concurrent execution among data acquisition, data processing communication and graphical monitoring is realized easily, and the real-time ability and reliability are improved also.

4. What is called into question is the reliability of the test.

5. Software reliability testing is one of the important tasks in software reliability engineering.

6. Because this system has many problems in use and low testing reliability, it must be reconstructed.

7. Is there a monitoring and measurement system for equipment reliability?

8. reliability的解释

8. New method and analysis are explored and investigated for software testing and software reliability models.

9. In view of the existing situation, in association with the scientific research projection of the evaluation and reinforcement of Wubu Yellow River Steel Highway Bridge of Shaanxi province, the paper inquires into the method of how to evaluate the residue fatigue life of the existing steel highway bridges and how to analyze their fatigue damage according to the structural reliability theory.

10. Results show that the performance and reliability of the earth cooling combined system with ad-sorption dehumidifier are greatly improved as compared with the independent earth cooling system.

11. This paper presents a track handling method based on reliability.

12. You said that if we are not consistent, our allies and other nations will question our reliability.

13. Regular inspection of all the safety and reliability of the safety valve.

14. The reliability of the parallel redundant system is lower than the result of theory analysis in fact.

15. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.

16. For performance and reliability reasons, you decide to take the RCS offline until the primary fault can be determined.

17. Stable performance, reliability, security, and whether the use of bicycle safety or comfort, are similar with other products which could not be compared.

18. The results provide a basis for reliability design of eccentric and squirmy rotor pump.

19. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

19. The core function of transport protocol is to provide end-to-end reliability and flow control.


20. Then a series of competing models was established and evaluated by the second sample set using confirmatory factor analysis procedure. The five-factor oblique model was found to be the most efficient one. The internal-component evaluation found that latent variables have good reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity.

reliability 单语例句

1. Reliability is the dominating issue in all buying decisions as it has a high impact on life cycle costs and revenues.

2. The key advantages of automated systems include reliability and flexibility, or the adaptability of such systems to varying and sometimes difficult conditions.

3. The company says safety, reliability and low life cycle cost characterize its product line.

4. But Ran stressed that Beidou is " built for the world ", as the compatibility of various systems enhances reliability for users.

5. Complete internal management systems and emergency mechanisms also ensure security and reliability of payment systems.

6. The goal is to create process designs that contribute to substantially higher sustainability standards while achieving improved reliability at competitive costs.

7. Doctors say more data should be available about the test's reliability in about five to six years.

8. To ensure the reliability of data, it had been submitted at fixed sites by designated people at fixed time.

9. Social scientists rarely cite figures from China because they are unsure about the reliability of police data.

10. The design also provides more interior room by eliminating the need for a gearbox, which also improves the locomotive's reliability.

reliability 英英释义



1. the quality of being dependable or reliable

    Synonym: dependability dependableness reliableness


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