repeal [rɪˈpi:l]  [rɪˈpil] 


repeal 基本解释

及物动词 撤销,废除; 否定,放弃

名词 撤销; 废除,作废


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repeal 相关例句


1. repeal的近义词

1. The grant has been repealed.


1. Many voted for the repeal of that property law.

repeal 网络解释

1. 撤消:他又命岳飞班师回朝. 岳飞怕错失良机,继续进军中原,收复了许多失地,还把金兀术的精锐骑兵拐子马一举歼灭. 抗金的形势蓬勃发展起来. 可为了同金人议和,宋高宗竟然把岳飞、韩世忠等大将的兵权给撤消(repeal)了.

2. 撤消,废止:repatriate 遣返,归国 | repeal 撤消,废止 | repeat 重说,再述

repeal 双语例句

1. Repeal and cessation of conflict with WTO rules to implement laws, rules and regulations.

2. The thesis makes demonstrative analysis on internal judicial practice and relative case integrating international arbitrative repeal rescission system, summarizes status quo of court`s arbitrative supervision and expects future development.

3. repeal是什么意思

3. Thirteen years repeal下诏Wen and statement: Baiguan errors and sins, to be responsible for the emperor.

4. repeal

4. And it's not subject to repeal.

5. You`ll repeal me, set dogs on me.

6. To repeal it. I just have to tell you how I feel about

7. During 2000 and 2001 six bills were proposed to amend or repeal the act.

8. Shouldn't we repeal the 1972 European Communities...

9. With the changing times, call for the repeal of the law more and more voices.

10. Turn over, tip over, tump over同义词:tip over, turn over, upset, knock over, bowl over, tump over同义词:overrule, override, overthrow, reverse4. cause the downfall of; of rulers同义词:overthrow, subvert, bring down同义词:revoke, annul, lift, countermand, reverse, repeal, rescind, vacate

11. Harry has made out a strong case for the repeal of the Corn Laws.

12. The repeal of the Corn Laws by Great Britain in 1846 ended Britain`s long - standing policy protectionism.

13. Please watch for, pay with the confirm of, can't repeal of, the demand letter of credit pay of.

14. While the policy has some emotional attractio ——it would protect the inheritors of some small busine es from having to sell the companies to pay taxes, and it is true that most people have been taxed on their savings once already——in practice the tax repeal would mainly be a windfall12 for a very small number of very, very rich people.

15. Although Yang was later Dismemberment died, but did not repeal the new law.

16. The money that a repeal saves could help pay for monitoring compulsive molesters more intrusively—through ankle bracelets and the like.

17. repeal的意思

17. Colonists objected that the Townshend Acts were a violation of the natural, charter, and constitutional rights of British subjects in the colonies. Boston was a center of the resistance. The Massachusetts House of Representatives began a campaign against the Townshend Acts by sending a petition to King George asking for the repeal of the Townshend Revenue Act. The House then sent what became known as the Massachusetts Circular Letter to the other colonial assemblies, asking them to join the resistance movement.
      这些殖民地居民反对汤森法案不尊重英国臣民在殖民地内本应有的自然、宪章(保障人们应有权利的声明),以及宪法权利,而波士顿正位於整个对此不满的中心点,於是马萨诸塞州众议院开始进行了抵制汤森法案的活动,他们向英王乔治上递请愿书,希望能够废止汤森法案,之后他们又寄给其他殖民地议会一封在后来以Massachusetts Circular Letter(Circular Letter为行政机关所公布的函令)闻名的信,旨为希望其他的殖民地能与他们一起加入抵制汤森法案的行列。

18. Years 1219, revocation of the first rural Shanxi Province, will be incorporated into its administrative region Zhen Alex; revoked after the Northern port Township, will be incorporated into the fat of their administrative region towns; revocation springs township head of its administrative region Ji into a small town; revocation Zhao Tuan township and its administrative region of villages and towns into line; repeal the symplectic home town, will stay in its administrative region into Georgia Town; revoke the mountains by township and its administrative districts into the town of Xin`an; withdrawal high hometown, Zhu Wu Township, home to the original high, Zhu Wu Township administrative regions Zhu Wu Zhen, the town People`s Government in the former People`s Government Zhu Wu Township resident.

19. Tokyo said yesterday it would impose retaliatory duties worth up to $52m on US steel and ball-bearing products in response to Washington's failure to repeal the Byrd Amendment.

20. Prior to this, farmers in the Municipal People`s Congress appointed 17 members to study the decision of the Third Plenary Session of the forum, Zhao Fengshan, deputy director of Municipal People`s Congress Standing Committee had pointed out that from the five-year legislative plan, the repeal or amendment of dual structure of the existing local laws and regulations.

repeal 词典解释

1. 废止;废除;撤销
    If the government repeals a law, it officially ends it, so that it is no longer valid.

    e.g. The government has just repealed the law segregating public facilities.

repeal 单语例句

1. Congress that it must repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

2. The president vowed during his 2008 campaign to repeal the law and faced pressure from liberals who complained he was not acting swiftly enough.

3. They have already sought to repeal and choke off funds for the law in Congress.

4. Clinton had wanted to repeal the ban entirely, but the military and many in Congress argued that doing so would dangerously disrupt order.

5. But Chinese leaders know they cannot repeal the economic laws of gravity.

6. Marcotte is looking into whether he can gather signatures online, as proponents are doing for another proposed 2010 initiative to repeal the gay marriage ban.

7. For weeks the military services have accepted applications from openly gay recruits, while waiting for repeal to take effect before processing the applications.

8. He advocates repeal of Obama's health care overhaul that became law last year.

9. Republicans in the House of Representatives have tried to repeal Obama's healthcare overhaul, but the president's fellow Democrats control the Senate and have stymied the effort.

10. They want the repeal of a 2003 law penalizing solicitation, which they say prevents them from working independently in the open.

repeal 英英释义


1. the act of abrogating
    an official or legal cancellation

    Synonym: abrogation annulment


1. cancel officially

    e.g. He revoked the ban on smoking
           lift an embargo
           vacate a death sentence

    Synonym: revoke annul lift countermand reverse overturn rescind vacate


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