salve [sælv]  [sæv, sɑv] 


salve 基本解释

名词 药膏,软膏,油膏

及物动词 <正>使良心得到宽慰,减轻内疚感


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salve 相关例句


1. It was a sort of salve to her conscience.

salve 网络解释

1. 药膏:去酒馆,把斗篷交给休,可进入工会内部,得到药膏(Salve). 进入工会后,先把桌子(Table)推至墙边,爬上去看了看窗外的浮岛,得知是亚斯塔攻(Aristagon). 察看解码纸,与其对应的字是死(Die),

2. 救助:Salvage agreement 救助协议 | Salve 救助 | Salvor 救助人

3. 软膏,油膏:salting out 盐析,加盐分离 | salve 软膏,油膏 | salve dressing 软膏敷裹

4. 打捞:salvaging 救助工作 | salve 打捞 | salve 救助

salve 双语例句

1. O that our night of woe might have remembered My deepest sense, how hard true sorrow hits, And soon to you, as you to me then tendered The humble salve, which wounded bosoms fits!

2. I'm talking about the fibs and feints and little white lies that serve as a social salve and help a relationship run smoothly.

3. But a lubber's salve-a pitchy salve that stung but didn't burn-wouldn't harm him if it didn't harm Eshono.

4. He tried to salve his conscience with excuses, but he knew he was doing wrong.

5. The Polis was the society including Salve and the Metics and foreigner as well as the community that orients in citizenship.

6. Our system provides all hotels, apartments, hostels and motels in Salve with hot deals and special offers.

7. salve在线翻译

7. And then you`re a salve to the factor!

8. It was a sort of salve to her conscience.

9. Keep your travel budget low - make your comfortable vacation or business stay in Salve cheap.

10. I just remembered that how to salve this problem.

11. salve的翻译

11. Not be a salve, so I would not be a master.

12. As for the fragrance, (i'm an intern at a perfumerie), this is a very light, non foody vanilla-a floral vanilla with a hint of rose and cocoa butter-I adore it, but I agree, if your not open minded to trying new things, and are used to run of the mill fruit or mint flavors only-this may not be for you-in which case you should also avoid Smith's Rosebud Salve!

13. Salve mister, tra i suoi giocatori a disposizione, chi secondo lei è più vicino come caratteristiche all'Ancelotti calciatore e in europa?

14. Set Includes Shampoo, Body Wash, Lip Balm, Bath Salts, Bath Soap, Body Lotion, Ointment, Hand Salve

15. Gilead is a land east of the Jordan traditionally viewed as the source of a healing salve: the balm of Gilead.
      评价○ 吉利厄德是约旦河东部的一个地方,传说是痊愈药膏—乳香—的源泉所在。

16. In India, it is even used as a salve to help heal wounds.

17. A salve containing a fatty substance obtained from the wool of sheep.

18. salve的解释

18. The changes are a temporary salve, at best.

19. ZOE:(Murmuring singsong with the music, her odalisk lips lusciously smeared with salve of swinefat and rosewater) Schorach ani wenowach, benoith Hierushaloim.

20. 好好学单词·英语单词

20. If a hateful email makes it through and gets to me, then I have an enormous collection of loving testimonials that I can read at any time as a healing salve.

salve 词典解释

1. 安慰(良心);减轻(内疚感)
    If you do something to salve your conscience, you do it in order to feel less guilty.


    e.g. I give myself treats and justify them to salve my conscience.

2. (治愈伤痛的)软膏,油膏,药膏
    Salve is an oily substance that is put on sore skin or a wound to help it heal.

    e.g. ...a soothing salve for sore, dry lips.

salve 单语例句

1. My wife insisted I wash my face and while I did so she found my lip salve and flung it out the window.

2. Today her success in Nigeria is just the tonic to salve the pain of a failed marriage.

3. He said the government moves were aimed at preventing the problems from growing worse, not as an immediate salve to the battered economy.

4. But while domestic consumption is a salve to ease the pain of decaying external demand, the fly in the ointment is the falling price of property.

salve 英英释义



1. anything that remedies or heals or soothes

    e.g. he needed a salve for his conscience

2. semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation

    Synonym: ointment unction unguent balm



1. apply a salve to, usually for the purpose of healing

2. save from ruin, destruction, or harm

    Synonym: salvage relieve save


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