sanguine [ˈsæŋgwɪn]  [ˈsæŋɡwɪn] 

sanguine 基本解释

形容词 乐观的,充满希望的; 面色红润的; 血红色的

名词 血红色; 自信,乐观

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sanguine 相关例句


1. sanguine的解释

1. His private expectations were not so sanguine.

sanguine 网络解释

1. 红铅笔画:wash 水墨画 | sanguine 红铅笔画 | miniature 细密画

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 陈圆圆看到三桂面色红润--充满希望的:1) Morose:没有玫瑰--阴郁的 | 3) Sanguine:陈圆圆看到三桂面色红润--充满希望的 | 4) Charisma:中国东方生起了毛主席--领袖魅力

3. 乐观的, 满怀希望的:Non-conformist 不遵奉习俗的, 我行我素的 | Sanguine 乐观的, 满怀希望的 | Optimistic 乐观的, 乐观主义的

sanguine 双语例句

1. I'm sanguine about my future because I am taking charge of it.

2. I am not very sanguine about our chances of success.

3. He has a sanguine attitude to life.

4. 好好学单词·英语单词

4. I am sanguine that we shall succeed....

5. I'm a sanguine person.


6. I am sanguine that we shall succeed.

7. 2The female: height: 1.69 meter; Katolay index: 371gram/cm, ;upper limbers anaerobic power: 130watt/kg; lower limbers 5 seconds peak power:7.78watt/kg; lower limbers 30 seconds average power:6.23watt/kg; standing long jump:2.21meters; specific movements time:15.68seconds; strikes/round:9 strikes; active errors/total strikes: 1.14%; switch reaction time: 580 mille-seconds; operating thoughts steps:65 steps; wills:189 points; and the type of temperament is sanguine.

8. sanguine什么意思

8. I have a sanguine outlook on everything.

9. On the other side of the Atlantic, hypertension experts were not so sanguine in their opinion of Law and Wald`s conclusions.
    在大西洋的彼岸,高血压病专家对Law and Wald的结论并不乐观。

10. sanguine

10. Some owners of small shops were sanguine about the proposed regulation.

11. The commander of the regiment was a sanguine-looking general past middle age, with grey whiskers and eyebrows, broad and thick-set, and thicker through from the chest to the back than across the shoulders.

12. sanguine的解释

12. Many, however, are less sanguine about the role of the ECAs.

13. I am a sanguine, cautious, enthusiastic, wise and knowledgable girl, she who treats people with hospitality and kindness, I am responsible, positive and would love to meet any challenges in any time!!!

14. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

14. We are more sanguine on inflation, particularly for developed economies.

15. It makes me feel much more sanguine about not meeting someone.

16. sanguine的近义词

16. I should be more sanguine.

17. The government itself is even more sanguine about the industry's potential.

18. To be sure, many central banks are more sanguine, noting that inflation expectations are, in the jargon, well-anchored.

19. He seemed quite sanguine about his chances of success.

20. I'm sanguine of success.

sanguine 词典解释

1. 乐天的;乐观的
    If you are sanguine about something, you are cheerful and confident that things will happen in the way you want them to.

    e.g. He's remarkably sanguine about the problems involved...
    e.g. They have begun to take a more sanguine view.

sanguine 单语例句

1. China COSCO's executives remain sanguine about business prospects for this year, although analysts said sinking freight rates and higher costs would squeeze the firm.

2. The shadow of disruptions to energy flows crept across an otherwise sanguine meeting in Davos.

3. Wahaha is not the only operator finding conditions tough in China's private sector, and other company bosses may not feel as sanguine as Zong.

4. Rust expects the city's economic outlook to remain sanguine for the rest of the year.

5. But the Conference Board's report revealed consumers are not as sanguine.

6. The investors in Shanghai we have talked to seem to be more sanguine than many professional operators in the face of the increased market volatility.

7. Many on Wall Street aren't as sanguine about either growth or inflation, and many would like to see at least several more rate cuts.

8. They also seemed remarkably sanguine about their situation, saying it was status quo for circus performers.

9. The gathering concluded that the sanguine mood should be converted into investment in people, particularly the region's youth.

10. This is probably a good thing as markets had likely become sanguine about risk.

sanguine 英英释义



1. a blood-red color


1. inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life

    e.g. a ruddy complexion
           Santa's rubicund cheeks
           a fresh and sanguine complexion

    Synonym: rubicund ruddy florid

2. confidently optimistic and cheerful


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