savant [ˈsævənt]  [sæˈvɑ:nt] 


savant 基本解释

名词 博学之士,学者,专家

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savant 网络解释

1. 学者:学者(Savant)一词源自法语,是学习(To Learn)或学者(Man of Learning),个人拥有丰富的学识,或在某个学术领域中有杰出成就之意. 白痴学者与自闭学者是智能障碍与自闭症儿童及青少年中特有的现象,至今尚未有精确的定义.

2. 专家:pilot edition 试行版, 暂定版本(指一般教科书) | savant 专家 | term appointment 定期任用

3. 莎凡湖:3 Blue Boy's New Toy(蓝孩子的新玩具) | 4 Savant(莎凡湖) | 5 Satin Blue(蓝色绸锻)

4. 博学的人:Saturn土星 | savant 博学的人 | savvy 老练,机智n

savant 双语例句

1. 好好学单词·英语单词

1. It is noteworthy that savant ability is much more frequently found in those who suffer from some kind of autism.

2. There is only one question that seems the wrong thing to ask Savant, and that is what else she is supposed to have done with her life, with her glimmering brain.

3. savant

3. Do you suppose that the real savant addresses himself stupidly to the mere individual?

4. savant的翻译

4. It was only after her second marriage ended, when she was 35, that Savant began to think about leaving St Louis.

5. Weiner says that he aims to redress errors in her column and ensure that Savant's daunting IQ does not mean that she goes unquestioned.

6. Modest and judicious savant that he was, Bolland at once admitted the superiority of the new method and desired Henschen, despite the reluctance occasioned by his humility and the profound respect in which he held his master, to review the copy already in press.

7. Dissolute Savant talks about a love story of a famous Chinese painter 500 years ago.

8. This, however, is when Marilyn vos Savant likes to show up.

9. EPC/RFID system is composed of EPC code standard, RFID tag, rag reader, Savant, Object Name Service and EPC information service.

10. Savant talents are usually evident in the domains of number or date calculation, the visual arts and music.

11. savant

11. In spite of his youth he already occupies a very honourable position among the foremost savant s of his time.

12. She's not a retard, she's an idiot savant.

13. savant是什么意思

13. Mr. Dalton says he's somewhat of an idiot savant, which mean he's a stupid genius!

14. Some Americans, and some in the region, may think it just as well that China remains a one-dimensional player on the world scene, a kind of gigantic idiot savant with a monster economy but no desire to engage in any foreign affairs issue that won`t be a direct benefit to it.

15. savant

15. My sweet, dear husband, who has such patience with me, the idiot savant, is inherently brilliant with homes, structure.

16. Savant describes her childhood, the first half of her life in fact, at a kind of ironic distance.

17. The condition of suddenly developing a talent - musical, artistic or mathematical - is called acquired savant syndrome and is believed to occur when the right brain compensates for an injury on the left brain.

18. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

18. He's a savant at playing.

19. By the age of 16, however, Savant's precocious schoolgirl was no more.

20. No, we're looking for a medical savant.

savant 词典解释

1. 博学之士;学者;专家;天才
    A savant is a person of great learning or natural ability.


    e.g. ... the opinion of savants on the composition of the lunar surface.

2. 独通一行的人;独开一窍的人;天才型弱智者
    You can refer to someone as an idiot savant if they seem to be less intelligent than normal people but are unusually good at doing one particular thing.


    e.g. idiot savant, an autistic with a gift for numbers.

savant 单语例句

1. It's the number of yuan you'll need to shell out to get married, according to some savant in that eerie dimension we call the online world.

2. There can be comfort in believing an autistic child might grow up to be a savant.

savant 英英释义



1. someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field

    Synonym: initiate learned person pundit


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