schistosomiasis [ˌʃɪstəsəʊ'maɪəsɪs]  [ˌʃɪstəsoʊ'maɪəsɪs] 

schistosomiasis 基本解释

名词 <医>血吸虫病

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schistosomiasis 网络解释

1. schistosomiasis是什么意思

1. 血吸虫病:血吸虫病(Schistosomiasis)是一种人兽共患病,它仍然是发展中国家亟待解决的主要的公共卫生问题之一;对疫区社会和经济的进步发展是一个威胁. 化疗仍然是控制干预该病的重要措施,但它无法解决重复感染的难题,并可能引起药物抗性的产生. 因此,

2. 血吸虫:(4)感染:包括结核菌或巨细胞病毒(CMV)旳感染,有报告指出血吸虫(schistosomiasis)感染或是Hydatid疾病亦会造成精血症. 精液检查可以确定血液在精液中,精液培养旳角色尚不清楚,并未能提供临床太大旳帮助. 经直肠超因波可以提供有用旳信息,

3. [医]血吸虫病,裂体吸虫病:sampling error 抽样误差 | schistosomiasis [医]血吸虫病,裂体吸虫病 | serotonin 血清素

4. schistosomiasis什么意思

4. 血吸虫病的:urinary 尿的,泌尿的 | schistosomiasis 血吸虫病的 | proxemics 人际距离学

schistosomiasis 双语例句

1. In this study, the author try use the WHOQOL- BREF to measure the QOL of the survival patients, who were once diagnosed as advanced schistosomiasis, and analysis the influencing factors on these patients.

2. Methods Four villages, with different epidemicity of schistosomiasis, were selected as fields, of which every subject was examined with kato-katz, ELISA and IHA techniques simultaneously.

3. First, the prevention and treatment of acute schistosomiasis have excessive behavior.

4. In this paper, the asymptotic stability of the Barbour dual-host model for transmission of schistosomiasis japonicum is studied.

5. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of pulmonary hypertension in schistosomiasis patients with the hepatosplenic form of the disease.

6. We conclude that hepatosplenic schistosomiasis may account for one of the most prevalent forms of pulmonary hypertension worldwide, justifying the development of further studies to evaluate the effect of specific pulmonary hypertension treatment in this particular form of the disease.

7. Objective To explore possible associations between host polymorphism of HLA classⅡgenotypes and advanced hepatosplenic schistosomiasis japonica.

8. Methods and Results - All patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis followed up at the gastroenterology department of our university hospital underwent echocardiographic evaluation to search for pulmonary hypertension.

9. schistosomiasis的翻译

9. This part focus on morbid population of Lin Xiang Kingdom where is characterized by waterways net, high temperature and aquosity in Sun-Wu period. The research based on the latest excavated Changsha Zou Ma Lou Wu Jian(the Bambooslips Digging from Zoumalou, Zou Ma Lou Wood/Bamboo Scripts of Wu Kingdom at Changsha City today). The maladies appeared under such condition had a close connection with lepra, schistosomiasis which were also produced under such peculiar geographical environment. At the same time, the short of iodine element was part of the cause of some maladies, such as deafness, blindness and so on.

10. To take different schemes of artesunate according to the characteristics of contacting with infested water could not only achieve good effect for prevention of schistosomiasis but reduce the cost.

11. schistosomiasis

11. The serum IGF-l level increases in patients with schistosomiasis, and this level increases with hypohepatia and the progression of liver fibrosis. The IGF-l might be involved in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis.

12. schistosomiasis的翻译

12. Part I: General information of the schistosomiasis in Qingpu From 1950 to 1983, many methods had been applied to the schistosomiasis field examination, such as proctoscopy, microscopy examination of stool sedimentation, hatching examination of stool sedimentation, hatching examination of stool floatation, and comprehensive diagnosis, etc.
      第一部分:青浦区血吸虫病的查治概况 1950-1983年间,该区采用直肠镜检、粪便沉淀镜检、粪便沉孵三送三检、粪便孵化三送三检法和综合诊断等检查、诊断方法,共查病3,652,200多人次,累计查出15.72万病人,其中晚期血吸虫病人6014人,占病人总数的3.82%。

13. This is a group of 扁形虫 that cause schistosomiasis.

14. Group Health Bureau, Bureau of sympathy county party committee secretary HouBin-Chen to force composed of seven groups led to the county hospital, health center, schistosomiasis control stations and other units, and SiQiao, HuangChi, and other towns were visited Taibai condolences.

15. schistosomiasis

15. There were enough medicines to go around. So schistosomiasis had been wiped out for good in M state. To appreciate the doctor, Mr.
      药品足够分配足够分配,于是血吸流言蜚语抓住善良足够分配虫病在 M 州被永久永久消灭了。

16. In order to seeking the possibility of the SjcTrx recombinant antigen as a specific diagnostic antigen of schistosomiasis, the clone, expression and immunological reaction of the gene encoding SjcTrx in Pichia pastori was performed.

17. schistosomiasis的近义词

17. T cell subsets of peripheral blood lymphocyte were studied in 21 splenomegalia patientswith advanced schistosomiasis japonica, 24 splenectiomized patients with AS, and 20 normal persons. The results showed that the rates of CD_4 ̄+, CD_3 ̄+ and ratio of CD_4 ̄+/CD_8 ̄+were significantly decreased in both groups of patients, as compared with thecontrols.

18. schistosomiasis的意思

18. Each year, two hundred eighty thousand people die of schistosomiasis, also known as bilharzia or snail fever.


19. Each year, 280, 000 people die of schistosomiasis, also known as or snail fever.
      每年,有280,000人死于血吸虫病,即bilharzia或snail fever。

20. schistosomiasis

20. Each year, 280, 000 die of schistosomiasis, also known as * bilharzia, or snail fever.

schistosomiasis 单语例句

1. Carried by freshwater snails, acute schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease that attacks the blood and liver in humans.

2. Carried by freshwater snails, acute schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease that attacks blood cells and the liver in humans.

3. Polluted water spreads infectious intestinal and parasitic diseases, particularly the killer schistosomiasis of snail fever.

4. With the public health system still recovering from the strain of the SARS epidemic, the central government is facing a new challenge with rapidly spreading schistosomiasis.

5. The husband was suffering from schistosomiasis, hepatitis B and renal calculus.

6. The battle against schistosomiasis would become an almost unparalleled landmark in the achievements of the country's modern healthcare system.

schistosomiasis 英英释义



1. an infestation with or a resulting infection caused by a parasite of the genus Schistosoma
    common in the tropics and Far East
    symptoms depend on the part of the body infected

    Synonym: bilharzia bilharziasis


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