screech [skri:tʃ]  [skritʃ] 


screech 基本解释

名词 尖叫声,尖锐的声音

及物/不及物动词 发出尖叫声,发出尖锐刺耳的声音; 发出恐惧或痛苦的叫喊声


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screech 相关例句


1. The bus came screeching to a stop.

2. The monkeys were screeching in the trees.

3. The car tires screeched on the road as it turned too fast.


1. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

1. The woman's screeches brought the police.

screech 网络解释

1. 尖叫声:screech owl 凶兆预言者 | screech 尖叫声 | screechy 声音尖锐的

2. screech的近义词

2. 叫喊;尖锐刺耳声;呼啸:scree 山麓碎石 | screech 叫喊;尖锐刺耳声;呼啸 | screen actinic efficiency 荧光屏发光效率

3. 尖叫:scratch 抓伤 | screech 尖叫 | screen 布幕;银幕

4. screech的意思

4. 讨厌的声音:腹太鼓Belly Drum | 讨厌的声音Screech | 着迷Attract

screech 双语例句

1. screech

1. As the screech of it echoed from the four corners of the room the raiders ran.

2. screech的解释

2. Such irregular screech shattered the nocturnal peace.

3. It may be that we are doomed, that there is no hope for us, any of us, but if that is so then let us set up a last agonizing, bloodcurdling howl, a screech of defiance, a war whoop!

4. We continued on down the path, then I heard a lady yelling some profanities, and heard a car screech off down the road.

5. He heard a screech of brakes and then fell down.

6. A screech of breaks made us look to see what had happened in the street.

7. screech在线翻译

7. When I sang in the shower, she didn't screech.

8. They are called Strigoi based on the Roman term strix for screech owl which also came to mean demon or witch.

9. Sonic Screech - A Sonic Shockwave that deals 185000 to 215000 Shadow damage to all enemies in it's path. The Shockwave damge is split between all targets in it's path. 2.5 Sec cast time

10. If there are any, they screech to a halt and wait patiently for them to cross the road.

11. The Screech Owl is one of our smallest owls, measuring only 8 to 9 inches in length.

12. The only noise I heard last night was an owl screech in g at about two o'clock in the morn in g.

13. But at that precise moment a screech owl swooped in through the kitchen window.

14. The desert owl and the screech owl will roost on her columns.

15. 11 The desert owl and screech owl will possess it; the great owl and the raven will nest there.
      34:11 鹈鹕、箭猪、却要得为业。猫头鹰、乌鸦、要住在其间。

16. The desert owl and screech owl will possess it; the great owl and the raven will nest there.

17. screech

17. Lightning--/ and in the dark/ the screech of a night heron.

18. Everyone's attention was caught at once by a long, thin package carried by six large screech owls.

19. screech是什么意思

19. The bus came screech ing to a stop.

20. Again the sirens, the screech of wheels, the white coats in perpetual motion.

screech 词典解释

1. (车辆、汽车轮胎)发出刺耳声
    If a vehicle screeches somewhere or if its tyres screech, its tyres make an unpleasant high-pitched noise on the road.

    e.g. A black Mercedes screeched to a halt beside the helicopter...
    e.g. The car wheels screeched as they curved and bounced over the rough broken ground.

2. 尖声喊出
    When you screech something, you shout it in a loud, unpleasant, high-pitched voice.


    e.g. 'Get me some water, Jeremy!' I screeched...
    e.g. ...a player who screeches at you on the field.

3. (鸟、动物等)尖叫,尖鸣,发出刺耳声
    When a bird, animal, or thing screeches, it makes a loud, unpleasant, high-pitched noise.


    e.g. A macaw screeched at him from its perch.
    e.g. ...tropical birds screeching in an aviary...

screech 单语例句


1. Jackson's voice was an androgynous screech, and the beats were not danceable for those of us just getting used to disco.

2. I start smelling the sugar and want to screech for it to stop.

screech 英英释义



1. sharp piercing cry

    e.g. her screaming attracted the neighbors

    Synonym: scream screaming shriek shrieking screeching

2. a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry

    e.g. he ducked at the screechings of shells
           he heard the scream of the brakes

    Synonym: screeching shriek shrieking scream screaming


1. utter a harsh abrupt scream

    Synonym: squawk screak skreak skreigh

2. make a high-pitched, screeching noise

    e.g. The door creaked when I opened it slowly
           My car engine makes a whining noise

    Synonym: whine squeak creak screak skreak


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