scrimp [skrɪmp]  [skrɪmp] 


scrimp 基本解释


不及物动词 吝啬; 克扣; (较平时)节省着过日子; 一点一滴地省钱

及物动词 节省,节缩,过度减少

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scrimp 相关例句



1. They scrimped on oil as much as they could during the energy crisis.

2. They scrimped on butter as best as they could.

scrimp 网络解释

1. scrimp


2. 过度缩减:scrimmagescrumscrummage 并列争球 | scrimp 过度缩减 | scrimpy 一再缩减的

3. scrimp

3. 过度缩减,节省,adj.不足的,吝啬的:famulus 助手 | scrimp 过度缩减,节省,adj.不足的,吝啬的 | expatiate 祥述,细说

4. 过度缩短:grim 严肃的 | scrimp 过度缩短 | skimp 缩支节用

scrimp 双语例句

1. You shouldn't scrimp on the price you pay for your helmet just because it's cheap.

2. scrimp

2. Your roof is not something that you want to scrimp and save on.

3. All I say is don`t scrimp in the building and development.

4. scrimp什么意思

4. She has to scrimp and save to''.

5. She have to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday.

6. She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday.

7. We have to scrimp and save if we want to buy a decent house in that area.

8. There is a risk that the debt -ridden airline that may be tempted to scrimp on maintenance or security.

9. It also improves the working environments, workers will not contact the resin for too long time and vapor of toxic chemicals will not directly damage workers` health while processing.

10. Collecting 6, 000 Macau Pataca, or 750 US dollars a month in government welfare, Li Miaoyan makes ends meet by collecting recyclables. Yet no matter how much they scrimp and save, it is unlikely they will ever buy their own home.


11. Do you suppose the Mind that imaged that profuseness ever intended you to be limited, to have to scrimp and save in order to eke out a bare existence?

12. Stop trying to scrimp on labor costs and hire some people.

13. 好好学单词·英语单词

13. In this paper, the new SCRIMP processing technique-resin flow control system for co - injection resin SCRIMP process is introduced.

14. Through carrying out flow visualization experiment and analyzing the results of molding conditions and filling time in different high permeable medium in SCRIMP, the paper evaluates the influences of high permeable medium, peel ply and hollow solenoids on filling and produces test wallboards.

15. She has to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday.

16. I scrimp together leftover bits of backbone from an earlier era and hear myself say no.

17. They had to scrimp and save to send their son to college.

18. In a recent national survey, 75 percent of families say in light of the current economic downturn, they're looking for ways to scrimp on child care.

19. We have to scrimp and save to pay the bill

20. Principle, material property, process and application concerning SCRIMP are introduced briefly in this paper.

scrimp 词典解释

1. 节省;精打细算;省吃俭用
    If you scrimp on things, you live cheaply and spend as little money as possible.

    e.g. Scrimping on safety measures can be a false economy...
    e.g. He has had to give up luxuries as he scrimps and saves while looking for a job.

scrimp 单语例句

1. People who want to scrimp can go by public bus, but forgo many creature comforts.

2. That was because many Hong Kong families would rather scrimp on other expenses than to surrender their apartments to the receivers.

scrimp 英英释义


1. subsist on a meager allowance

    e.g. scratch and scrimp

    Synonym: stint skimp


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