scrupulous [ˈskru:pjələs]  [ˈskrupjələs] 

scrupulous 基本解释

形容词 严谨的; 小心的; 良心不安的; 有顾忌的

scrupulous 同义词

scrupulous 反义词

形容词 unscrupulous

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scrupulous 网络解释

1. scrupulous

1. 细心的:最大伤害增加1-4 简单的(simple) 武器 等级10以上,最大体力减少10,等级20以下最大魔法值增加10,等级5以上暴击增加5 细心的(Scrupulous) 服装,铠甲,武器 雷魔法B以上dex+5,

2. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

2. 小心谨慎的:最大伤害增加1-4 简单的(simple) 武器 等级10以上,最大体力减少10,等级20以下最大魔法值增加10,等级5以上暴击增加5 小心谨慎的(Scrupulous) 服装,铠甲 雷魔法B以上dex+5,

3. 谨慎的:最大伤害增加1-4简单的(simple) 武器 等级10以上,最大体力减少10,等级20以下最大魔法值增加10,等级5以上暴击增加5小心谨慎的(Scrupulous) 服装,铠甲 雷魔法B以上dex+5,

4. scrupulous的意思

4. 小心谨慎的, 细心的:luscious 美味道的 | scrupulous 小心谨慎的, 细心的 | scrumptious 极为愉快的, 绝妙的, 极好的, 味美的

scrupulous 双语例句

1. Because of different language network, we should take scrupulous attitude to standardize it.

2. Though a whole lot of less than scrupulous people have caused some damage to the standing and credibility of this form of business, it nevertheless figures as a very cost effective revenue stream for a new entrepreneur.

3. But she had been observed almost immediately on her return by some people of scrupulous character and great influence: they had seen her idling in the churchyard, restoring as well as she could with a little trowel a babys obliterated grave.

4. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

4. Brussels II also encourages some less scrupulous lawyers to behave badly, urging their clients to act fast and dirtily.

5. However, he is fully aware of the endless problems affecting reality; superficial observations will be far from enough. It is only with precise and scrupulous steps that insights may be gained.

6. If you are searched, is relevant visit, so you need to the choice of key word more scrupulous.

7. He is very scrupulous about the choice of his word.

8. A scrupulous salesperson will let you know what his or her role is in the company.

9. You know I`m not scrupulous about what I sell. Or to whom.

10. scrupulous在线翻译

10. He is not over - scrupulous in his business.

11. I'm as scrupulous as any man alive, I hope.

12. Maybe scrupulous person will find out that 3 days, we interconvert between 3 different dynasties.--- Qin dynasty, Tang dynasty and Qing dynasty.

13. scrupulous的反义词

13. One`s mode of life might be high and scrupulous, but there was always an undercurrent of greediness, a hankering, and sense of waste, Did women have it too?

14. You must be scrupulous about hygiene when you`re preparing a baby`s feed.

15. The machine`s lifeblood is appearances, which generate questions, creating more appearances, all in turn generating a righteous frenzy that demands intense inquiry by super-scrupulous inquisitors who must at all costs be independent.

16. scrupulous是什么意思

16. She took scrupulous care of the children's health.

17. If on grounds of our real, divinely ordained, superiority a Christian pathologist thinks it right to vivisect, and does so with scrupulous care to avoid the least dram or scruple of unnecessary pain, in a trembling awe at the responsibility which he assumes, and with a vivid sense of the high mode in which human life must be lived if it is to justify the sacrifices made for it, then (whether we agree with him or not) we can respect his point of view.

18. The Concise Oxford Dictionary)的释义: be scrupulous about trifles; 《朗文当代英语词典》(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)的释义: to worry about small things though not giving attention to larger, more important ones; 《牛津高阶英语词典》(Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary)的释义: to hesitate over a trifle.
      蠓虫代表微不足道的东西,这个字在耶稣当日用的亚兰文中和骆驼一字很相似。不过一个极小一个极大,小者如薄荷、茴芹、莳萝,大者如公义、怜悯、信实。滤掉小的,吞下大的。可见法利赛人本末倒置,拘小而疏大。strain at a gnat 这个典故已确立为成语,收在词典里,并作成语处理,各典释义相同。

19. A scrupulous regard for ceremonial purity, surpassing even that of the Jewish Pharisee, gave rise to an endless succession of purifactory rites, such as baths, sprinkling with water, smearing with ashes or cow-dung, sippings of water, suppressions of breath--all sacramental in character and efficacious for the remission of sin.
      仔细礼仪方面的纯度,甚至超越了这一犹太法利赛人,引起了无休止的继承purifactory仪式,如浴,洒了水,涂抹的骨灰或奶牛,牛粪,sippings的水,呼吸suppressions -所有圣事的性质和有效的缓解的罪孽。

20. So, when the policymaker in the industry is driving commercial real estate to develop quickly, more should scrupulous.

scrupulous 词典解释

1. 正直的;有道德原则的;有良心的
    Someone who is scrupulous takes great care to do what is fair, honest, or morally right.


    e.g. You're being very scrupulous, but to what end?...
    e.g. I have been scrupulous about telling them the dangers...

He is scrupulously fair, and popular with his staff...
Namibia has scrupulously upheld political pluralism.

2. 细致的;缜密的;一丝不苟的
    Scrupulous means thorough, exact, and careful about details.

    e.g. Both readers commend Knutson for his scrupulous attention to detail.

The streets and parks were scrupulously clean...
Hillsden scrupulously avoided any topic likely to arouse suspicion as to his motives.

scrupulous 单语例句

1. Only after scrupulous examination did they find the cockroach inside which had triggered the alarm.

2. In spite of her lack of formal education, she was diligent and scrupulous in every detail of her acting.

3. A substantial amount of evidence had been further obtained and confirmed after three months'of scrupulous investigation efforts.

4. " I am scrupulous about my children's health, " she told the Advance.

5. CBRC said that banks should be more scrupulous about dealing with clients, notably the elderly and those with lower incomes.

6. Li said the CAAC had to be scrupulous in publishing any results of the investigation.

7. Others may be less scrupulous and take a " slash and burn " approach towards forest clearing.

scrupulous 英英释义


1. characterized by extreme care and great effort

    e.g. conscientious application to the work at hand
           painstaking research
           scrupulous attention to details

    Synonym: conscientious painstaking

2. having scruples
    arising from a sense of right and wrong

    e.g. less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance


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