seasoning [ˈsi:zənɪŋ]  [ˈsizənɪŋ] 


seasoning 基本解释

名词 调味品,佐料; 风干,干燥(处理),老化

动词 “season”的现在分词


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seasoning 相关例句


1. We like conversation with a seasoning of humor.

2. You'd better put a little more seasoning in the soup.

seasoning 网络解释

1. seasoning的解释

1. 调味品:miso 味噌 | seasoning 调味品 | caviar 鱼子酱

2. seasoning的反义词

2. 时效处理:sand blast 喷砂处理 | seasoning 时效处理 | second stage annealing 第二段退火

3. 干燥法;干材法:926 、 高碳钢 high carbon steel | 927 、 干燥法;干材法 seasoning | 928 、 偶合;耦合(电工) coupling

4. 佐料:色、香、味 color, aroma and taste | 佐料 seasoning | 刀功 slicing technique

seasoning 双语例句

1. Add the olive oil, the saltish and the seasoning.

2. seasoning

2. Using the natural and uncontaminated mutton from Tibetan plateau sheep, with synthesized techniques like tendering, deodorizing, seasoning and proper-coloring, we developed a process of making special flavor ing and easily-eaten mutton quenelle.

3. Any of several aromatic Eurasian or Mediterranean plants of the genus Origanum, especially O. majorana or O. vulgare, having small, purplish to white flowers and opposite leaves used as seasoning.

4. Ingredients: pork loin (320 grams), moderate leek, ginger amount of red silk, parsley at the end of appropriate 腌料: salt (1/4 teaspoon), cooking wine (1 tablespoon), 鸡粉(1/3 teaspoon), raw powder (2 teaspoons) Euryale ferox juice: Haitian Jinbiao Wang soy sauce (2 tablespoons), sugar (2 tablespoons), vinegar (3 tablespoons), 1 tablespoon ketchup, 鸡粉(1/2 tablespoon), Health Powder (1 spoon), water (1/2 cup) Fried paste: corn starch (6 tablespoons), oil (1/2 tablespoons), water (1/2 cup) Seasoning: oil 1: Wash the pork, sliced ramp, adding 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 1/3 tablespoon and 2 tablespoons of Health鸡粉grasping absorbed powder, preserved for 30 minutes.
    材料:猪里脊肉(320克)、葱丝适量、姜丝适量、红椒丝、香菜末适量腌料:盐(1/4茶匙)、料酒(1大匙)、鸡粉(1/3茶匙)、生粉(2茶匙)芡汁:海天金标生抽王(2大匙)、白糖(2大匙)、香醋(3汤匙)、蕃茄酱1大匙、鸡粉(1/2汤匙)、生粉(1汤匙)、清水(1/2杯)炸浆:玉米淀粉(6大匙)、油(1/2大匙)、清水(1/2杯)调料:油 1:猪肉洗净,斜切成薄片,加入1/4茶匙盐、1汤匙料酒、1/3汤匙鸡粉和2汤匙生粉抓匀,腌制30分钟。

5. In ancient China, the spicy condiment is more important to have prickly ash, ginger, Zhuyu, RI stay rattan, Guangxi, pepper, Gaila, pepper, hot pepper into the end of the Ming Dynasty in China, Chinese prickly ash, ginger and use the most Zhuyu, China's three major civil spicy seasoning.

6. The mark left on the board from a seasoning sticker, which can be removed in the surfacing planning process

7. seasoning什么意思

7. Cucumber in Sauce ingredient: 2 cucumbers 2 garlic 2 dried-peppers Seasoning: 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1/8 teaspoon vinegar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon MSG 1 teaspoon sugar Production method: 1 wash the cucumbers, shave them with plane, cut them into small pieces, put into a bowl while add sliced garlic and traced peppers, salted them for two minutes.
    凉拌黄瓜配料:两根黄瓜两瓣蒜两个干辣椒皮调味:1茶匙麻油 1/8茶匙醋 1/8茶匙盐 1茶匙味精 1茶匙糖制作方法:1、黄瓜洗净,用刨子刨成花皮,切成小片,放入碗中,同时放入蒜片,切好的细辣椒丝,用盐腌二十分钟左右。

8. An East Indian soup having a meat or chicken base and curry seasoning.

9. All things considered, the Lakers could and should be better with another year of seasoning and a tweak here or there.

10. The company leading product company Lotus Chicken seasoning has ten series more than 30 kinds of products, leading products based on Lotus Chickenlocal raw materials into refined, chicken flavor Shannon by U. S. favorite.

11. Add mushrooms, onion, and seasoning blend; sauté until vegetables begin to soften, about 6 minutes.

12. Add cheese powder(fig.2) and seasoning(1) at last. Mix well to make basil sauce.

13. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

13. Cut Ono Fillet into small bite size pieces, season with Garlic and Black peeper seasoning, spray skillet with nonstick spray and preheat over medium heat.

14. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

14. Methods: The detection result of aerobic bacterial count in exported seasoning powder was analyzed.

15. The pan release oil, the smell of meat stir after adding water, the various ingredients Add, after rolling Add noodles, seasoning with salt to出锅before.

16. Moderate pot put oil, add carrot, Ding, Ding potatoes, tofu Ding, Ding small mushrooms, stir a moment, salt, monosodium glutamate seasoning moderate, while placing a stew, then add rice, meat, eggs, 淋入1 Tbsp broth, and then 2 minutes to stamp stew.


17. Egg cup of finely broken cracker crumbs (use a high quality cracker with a delicate flavor for the best results) tablespoons mayonnaise 1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice teaspoon freshly ground pepper 3 teaspoons Chesapeake Bay Seasoning 1 dash of Tabasco Jumbo Lump Crabmeat should have very few pieces of shell, however you should pick through it carefully and remove any pieces you see.
      杯的鸡蛋打破饼干屑细(使用高品质的黑客也有一种微妙的口味的最佳效果)汤匙蛋黄酱1汤匙新鲜的挤压柠檬汁半茶匙的新鲜辣椒3茶匙切萨皮克湾调味品 1破折号塔巴斯科巨型块蟹肉应该有极少数件外壳,但是你应该通过仔细挑选,并移除任何件你看到。

18. There are baby shrimp mixed in, and only the finest fish sauce is used as a seasoning.

19. seasoning的近义词

19. Marinate snow fungus with seasoning for half an hour.

20. Just only with some light soy sauce and some seasoning.

seasoning 词典解释

1. 调味品;佐料
    Seasoning is salt, pepper, or other spices that are added to food to improve its flavour.

    e.g. Mix the meat with the onion, carrot, and some seasoning.
    e.g. ...seasonings such as coriander, chives and ginger.

seasoning 单语例句

1. Here, there are few secrets except generous seasoning and a good heat to crackle the skin.

2. Optional and decorative seasoning can be put on top of the steaming dish.

3. Add the seasoning a little at a time, pulse and taste until you get the desired taste.

4. Garlic, ginger and leeks serve as the holy trinity of Chinese seasoning.

5. Taste and correct the seasoning, then add the potato starch mixture and cook for another minute to thicken.

6. Sprinkle the shrimp with one tablespoon of Creole seasoning and eight turns of the pepper mill.

7. Those ingredients are cooked with Chinese style sauce or seasoning including cumin spices, salt and pepper spices and Chinese Fen wine.

8. When it had turned to jelly, it would be cut up in cubes and mixed into the mince and seasoning.

9. They eat it with a little seasoning or dip it in bean sauce.

10. Zhang finally sent another 350 boxes of seasoning to Toronto by air.

seasoning 英英释义


1. the act of adding a seasoning to food

2. something added to food primarily for the savor it imparts

    Synonym: flavorer flavourer flavoring flavouring seasoner


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