senesce [sɪ'nes]  [sə'nes] 

senesce 基本解释

不及物动词 开始衰老

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senesce 网络解释

1. senesce什么意思

1. 开始衰老:开始生育的germinant | 开始衰老senesce | 开始以前beforethebeginningofsth

senesce 双语例句

1. senesce

1. The most common senesce of choosing sanitary napkin consist of reliable manufacture, reliable shop, reliable reputation and the buyer's experience.

2. Finally, the apparatus begins to senesce and efficiency is lost.

3. MDA content and relative electric conductivity of tissue were also increased. The results indicated vibrational stress accelerated the ripening and senesce process of kiwi fruit.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. I saw the physical body senesce according to its own speed, so I have to catch something.

5. But hang on -- how do we know that radioactive atoms don't senesce?

6. Among the exceptions are certain stem cells that do not senesce throughout an individual`s life span.

7. But hang on -- how do we know that radioactive atoms do not senesce?

8. In the language of biogerontology, radioactive atoms die but they don't senesce.

9. Permanent cells have left the cell cycle and are destined to senesce and die.

10. Damage in chondrocytes that ultimately causes them to senesce.

senesce 英英释义


1. grow old or older

    e.g. She aged gracefully
           we age every day--what a depressing thought!
           Young men senesce

    Synonym: age get on mature maturate


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