sequestrate [ˈsi:kwəstreɪt]  [ˈsikwɪˌstret, ˈsɛkwɪ-, sɪˈkwɛsˌtret] 


sequestrate 基本解释

及物动词 没收,接收; 扣押(债务人的房产等)

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sequestrate 网络解释

1. 扣押, 没收:reincarnate 使化身;使转生 | sequestrate 扣押, 没收 | prostrate 全身俯卧的;平卧的

2. 没收:sequestrable 可扣押的 | sequestrate 没收 | sequestration 扣押

3. sequestrate的意思

3. 扣押;没收;查封:sequestrable可查封的 可没收的 可扣押的 | sequestrate扣押 没收 查封 | sequestration查封

4. 扣押:sequacious 盲目 | sequester 隐居 | sequestrate 扣押

sequestrate 双语例句

1. Recent research findings show that under the circumstance of traumatic hemorrhagenic shock, in such viscera as liver, lung and small intestine, large numbers of polymorphonuclear neutrophil will congregate, sequestrate and even infiltrate, which result in tissue edema and inflammation. At the same time, due to the fact that PMN delays its apoptosis and can not be removed in time, secondary necrosis will occur and release great amount of toxic substances, such as absorbent oxygen and free radicals, which will amplify inflammation. All the above constitute the major cause of SIRS, MODS and MOF.

2. Today there are still large areas of paddy fields that have less soil organic C content than that at steady state. It is estimated that they could sequestrate on average 5150(±1063)kg hm^(-2) more of carbon.
    目前仍有相当面积的水稻土其有机碳含量低于平衡水平,估计还可平均固碳5150(±1063)kg hm^(-2)。


3. The legality of " bank sequestrate deposits to pay loans off "

4. sequestrate在线翻译

4. It is illegal to levy, confiscate, sequestrate, detain, block or restrict the private property without legal basis and proceedings.

5. sequestrate的意思

5. Incorporation of rice straw into degraded upland soils is not only important to sequestrate more carbon, which otherwise is burnt in the paddy fields as a tradition, but also to improve soil structure against soil degradation by soil and water erosion.

6. I am not sure the situation in China, but it sounds like much cheaper to capture and sequestrate CO2 there.

7. To close up and sequestrate the goods that can be proved of infringement.


8. If no reply long time, we will consider to sequestrate your deposit.

9. No one can sequestrate his estates.

10. The sheriffs. will be able to seize stock and other assets, and to sequestrate bank accounts belonging to defaultersDaily Telegraph

11. sequestrate的反义词

11. No one can sequestrate his estates. No one can deprive him of his stock in trade; no one can force him to exercise his faculty against his will; no one can prevent him exercising it as he chooses.

12. PWR is working with the University of Bayreuth on a system that can sequestrate carbon quite easily.

13. The guarantor agrees to undertake and perform the duty of warranty obligation according to the following conditions. That is, no matter the debtor can not repay overdue all or some principal, interest expenses, etc. in any period. Whether your financial company has adopted the juristic act to the debtor according to the regulation of loan agreement. After receiving the debtor's beach notice from your company, Guarantor should pay the above-mentioned interest and expenses that assure the amount of money unconditionally, and should be undertaken by the debtor within five workdays. Your company can sequestrate the unit funds of our Finance Bureau through normal legal way too.

sequestrate 词典解释

1. (通常指按照法庭决议)扣押,查封(债务人资产)
    When property is sequestrated, it is taken officially from someone who has debts, usually after a decision in a court of law. If the debts are paid off, the property is returned to its owner.

    e.g. He tried to prevent union money from being sequestrated by the courts.

...the sequestration of large areas of land.

sequestrate 单语例句

1. " Technology does not yet exist to produce clean coal and sequestrate carbon, " she said.

sequestrate 英英释义


1. set apart from others

    e.g. The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on

    Synonym: sequester keep apart set apart isolate

2. keep away from others

    e.g. He sequestered himself in his study to write a book

    Synonym: seclude sequester withdraw


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