shard [ʃɑ:d]  [ʃɑ:rd] 


shard 基本解释

名词 (玻璃、金属或其他硬物的)尖利的碎片

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shard 网络解释

1. shard是什么意思

1. 碎片:在创造Chancel时被逮到的人类或者常年留在Chancel内部或附近的人类会成为Imperator神性本质(灵魂)碎片(shard)的负载者. Imperator Entropy统领Council of Four(四人会议?四人头?旧版百元人民币?),与其加入争战他选择(或者被选择,

2. 陶瓷碎片:crumb n.碎屑, 面包屑, 少许 vt.搓碎, 弄碎 | shard 陶瓷碎片 | splinter 玻璃木头碎片

3. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

3. 火山玻璃刺:火山玻璃 volcanic glass | 火山玻璃刺 shard | 火山尘 volcanic dust

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 瓷器的碎片/碎片/翅鞘/外壳:sharable /可共享的/ | shard /瓷器的碎片/碎片/翅鞘/外壳/ | sharp-angled /尖角的/

shard 双语例句

1. Honorable kills will now generate a Soul Shard when Drain Soul and Shadowburn are used.

2. shard的意思

2. After the war a shard of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands was entrusted to the blue wyrm Azuregos by Anachronos the bronze.

3. shard的近义词

3. Soul Shard: This item now has a maximum count of 32 in inventory.


4. Shard s of glass still hung in the pane s on Saturday.

5. shard的反义词

5. Shard of glass shrapnel through his heart.

6. shard的反义词

6. A man has been rushed to hospital after being stabbed in the neck with a shard of glass.

7. shard

7. He looks down at his side and realizes a shard of glass from the coffee pot has been pushed deep into his abdomen.

8. Another guard radios Rizzo for a status check, but Stroker points a shard of glass at Rizzo`s throat, forcing him to give an all-clear status.
    一个警卫用对讲机向 Rizzo 通话,询问他区内的状况,Stroker 将一块碎玻璃抵住 Rizzo 的喉咙,强迫他回答一切安好。

9. A giant shimmering sail at the center of a plaza with shard like light-wells which doubled as furniture define the central space of the mixed used development.

10. At the sharp end it`shard, heavy and sometimes dangerous work.

11. Before it started scabbing, it spit out a number of things: a collar button and a piece of wool collar from the shirt he had been wearing when he was hit, a shard of soft grey metal as big as a quarter dollar piece, and, unaccountably, something that closely resembled a peach pit.

12. shard

12. Of creatures that can fly and are bloodless some are coleopterous or sheath-winged, for they have their wings in a sheath or shard, like the cockchafer and the dung-beetle; others are sheathless, and of these latter some are dipterous and some tetrapterous: tetrapterous, such as are comparatively large or have their stings in the tail, dipterous, such as are comparatively small or have their stings in front.

13. After the war a shard of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands was entrusted to the red wyrm Vaelastrasz by Anachronos the bronze.

14. shard是什么意思

14. When you put that shard in my hand...

15. You must find the Shard...

16. This isn't really a soul shard question is it?

17. It'shard to believe that you're a grandfather, you look so young.

18. Give us the Shard, and you can go free.

19. I'll find the Shard.

20. So I translated it into English and shard with you guys!!

shard 词典解释

1. (玻璃、陶器、金属的)碎片
    Shards are pieces of broken glass, pottery, or metal.

    e.g. Eyewitnesses spoke of rocks and shards of glass flying in the air.

shard 单语例句

1. Most locals choose to decorate their new houses with Buddhist wall paintings and traditional iron shard stoves.

2. Visitors take in the view from the Shard during its inauguration in London.

shard 英英释义



1. a broken piece of a brittle artifact

    Synonym: sherd fragment


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