sheathe [ʃi:ð]  [ʃið] 


sheathe 基本解释


及物动词 将(刀、剑等)插入鞘; 包,覆盖

sheathe 反义词

及物动词 unsheathe

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sheathe 网络解释

1. sheathe什么意思

1. 覆盖:sheathe 被盖 | sheathe 覆盖 | sheathe 复盖

2. 装鞘:sheathcurrent 表皮电流 表皮涡流 | sheathe 装鞘 | sheathed 装有护套的

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 覆盖,装鞘,包,套:sheath 外壳,复板,外套 | Sheathe 覆盖,装鞘,包,套 | Sheave 滑车轮,凸轮盘

4. 插入鞘:sheathbill 南极海鸟 | sheathe 插入鞘 | sheathing 覆盖物

sheathe 双语例句

1. sheathe

1. The two opponents decided at last to sheathe the sword and met at a dinner given by their friend.

2. sheathe什么意思

2. You can think of many examples of talents that one spec would love to have, Sheathe of Light maybe.

3. Draw /sheathe one's sword.

4. sheathe的近义词

4. Draw from a sheathe or scabbard, as of a sword.

5. sheathe在线翻译

5. Sheathe is a Ret talent. If we wanted Holy to be able to go grab it, we would have put it a lot higher up in the tree.

6. A team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineered a long tubular virus called M13 to sheathe itself in proteins that glom onto cobalt and gold atoms.

7. Influence of giving urokinase in different ways on the fibrin sheathe of tunnel catheter

8. To sheathe or cover (a metal) with a metal.

9. sheathe的反义词

9. Development of Rice Near-isogenic Lines and Discovery of New Genes of Grain Shape; Relationship between RAPD Genotype and Pathotype of Rice Sheathe Blight Fungi (Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA) in Guangdong Province

10. Functional Genomic Analysis in Pathogenicity of Xanthomonas Oryzae Pv. oryzae; Relationship between RAPD Genotype and Pathotype of Rice Sheathe Blight Fungi (Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA) in Guangdong Province

11. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

11. Sheathe a mummy in linen

12. sheathe的翻译

12. Evaluation of Restore or Remain Characteristics and Heterosis of Rice Germplasm Resources from Guangdong Province Relationship between RAPD Genotype and Pathotype of Rice Sheathe Blight Fungi (Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA) in Guangdong Province

13. Most insulator and sheathe are made from organic polymers, which are easy to burn at certain temperature and oxygen content.

14. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

14. With the development of industry, the demands of wire and cable are increasing. Most insulator and sheathe are made from organic polymers, which are easy to conflagate in heat, high pressure, a certain temperature and oxygen content.

15. Basing on the leaf, sheathe, stem and spike in different periods of winter wheat observational data during 1974~2003 of Zhengzhou agrometeorological station, the dry matter ratio and increase allocation ratio are studied in the paper.

16. Basing on the leaf, sheathe, stem and spike in different periods of winter wheat observational data during 1974 ~ 2003 of Zhengzhou agrometeorological station, the dry matter ratio and increase allocation ratio are studied in the paper.

sheathe 词典解释

1. 用…盖住;将…包起来
    If something is sheathed in a material or other covering, it is closely covered with it.


    e.g. The television was sheathed in a snug coverlet.
    e.g. ...her long legs, sheathed in sheer black tights.

2. 将(刀)插入鞘中
    When someone sheathes a knife, they put it in its sheath.

    e.g. He sheathed the knife and strapped it to his shin.

sheathe 英英释义


1. plunge or bury (a knife or sword) in flesh

2. enclose with a sheath

    e.g. sheathe a sword

3. cover with a protective sheathing

    e.g. sheathe her face


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