shouldn't [ˈʃʊdnt]  ['ʃʊdnt] 

shouldn't 基本解释

should not 不应该;

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shouldn't 双语例句

1. They shouldn't be too difficult to fool. It's the grandma, the dowager

2. Foods that tend to produce large amounts of flatus also contain essential nutrients and shouldn't be eliminated.

3. This project shouldn't cost more than $50 to do!

4. He shouldn't have gone to all the trouble, I said blushingly; but I was glad he had.

5. He shouldn't have gone to all the trouble, I said blushingly

6. This barbarism shouldn't be possible in our society.

7. This barbarism shouldn't be possible in our society

8. I shouldn't wash those in the same water, or else the colours will run together.

9. You shouldn't have critized him so severely in his face.

10. There's no earthly reason why you shouldn't go.

11. There is no earthly reason why I shouldn't be as happy with him as any other.

12. shouldn't在线翻译

12. Mabe you can tell me, because i really don't understand, hy they had toinvade tibet, if it as china all along, an invasion shouldn't be neededright?

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. You shouldn't be ashamed of your failure.

14. Pickles! If one can make a fortune on that, well - it shouldn't be hard to achieve prosperity in this country.

15. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

15. If they're good and can make more money from private tutoring, why shouldn't they?

16. They shouldn't use this as an excuse to become even more oppressive.

17. In dealing with people, we shouldn't clear the mind of trivialities.

18. Society and its rules had trapped him in a corner. Why shouldn't he take his revenge on society?

19. Aw shucks, you shouldn't have...I couldn't possibly accept

20. You know, people who can't handle liquor shouldn't drink it.

shouldn't 单语例句

1. By the time the boy is old enough to remember things, shouldn't I buy various toys to bribe him?

2. Some people say that China shouldn't always show its wound to others in order to win sympathy and call this " victim's psychology ".

3. Chinese people can drive, but the way they drive suggests that they shouldn't.

4. For a mobile carrier or its regulator to ban certain rights of speech, shouldn't they at least first specify what is forbidden to text?

5. If they made indiscreet conclusions only to cater to what the public wanted to hear, we shouldn't be thankful to them for forecasting price slumps.

6. When a father criticized his son for seeing him " abducted " by a stranger so easily, the boy cried and said parents shouldn't cheat their children.

7. Much as we cherish the young people's love for our country, shouldn't we also expect them to love and care for other members in society?

8. Li said Chinese companies still should use derivatives but should comply with regulations and shouldn't " give up eating for fear of choking ".

9. Analysts have criticized Apple's responses to reports of reception problems as dismissive, and cautioned that the company shouldn't come across as arrogant.

10. He said the protocol should come as a result of a dialogue between two parties and shouldn't be dictated from one party on the other.


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