slacken [ˈslækən]  [ˈslækən] 


slacken 基本解释

及物/不及物动词 (使)放慢; (使)放松、松懈、松弛; (使)减弱


slacken 同义词

动词 slack


slacken 反义词


及物动词 quicken

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slacken 相关例句


1. slacken

1. The car has slackened its speed.


1. Work slackens on a hot day.

2. slacken是什么意思

2. The demand for coal begins to slacken off in the spring.

slacken 网络解释

1. 放缓;呆滞:size of the economy 经济规模 | slacken 放缓;呆滞 | slow down 减慢;放缓;退减

2. 松弛:slacken one's gait 开始缓步走 | slacken 松弛 | slacker 懒鬼

3. slacken的反义词

3. 放松:slacken 放慢 | slacken 放松 | slacken 放松放慢

4. 放慢:slacken speed 减速 | slacken 放慢 | slacken 放松

slacken 双语例句

1. Under no circumstances can we slacken the armies training.

2. After taking Beijing as its capital the Qing Dynasty dared not also slacken this foundation of the establishment of state and made it a rule to hunt by encircling the game at Mulan Weichang every autumn.

3. slacken

3. Economy may be starting to slacken after one of its most vigorous years in a decade.

4. Better have no war for a thousand days than slacken your vigilance for one day.

5. slacken

5. If the raddle come from your feet because of the dew, if the rings of bells upon your feet slacken, if pearls drop out of your chain, do not mind.

6. Love so alike, that none do slacken, none can die

7. slacken

7. China's task of persevering in the War of Resistance, the united front and the protracted war will then become all the more weighty, and it will be all the more necessary not to slacken our efforts in the slightest.

8. slacken

8. Wang Lao creating enemy too much insight on their own is strictly protected, and never slacken our efforts to start very small.

9. First, from now on asymmetry between supply and demand begins to slacken, this is a good thing.

10. You shouldn't slacken off in your study.

11. Your satisfaction, we will never slacken our efforts to pursue the goal of'!

12. There is no reason to believe that this pace will slacken.

13. Now we must not slacken in our efforts in the slightest way.

14. slacken

14. Return to think of now, I really compare the past determination many, but I will not be slacken down.

15. For. Will never slacken our efforts in the implementation of the entrepreneurial spirit in each of the improvement process, the cohesion in each product Superior performance, the dissolution of a health service in each of the perfect.

16. The train must slacken off as it passes through a bridge.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. We`ve been really busy, but things are starting to slacken off now.

18. Some people get discouraged. But don`t slacken off.

19. The demand for coal begins to slacken off in the spring.

20. He had worked without intermission for six months and now could slacken off for a holiday.

slacken 词典解释

1. (使)放慢;(使)减弱;(使)变缓和
    If something slackens or if you slacken it, it becomes slower, less active, or less intense.

    e.g. Inflationary pressures continued to slacken last month...
    e.g. The Conservative government will not slacken the pace of radical reform.

There was a slackening of western output during the 1930s.
20 世纪 30 年代西部的产出有所减少。

2. (使)松开;(使)放松
    If your grip or a part of your body slackens or if you slacken your grip, it becomes looser or more relaxed.

    e.g. Her grip slackened on Arnold's arm...
    e.g. Muscles stretch, slacken and relax during childbirth.

相关词组:slacken off

slacken 单语例句

1. He called on the 70 million Party members " never to slacken the fight against corruption even for a second ".

2. Despite the halt of business, city authorities promise to not slacken their work to eradicate counterfeit products in coming months.

3. Many hand over the money fearing the doctors will slacken in their efforts at the operating table.

4. We have no reason to slacken our efforts as we encounter the suffering people, the helpless souls and the destroyed homelands.

5. " All these differences would impede financial innovation or slacken the supervision over the financial products, " she said.

6. Now we must not slacken in our efforts in the slightest way.

7. Although this is the last year of our term as people's representatives, we should not let our responsibilities slacken.

8. Han said China would not slacken in efforts at oil and natural gas exploration at home despite plunging global oil prices.

9. They agree that on no account must China slacken its vigilance against SARS, as there is still so little known about it.

10. Two more deaths are a warning that the situation is still serious, and that we must never slacken efforts in monitoring and preventative work.


slacken 英英释义


1. make slack as by lessening tension or firmness

    Synonym: remit

2. become looser or slack

    e.g. the rope slackened

3. become slow or slower

    e.g. Production slowed

    Synonym: slow slow down slow up slack

4. make less active or fast

    e.g. He slackened his pace as he got tired
           Don't relax your efforts now

    Synonym: slack slack up relax


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