slosh [slɒʃ]  [slɑ:ʃ] 


slosh 基本解释

及物动词 溅,泼,泼溅在…上

不及物动词 (尤指钱)大量存在; 涉水而行; (液体)(在容器里)晃荡作响; (在液体里)出声地四处移动

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slosh 网络解释

1. 泥泞:slopwork 成衣 | slosh 泥泞 | sloshy 雪泥的

2. slosh的反义词

2. 雪泥,軟土:雁列注记 sloping name | 雪泥,软土 slosh | 模片打孔器 slot cutter

3. 飞溅:slopwork /成衣的裁制工作/成衣/马虎草率的工作/ | slosh /飞溅/ | slot /槽/

slosh 双语例句

1. We slosh large quantities of paint, water, etc by throwing it around carelessly

2. slosh什么意思

2. And as icebergs are lighter than the seawater, and float atop the water, they might arrive inland during a large tidal slosh.

3. slosh的反义词

3. The helpful effect on propellant slosh effects was a secondary consideration.

4. Wrongly applied credit can slosh around, drive up costs and create excess capacity.

5. The main effect is to raise the fundamental slosh mode frequency.

6. And the slosh not only made the frog very big, so that when he stood on his hind legs he was tall as any Yip in the country, but it made him unusually intelligent, so that he soon knew more than the Yips did and was able to reason and to argue very well indeed.

7. The optimal control of liquid slosh in an industrial packaging machine was investigated. The state equations of linear liquid filled control system were established for respective rectangular tank, circular cylindric tank and arbitrary axisymmetric tank.

8. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

8. Considering the influence of fluid`s viscosity and large amplitude slosh, the 3-dimension coupling system composed of uncompressible viscous fluid and ideal elastic structure is studied in this paper. The moving state of the interface between the fluid and the structure is analyzed, and the boundary`s moving condition (i. e. displacement compatibility) and dynamic condition (i. e. traction equilibrium) are given.

9. slosh的解释

9. Ambulatory ECG monitor The slosh mass locations move considerably aft of the c. g. of the vehicle.

10. slosh

10. If the initial pole shift slosh will create a pinch at the coastline of France, what do you suppose water being forced over southern France from more than one direction would produce?

11. Slosh clothes in a solution of bleach and detergent. rotary blood diluting pipet agitator

12. slosh什么意思

12. I would slosh home through the rain after class, draw a hot bath, and lie there in the bubbles reading the Italian dictionary aloud to myself, taking my mind off my divorce pressures and my heartache.


13. The numerical calculation for nonlinear slosh of propellants in tank with different shape under normal and low gravity was made, and the liquid slosh in tank under micro gravity was done by drop tower test.

14. The modal response of liquid slosh in horizontally cylindrical container was investigated.

15. The storage tank is simplified into three particle system, including slosh particle, liquid-solid coupling particle and rigidity pulse particle.


16. Any time this activity involves a strong enough lurch that the magma begins to slosh, a global shudder will emerge.

17. Don't slosh the paint on so thickly, they want a nice smooth surface.

18. NUMERICAL STUDY OF LIQUID SLOSH DAMPING IN CYLINDRICAL TANKS Design of the Hydraulic Power for a Large-scaled Test Rig for Hydraulic Damper

19. To operate an aircraft or spacecraft. The slosh mass locations move considerably aft of the c. g. of the vehicle.

20. The raucous cursing of the crewmen, the slosh of water, the cries of sea birds, were the only sounds.

slosh 词典解释

1. (使)(液体)来回晃荡
    If a liquid sloshes around or if you slosh it around, it moves around in different directions.

    e.g. The water sloshed around the bridge...
    e.g. He took a mouthful of the cheap wine and sloshed it around his mouth...

2. 踩着(水或泥浆等)走;扑哧扑哧地走
    If you slosh through mud or water, you walk through it in an energetic way, so that the mud or water makes sounds as you walk.

    e.g. The two girls joined arms and sloshed through the mud together.

slosh 单语例句

1. As the mouths of the spouts were so small and the ladle so wide, water would slosh out on to the ground around the bucket.

slosh 英英释义


1. spill or splash copiously or clumsily

    e.g. slosh paint all over the walls

    Synonym: slush slosh around slush around

2. walk through mud or mire

    e.g. We had to splosh across the wet meadow

    Synonym: squelch squish splash splosh slop

3. make a splashing sound

    e.g. water was splashing on the floor

    Synonym: splash splosh slush


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