slue [slu:]  [slu] 


slue 基本解释

及物动词 使(突然)转向,使旋转

不及物动词 (突然)转向,旋转

名词 沼泽地; 转向,扭转

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slue 网络解释

1. 旋转:slue 突然回转 船头左右偏荡 沼泽地 | slue 旋转 | slueline 旋转吊货杆的牵绳

2. 突然回转;船头左右偏荡;沼泽地:sludgevessel 污油柜 | slue 突然回转 船头左右偏荡 沼泽地 | slue 旋转

3. 软泥:软泥蠕动 sludging | 软泥 slue | 崩移 slump

4. (使)旋转:hue 颜色 | slue (使)旋转 | revenue (国家的)岁人,税收;收入,收益

slue 双语例句

1. This word points to somewhat, because capital structure of Alibaba is extremely complex, and fluctuant also slue.

2. Our tour bus will stop first at Tailor Slue.
    我们的汽车会先在Tailor Slue做停留。

3. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

3. A whole slue of preferential and special policies have been adopted to ensure the smooth implementation of these plans.

4. The breed slue of tea tree, distributing very wide, breed with China most, occupy 60% above.

5. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

5. Below ovary, 2 rooms, every room has ovule slue to count

6. slue的反义词

6. A progrom block for the modulatory wave of slue pulse width that is developed by microcomputer and it s related problems are introduced in this paper.

7. slue的意思

7. If say normal website, the money that earn is 1, the pilfer edition of its then downstream amount slue person, accumulate rise to have 10 possibly, more even.

8. The place with 5 valve most clove of Beijing is sweet hill, the lilac breed near coloured glaze tower and clear temple is distinctive, the slue of 5 valve, have 6 segment or section even of 7 valve.

9. Umbrella room type cyme, axil is born or the top is born, scattered, slue is spent.

10. slue

10. Near the Tea Cave which in Chankiang Junction next to the Slue Pagoda, there lived a family.

slue 单语例句

1. A whole slue of preferential and special policies have been adopted to ensure the smooth implementation of these plans.

slue 英英释义



1. move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner

    e.g. the wheels skidded against the sidewalk

    Synonym: skid slip slew slide

2. turn sharply
    change direction abruptly

    e.g. The car cut to the left at the intersection
           The motorbike veered to the right

    Synonym: swerve sheer curve trend veer slew cut


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