snarl [snɑ:l]  [snɑ:rl] 


snarl 基本解释

名词 混乱; 缠结; (动物的)龇牙低吼,愤怒叫嚷(声); 咆哮(声)

不及物动词 混乱; 缠结; (指狗)吠,嗥叫,(人)咆哮

及物动词 咆哮着说,厉声地说; 搞乱; 使缠结

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snarl 相关例句


1. The kitten snarled the yarn by playing with it.


1. The mad man snarled at the children.

2. The dog snarled at the stranger.


1. She combed the snarls out of her hair.

snarl 网络解释

1. 咆哮:则无论走到哪里总会有同龄人的目光崇拜,所以对于手头上没有半个变形金刚的我来说,只能在群体的边缘中游弋. 最近的夜里,我常常梦见钢锁、淤泥(Sludge)、铁渣(Slag)、咆哮(Snarl)以及飞标(Swoop)出现在我的桌面上......

2. 嚎叫 哮叫:Slag 铁渣 火碳 | Snarl 嚎叫 哮叫 | Swoop 飞标 飞扑

3. (怒骂):/smirk (假笑) | /snarl (怒骂) | /snicker (窃笑)

snarl 双语例句

1. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

1. She combed the snarl s out of her hair.

2. When doing not have media, can snarl of be laughing and playing, when facing medium, overcautious, all without exception explains, partial delegate has level of a speech in commissarial heart: And decide this kind of level, it is the understanding of pair of their duty not just, it is to be based on the value of a kind of be swayed by considerations of gain and loss to accept or reject more.

3. Fumble with a necktie. To snarl or entangle. a knot for shortening a line.

4. He lets out a vicious SNARL and darts out after them.

5. His face contorted to a snarl, his hand raised to strike.

6. His face contort ed to a snarl, his hand raised to strike

7. 好好学单词·英语单词

7. Some snarl-up at her end, I think.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Be good at oil skin and snarl-up of pores.

9. snarl的解释

9. A cow wandering on the highway causes the traffic snarl-up.

10. The initiative formed part of the government`s second package of measures recently unveiled by Alistair Darling, the chancellor of the exchequer, to try to prevent the banking snarl-up from throttling the economy.

11. snarl的近义词

11. To sidestep the standards snarl-up at the IEEE, the idea will be put to the world's telecoms body, the ITU, in June.

12. snarl的意思

12. China's publishing groups face a series of problems such asthe snarl-up between government and companies, the vague property right, theuncertain identity, the misfit policies, the nonstandard structure forms and theunavailable restriction and inspiration.

13. Consider, for example, the impenetrable snarl of bureaucratic requirements that an individual must meet before even applying.

14. I was a snarl of worries. Treatments?

15. I snarl at her and bark.

16. I was a snarl缠结 of worries. Treatments?

17. I heard Bonner snarl.

18. snarl

18. Don`t snap and snarl at me when I`m trying to do my best for you.

19. He was weeping, but his face was contorted into a snarl, his features wracked with hate and guilt in equal measure.

20. snarl的反义词

20. The machine snarl ed the material up.

snarl 词典解释

1. (动物)露齿咆哮,嗥叫
    When an animal snarls, it makes a fierce, rough sound in its throat while showing its teeth.

    e.g. He raced ahead up into the bush, barking and snarling...
    e.g. The dogs snarled at the intruders.

2. 厉声说;吼叫着说;怒气冲冲地说
    If you snarl something, you say it in a fierce, angry way.

    e.g. 'Let go of me,' he snarled...
    e.g. I vaguely remember snarling at someone who stepped on my foot...

3. 混乱的一堆
    A snarl is a disorganized mass of things.

    e.g. She was tangled in a snarl of logs and branches.
    e.g. A radio-link automatically advises it of traffic snarls and plots a detour.

相关词组:snarl up

snarl 单语例句

1. To watch two unsympathetic people squabble and snarl for almost two hours is about as grating it gets.

2. Just imagine if all locals gather together to snarl or scream the bold opera!

3. His top right lip was curled into a snarl, making it impossible to close his mouth.

4. Gas powers Nigeria's generators because the national electricity supply is sporadic at best, and fuel also keeps engines running in traffic that can snarl for hours.

5. Given that more bad weather in the coming days will further snarl transportation, a stress management approach should be adopted toward people stranded.

6. How boring it is to be stuck in a traffic snarl in Sydney to eventually see a prang rather than a live crab vendor.

snarl 英英释义


1. something jumbled or confused

    e.g. a tangle of government regulations

    Synonym: tangle maze

2. an angry vicious expression

3. a vicious angry growl


1. make more complicated or confused through entanglements

    Synonym: snarl up embrangle

2. utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone

    e.g. The sales clerk snapped a reply at the angry customer
           The guard snarled at us

    Synonym: snap

3. make a snarling noise or move with a snarling noise

    e.g. Bullets snarled past us

4. twist together or entwine into a confusing mass

    e.g. The child entangled the cord

    Synonym: entangle tangle mat


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