snicker [ˈsnɪkə(r)]  ['snɪkər] 


snicker 基本解释

不及物动词 偷笑,窃笑

及物动词 窃笑着说

名词 窃笑

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snicker 网络解释

1. 窃笑:snatch 抢夺:迅速地、急切地或突然地握住或夺走 | snicker 窃笑 | venal 唯利是图的

2. 嘿嘿嘿..的对 窃笑:smooch 拥吻著 | snicker 嘿嘿嘿..的对 窃笑 | sniff 对 嗤之以鼻

3. snicker是什么意思

3. 窃笑;窃笑着说:shout with laughter 大声笑 | snicker 窃笑;窃笑着说 | snort (讽刺地)高声大笑

4. snicker

4. 吃吃笑:nicker 吃吃笑 | snicker 吃吃笑 | gimp 跛行,瘸子

snicker 双语例句

1. snicker

1. Even before I debuted, I used to snicker to myself imagining that I was the main character in a movie.

2. Can you guess which part of this post made me snicker a bit?

3. I snicker and tell them I work from home.

4. snicker

4. I bet you that Pat Riley would think long and hard *snicker* about that...

5. Naturally my kin will have to be in on this since I would not be around to snicker at some purchase choices!

6. Being away in a hotel, does that mean you're going to eat the Snickers bar and the snack bar?
    住在酒店里,意味着你要吃 Snicker 巧克力棒和能量棒吗?

7. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

7. You can't wait for that Snickers bar to drop into the tray.
    你等不及SNICKER 牌糖棒从机器里掉到托盘上。

8. The netizen is in exclaim or it is attention when, of snicker is those however only then the person that make tomb figure.

9. The little boys began to appear among works of arts of Mu Jun from 2002-2005, which let us feel surprises that these little boys all take up brushes for make-up use and snicker for prettifying themselves by using all kinds of exaggerating gestures.

10. And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker.

11. snicker是什么意思

11. When you dont want to laugh, thats when your jerk-face brain will make it impossible for you to resist. As soon as someone says dont laugh, youre immediate inclination is to either snicker or guffaw.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. And our own snicker when someone else really had left behind.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. She gave a short snicker.

14. The shuffle and snicker become the comedian ´ s trademark.

15. snicker

15. " When was the last time you had to write a sorting algorithm? " they snicker.

16. snicker

16. And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker

snicker 词典解释

1. 窃笑;暗笑
    If you snicker, you laugh quietly in a disrespectful way, for example at something rude or embarrassing.

    e.g. We all snickered at Mrs. Swenson.

snicker 英英释义


1. a disrespectful laugh

    Synonym: snort snigger



1. laugh quietly

    Synonym: snigger


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