snipe [snaɪp]  [snaɪp] 


snipe 基本解释

名词 狙击; [鸟]鹬,沙锥鸟; <美俚>烟屁股,香烟头; 可鄙的人

及物动词 狙击; 打沙锥鸟; 中伤; 暗害

不及物动词 猎鸟; 伏击,狙击; 诽谤; 中伤

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snipe 相关例句


1. Just then someone started sniping at us.

snipe 网络解释

1. 沙锥鸟:1773年前后,驻扎在印度斯坦的英国士兵喜欢一种猎杀一种名为沙锥鸟(Snipe)的游戏. 由于这种敏捷的小鸟异常难于击中,所以,长于此道的人便被称为sniper. 此后,Sniper成为专业狙击手的正式叫法. 关于狙击手的起源还有多种,但狙击手的内涵却一直没有改变-

2. snipe在线翻译

2. 沙锥:John)说,有一只猫常捕捉猎鸟(game-bird)回家,另一只猫捕捉山兔或兔,还有一只猫在沼泽地上行猎,几乎每夜都要捕捉一些山鹬(woodcock)或沙锥(snipe). 有许多奇异而真实的例子可以用来说明与某种心理状态或某一时期有关的各种不同痹性和嗜好以及怪癖,

3. snipe的解释

3. 狙击:Smoothbore 滑膛 | Snipe 狙击 | Sounding rocket 探空火箭

snipe 双语例句

1. If you have some, snipe him down.

2. snipe的意思

2. I was just a snipe of a boy and yet I was never terrified.

3. snipe

3. You can snipe the second and third union leaders from this position.

4. Just be sure and credit me, you little snipe.


5. They'll be afraid to CC during trash, and they'll snipe more during bosses.

6. Don't be afraid, little snipe.

7. However, when you're all clumped up, snipe happens.

8. snipe的反义词

8. My problem is a two-faced, four-eyed devious little snipe in a fat suit.

9. snipe的近义词

9. Spoken parts in an opera, control the back of hand is the flesh, in small sell the home to succeed to clean out treasure snipe easy interest and pat pat establish next one's contributions in work, b2C sells the home to be able to bring actual profit to clean out treasure greatly, cannot say turkey to one and bazzard to another, end of a bowl of water is wrong but should be aspersed, come out.

10. Just after you found a great Spot to snipe from, while taking careful Aim at a Group of Enemies- you will be knifed from behind.

11. Great crested grebe, little grebe are only found in open water. Long-billed ringed plover, 〓lack-tailed godwit, common redshank and fantail snipe are only found in pond bank. Oriental great reed warbler, black-bowed reed warlber, Japanese marsh warbler, Chinese reed bunting and reed bunting are only found in reedbed. Some species can be found in all the three types of habitat.

12. Meanwhile, yahoo also is in Microsoft of snipe of ground of do one's best buy.

13. Would not the first of them who saw me wring my neck like a snipe's?

14. Am I correct in thinking that you can add +15 to light units for snipe?

15. How often is the ghosts psi round used to snipe caster units?

16. snipe的意思

16. But the 24-year-old lock-down defender-turned-three-point-sniper picked a rather propitious time to string together the best 23-game stretch of his career.

17. Wait a moment, then snipe the man up in his private box and the actor walking on stage.

18. You ever heard of a snipe?

19. snipe的意思

19. Russell: I found the snipe and I followed it under your porch.

20. There's no such thing as a snipe!

snipe 词典解释

1. 批评;攻击;中伤
    If someone snipes at you, they criticize you.

    e.g. The Spanish media were still sniping at the British press yesterday.

This leaves him vulnerable to sniping from within his own party.

2. 狙击;放冷枪
    To snipe at someone means to shoot at them from a hidden position.

    e.g. Gunmen have repeatedly sniped at US Army positions...
    e.g. A member of the security forces was killed in a sniping incident.

3. 鹬;沙锥
    A snipe is a type of bird with a very long beak which lives in wet areas of land.


snipe 英英释义



1. a gunshot from a concealed location

2. Old or New World straight-billed game bird of the sandpiper family
    of marshy areas
    similar to the woodcocks


1. attack in speech or writing

    e.g. The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker

    Synonym: attack round assail lash out assault

2. aim and shoot with great precision

    Synonym: sharpshoot

3. hunt or shoot snipe


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