snore [snɔ:(r)]  [snɔr, snor] 


snore 基本解释

不及物动词 打呼噜,打鼾

名词 呼噜,鼾声

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snore 相关例句


1. The old man snored away the afternoon.


1. Grandfather was snoring.

2. He soon fell asleep and began to snore.


1. His snore disturbed our sleep.

snore 网络解释

1. 鼾声:在生活中我们会发现:一些身体肥胖、颈短的人其上呼吸道较正常人狭窄,容易出现打鼾,还有一些人是由于睡姿不好...鼾声(snore)是睡眠期间上呼吸道气流通过时冲击咽粘膜边缘和粘膜表面发生分泌物引起震动而产生的声音;其部位始自鼻咽,

2. snore

2. 你發出陣陣如雷的打鼾聲:sniff 你好像猪一样东闻闻西闻闻. | snore 你发出阵阵如雷的打鼾声. | snort 你哼的一声.

snore 双语例句

1. You find out they snore so loudly that you dreams need subtitles.

2. Had crossed a body next, gave out canorous snore again...

3. No, I don't snore.

4. I never snore, i don't believe that.

5. snore的意思

5. But to know which method is right for you, you have to first know why you snore.

6. It was revealed that 20% of men in their mid-thirties snore.
    调查指出,20%的35岁左右的男人打鼾; 1019。

7. snore

7. And, more importantly, why do people snore?

8. Oh, really? -yeah. he used to snore like a pig.
    真的 -是啊他象只猪一样打鼾

9. snore的意思

9. God, you snore like a pig.

10. You snore like a pig!

11. Some cheaply priced snore remedies to start with are snore-stop nasal drops or nasal strips.

12. If you sleep on your back with your mouth open you are likely to snore.

13. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

13. The phenomenon that snore will happen in the sleep to a lot of people, oneself not easily realize the oneself has snored, it usually are all family to observe to find.

14. snore

14. She does not snore, she is nasally repetitive.

15. You know, the rumbling snore followed by comic blubbering and sudden cessation of breath.
      你- 道的,就是鼾声雷动后,接下来是滑-稽的呜咽声,然后突然呼吸中断。

16. My husband's snore wakes me up.

17. My husband's snore wake me up.

18. He's taking a nap and I can hear him snore -- he must be tired.

19. Will be a snore - even when I know it's for my own good, and I will

20. According to his habit, he turned his back upon her and began to snore.

snore 词典解释

1. 打鼾;打呼噜
    When someone who is asleep snores, they make a loud noise each time they breathe.


    e.g. His mouth was open, and he was snoring.

snore 单语例句


1. Tengchong has yet to become a crowded tourist destination, and has a quiet broken only by the snore of its dormant volcanoes.

2. Most people affected snore less when lying on their sides or with their head slightly raised than when they are lying flat on their backs.

3. Days later, he was able to snore as loud as an adult.

snore 英英释义


1. the act of snoring or producing a snoring sound

    Synonym: snoring stertor

2. the rattling noise produced when snoring


1. breathe noisily during one's sleep

    e.g. she complained that her husband snores

    Synonym: saw wood saw logs


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