snug [snʌg]  [snʌɡ] 


snug 基本解释

形容词 温暖舒适的; 小而整洁的; 建造良好的; 紧身的

及物动词 使变得温暖舒适; 使变得安全

不及物动词 偎依; 舒适地蜷伏

名词 雅室

snug 相关词组

1. as snug as a bug in a rug : 非常舒适;

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snug 相关例句


1. The sweater felt too snug when he tried it on.


2. He gets quite a snug income in his job.

3. snug的反义词

3. She had a small but snug home.


1. snug

1. Myra helped her old parents to snug their house for winter.

snug 网络解释

1. 舒适的:进入美洲的时候已经到了18世纪,通常我们讲的文艺复兴是指欧洲的文艺复兴,美国历史上的先验运动(transcendentalism)实际上揭开了美洲文艺复兴的幕布. cozyadj. (房间等)温暖而舒适的 (comfortable) ; 小而整齐舒适的 (snug)

2. snug

2. 不受风寒侵袭的:snug harbor 避风港 | snug 不受风寒侵袭的 | snug 减帆;作好防风暴准备;舵臂前端突出插舵针的部位

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 减帆;作好防风暴准备;舵臂前端突出插舵针的部位:snug 不受风寒侵袭的 | snug 减帆;作好防风暴准备;舵臂前端突出插舵针的部位 | sny 挂旗上的橄榄状扣;木船首尾部翘起弧度

4. 温暖的:console 平息,抚慰 | snug 温暖的 | snuggle 依偎

snug 双语例句

1. He talked of the reddening apples around, of the browning nuts, of jams and preserves and the distilling of cordials; till by easy stages such as these he reached midwinter, its hearty joys and its snug Home life, and then he became simply lyrical.

2. Be sure the swaddle is snug but not too tight to squeeze her limbs and cut off circulation leave some room for her to flex his legs.

3. With 3 mu of land n'an ox, my life's so secure and smug; / With my better half n'kids, myhome's so sweet and snug.

4. With 3 mu of land n'an ox, my life's so secure and smug; / With my better half n'kids, my home's so sweet and snug.
    分析:译文朗朗上口,意境优美,美中不足的是 smug 一词极富贬义,词彩欠当。

5. Install jam nut to a snug fit.

6. Whether Tamin pulled his knot snug is, of course, not known.
    但是 Tamin 是否有将绳结打紧,我们当然是无法知道的。

7. Snap closure adjustment on cuffs - The cuffs have two snap positions and a tab for a snug fit around boots.

8. The room she snugged gives me a snug feeling.


9. An elastic forearm strap that is connected to the elbow pad can be adjusted to keep the elbow pad snug against the arm to prevent shifting or rotation.

10. Even the inside, which has not been touched, seems different, every room appearing smaller and cosier, just as if some power were trying to turn it into a woodcutter's hut or a snug logcabin.

11. The magnet should force that snug piece of plastic up just enough to allow for the magnets.

12. snug的反义词

12. My grandmother likes to read a newspaper in a snug corner near the fireplace.

13. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

13. TYPICAL USE:My grandmother likes to read a newspaper in a snug corner near the fireplace.

14. snug的意思

14. While a round cylinder base-plate can't snug into the very corner of a room like a box can, our cylinder subs still

15. The cat found a snug corner behind the stove.

16. snug的意思

16. It doesn't have to be fussy, you just want to keep the meat in a snug shape while it's cooking.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. When torque becomes lower than the set snug torque after completion of measurement, buzzer sound stops and end lamp is off.

18. IT is Fashion Week, the temperatures are subfreezing, and so an ode to the snug down coat is due.

19. snug

19. She snug gled down in bed.

20. 好好学单词·英语单词

20. And they took the train back and snug into her room on sound sleep before her parents ever woke up.

snug 词典解释

1. (尤指寒冷天气中)暖烘烘的,温暖舒适的
    If you feel snug or are in a snug place, you are very warm and comfortable, especially because you are protected from cold weather.

    e.g. They lay snug and warm amid the blankets.
    e.g. ...a snug log cabin.

Wrap your baby snugly in a shawl or blanket.

2. (衣服等)紧身的,贴身的
    Something such as a piece of clothing that is snug fits very closely or tightly.

    e.g. ...a snug black T-shirt and skin-tight black jeans...
    e.g. Every dress is lined, ensuring a snug, firm fit.

His jeans fit snugly.

3. 酒馆内的雅间
    A snug is a small room in a pub.


snug 单语例句

1. These leggy knits were paired with mercerized cotton jerkins, snug little Rude Boy with manners jackets and Two Tone era skinny ties?

2. For a practical way of embracing the rabbit trend, opt for a pair of snug bunny mittens.

3. Even though some of the uncomfortable chairs seem to be rejects from a hunting expedition, the general feel is snug.

4. The reel didn't fit, so the astronauts twisted harder with a wrench until it was snug.

5. These stylish items have the added benefit of being warm and snug.

6. A woman keeps snug in the snow with a large hood in Beijing on Dec 12.

7. By capturing its image on domestic textiles, residents are kept snug and safe.

snug 英英释义


1. a small secluded room

    Synonym: cubby cubbyhole snuggery



1. enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space

    e.g. a cozy nook near the fire
           snug in bed
           a snug little apartment

    Synonym: cozy cosy

2. well and tightly constructed

    e.g. a snug house
           a snug little sailboat

3. fitting closely but comfortably

    e.g. a close fit

    Synonym: close close-fitting

4. offering safety
    well protected or concealed

    e.g. a snug harbor
           a snug hideout


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