so-so [ˈsəusəu]  [ˈsoˈso] 

so-so 基本解释

形容词& 副词 不好不坏的(地),一般的(地); 马虎虎的(地); 不怎么样

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so-so 双语例句

1. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

1. How are you today I`m fine/super/ great /so-so!

2. My English is just so-so.

3. The most honorable sage by your Confucian is so-so in my eyes.

4. But my friend Jason said it looked just so-so on me so I didn't buy it.
    但是,我的朋友 Jason 说,我穿上只是一般而已,所以我没买

5. It was just so-so on the software side.

6. so-so在线翻译

6. But my friend Mary said it looked just so-so on me, so I didn't buy it.

7. so-so

7. For example, my classmate Wang Wei doesn't do well in study although he has tried his best.
    是啊,她也是多么的不容易,她是一个美术生,成绩当然是just so-so了,为了让成绩变好,其实她真的做了许多事。

8. One 慈 two 俭s three dare not to let good man whole life so-so Anne first for the world.


9. If I give you this privilege, how can I work as the director of the factory?

10. And the action wasokay. But it wasn't really worth paying seven dollars for a ticket.

11. Is just so-so and light......

12. so-so的反义词

12. The first is just so-so, and so is the second one.

13. B:But to me, he's just so-so.

14. I like maths, but my English is just so-so.

15. He not only charged me highly, but also repaired so-so.

16. so-so的近义词

16. Some person, of love, is so-so and light!

17. Fine, and you? Just so-so.

18. In mid-summer, it can be hot and the fishing so-so, just like it is anywhere.

19. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

19. Gordon: Only so-so, and you?

20. Or do we have to manage to receive the arrangement by the high level official to lead a so-so life because our ability is not enough?

so-so 词典解释

1. 一般;过得去;不好不坏
    If you say that something is so-so, you mean that it is average in quality, rather than being very good or very bad.

    e.g. Their lunch was only so-so...
    e.g. Sommers performed a flute solo a few weeks ago that got so-so reviews.

so-so 英英释义


1. in an acceptable (but not outstanding) manner

    e.g. she plays tennis tolerably

    Synonym: acceptably tolerably


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