soap opera [səup ˈɔpərə]  [sop ˈɑpərə] 

第三人称复数:soap operas

soap opera 基本解释

soap opera

名词 肥皂剧

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soap opera 网络解释

1. soap opera在线翻译

1. 连续剧:自从八十年代连续剧(SOAP OPERA) 的兴起,甲本土化的脚步赶紧了后,复增加「第三台」有线电视节目的刺激,电视剧著进入甲电影相争观众的时代. 九十年代有未少的本土题材连续剧,其中表现五,六十年代,台湾乡镇社会生活文化背景的「第一世家」,以台湾话 ...

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 电视剧:恰可作为当代阅听中的文化时,有 项重点应当关 :首先,应当试图寻出国际(international)体济决定 的危机中,诚如布迪厄(Bourdieu)所提醒的,品味阶层 是一种僵化在全球化的形式下,电视剧(soap opera)具备 项特质:首先,

3. 电视广告剧:sea cucumber 海参 | soap opera 电视广告剧 | sweet water 饮用水

soap opera 双语例句

1. HeavenTree was can awaken your youth recollection the soap opera, can letthe young time which you refelt that already to go far away, once thatpost moved heart......

2. Why arer you wasting your time watching that studid soap opera?

3. MANY South Africans are riveted by the soap-opera trial now under way in Johannesburg. The cast includes a former chief of police and Interpol, a convicted drugs smuggler and confessed liar, a murdered mining magnate, a multi-millionaire convicted fraudster, and no fewer than two former directors of prosecution, all accusing each other of spectacular bribery and corruption.

4. If one day I suddenly disappear, would you look silly soap opera of tears, and hard of think I am.

5. Con tinuing on about relationship rumors, Kristen dishes, It`s like a soap opera, so it doesn`t bother me and I don`t take it personally.

6. The soap opera aspect also earned a B, but the classroom scenes earn an A+.

7. soap opera的解释

7. Waste one's time 浪费时间 Why are you wasting your time watching a stupid soap opera?


8. The present paper holds that soap opera is one kind of narrative.

9. China's soap opera and themovie, the majority all dubs the synthesis after the later period butthe non- same time sound sound recording.

10. Tim's life is like a soap opera. He spends most of his time trying to keep his girlfriends from finding out about each other.

11. Since we're trying to get under the skin of pop culture maybe we should develop a pop culture expression of our brand's idea: a song, a book, a blog, a film, a computer game, a TV show– so, is our idea more of a reality show, a game show, a soap opera, or something else?

12. Mrs. Jenny Wishard, 39 of Lindale, Clifton, was watching a soap opera with her three children when the picture suddenly changed to writhing, naked body.

13. Despite the introduction of Sela Ward as House`s ex, there was precious little soap opera inthis episode (it was basically a set up for next week`s season finale).

14. A soap opera is a popular television series about the daily lives and problems of a group of people.

15. My Soap Opera Like Life...

16. Yamada Taro Monogatari, a popular Japanese comic book and soap opera, depicts an elaborate ceremony involving tea.

17. soap opera

17. Behavioral ecologist Marion Petrie of the University of Newcastle, United Kingdom, and colleagues from the University of Sheffield, UK, have followed the soap opera of matings and lekking patterns of about 200 peafowl in Whipsnade Park, some 30 miles north of London.
      英国纽卡斯尔大学的行为生态学家Marion Petrie与谢菲尔德大学的合作者跟踪了伦敦北部30英里一家公园中约200只孔雀配对和炫耀求偶的肥皂剧。

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. Joey just thinks I'll embarrass him. He thinks I'm a soap opera nut.

19. There`s a soap opera I want to watch.

20. My favorite soap opera will be on.

soap opera 词典解释

1. 肥皂剧
    A soap opera is a popular television drama series about the daily lives and problems of a group of people who live in a particular place.

soap opera 单语例句

1. She is not a soap opera junkie, but just knows the secret to christening fictional individuals by way of association.

2. Italy's election could also have been made for opera - the real Italian thing, not just the soap variety.

3. Next door, some ten survivors gathered to watch a soap opera.

4. At the same time, video streaming sites are increasingly starting to fund original filmmaking or soap opera productions.

5. Meanwhile, buy more soda and pop corn and stay watching this season's political soap opera.

6. For decades, the Ambani family has been India's most famous corporate soap opera.

7. If last season was a soap opera for the Lakers, this one has simply been disappointing.

8. The best soap opera currently running in China is not on your tube.

9. However, insiders say that does not indicate the shrinking of the soap opera market.

10. You are quite likely to find one broadcasting an ROK soap opera.

soap opera 英英释义


1. a serialized program usually dealing with sentimentalized family matters that is broadcast on radio or television (frequently sponsored by a company advertising soap products)

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