somewhere [ˈsʌmweə(r)]  [ˈsʌmwer] 

somewhere 基本解释

副词 某地; 某处,在某处; 在[到]某处; 不知道在[到]什么地方

somewhere 相关词组

1. somewhere else : 别的地方;

2. see sb. somewhere : v. 要某人滚蛋;

3. somewhere about : 在...附近;

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somewhere 相关例句


1. It happened somewhere in the 18th century.

2. This is what we've been trying hard to find; now we're getting somewhere.

3. At last he found somewhere to park the car.

4. somewhere的翻译

4. He was a thinnish fellow, somewhere in his forties.


1. We must look for somewhere to live.

somewhere 情景对话

Bob on the Telephone-(鲍勃在打电话)

A:Hello, Pete. This is Bob. How are you?


B:Oh, I'm fine.

A:Where were you this afternoon? You missed an important lecture.Not sick, I hope.


A:That's good. The next time you decide to skip class, check with me first.It wouldn't do for both of us to be absent.We need at least one complete set of notes.


A:By the way, are you still in timewasting mood?

B:Yeah,a little.


A:Good. Why don't you come over after supper?Joe's off somewhere with date, and I don't feel much like working.

B:How about eight o'clock?


A:Well. And bring some records over, why don't you?


B:Okay. See you then. Goodbye.

somewhere 双语例句

1. Faust, I think it'd be best for you to go somewhere remote...

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. You can always pull one from somewhere else if you need it.

3. somewhere的意思

3. I always knew that the politician would come unstuck somewhere.

4. You may never and ever know that someone cares about you, something has been changed by you somewhere in the world.

5. It's got to be around here somewhere.

6. He's got to be around here somewhere.

7. somewhere的意思

7. He's somewhere in the Sierras.

8. He must be somewhere around here. I can't see him but his voice sounds clear as a bell.

9. 好好学单词·英语单词

9. Somewhere in the walls, relays clicked, memory tapes glided under electric eyes.

10. somewhere的意思

10. If we can't find any comics in this book shop, we have to go somewhere else.


11. Somewhere, as you read, the secret to which I refer will jump from the page and stand

12. Somewhere, as you read, the secret to which I refer will jump from the page and stand boldly before you, IF YOU ARE READY FOR IT!

13. somewhere

13. Everyone at court has a Papist somewhere in their family.

14. And he can fire everybody in the company, from the chair man on down, simply by spending his money somewhere.

15. I also want to visit somewhere interesting. so, I want to be a guide. so, how am I going to it?

16. If you are, then you are somewhere in the vibrational proximity of your desire.

17. I know somewhere inside of you...

18. But if I had the chance I would like to go somewhere where I could go full speed.

19. You're headed somewhere on your bike and you want to bring your lunch along.

20. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

20. If I see something brown and hairy under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office.

somewhere 词典解释

1. 某个地方;某处
    You use somewhere to refer to a place without saying exactly where you mean.

    e.g. I've got a feeling I've seen him before somewhere...
    e.g. I'm not going home yet. I have to go somewhere else first...

2. (数量、数目、时间等)大约
    You use somewhere when giving an approximate amount, number, or time.

    e.g. The Queen is believed to earn somewhere between seven million and one hundred million pounds...
           据说女王的收入大约在 700 万至 1 亿英镑之间。
    e.g. Caray is somewhere between 73 and 80 years of age...
           卡瑞的年纪在 73 到 80 岁之间。

3. 取得一些进展
    If you say that you are getting somewhere, you mean that you are making progress towards achieving something.

    e.g. At last they were agreeing, at last they were getting somewhere...
    e.g. This time it looks as if we're really going to get somewhere.

You use not anywhere instead of somewhere in negative sentences. He isn't going anywhere.
否定句中用 not anywhere,不用somewhere,例如 He isn't going anywhere (他哪里也不去)。

somewhere 单语例句

1. Jackson is in a relationship with Lakers executive Jeanie Buss, who said last week Jackson definitely will coach somewhere next year.

2. I just caught the key word'subway'and assumed he wanted to go somewhere by train.

3. She wants to find somewhere quickly so she can regain stability and become settled once more.

4. The tag can simply be inserted into the cardboard of a cereal box or attached somewhere inside an electronic device.

5. " Somewhere that gives you a sense of belonging and a good quality of life, " he said.

6. Meat and seafood balls in southern cuisine are prized for their shuang texture, which lies somewhere between crispy and chewy.

7. Smith would not say where they were headed, only that they wanted to " cocoon " somewhere other than New Jersey for a while.

8. The government has laid down a great many documents paper stocked somewhere, but it is extremely hard to implement effectively in our work and life.

9. A coffee shop in Zhongguancun is more a center for business startups than somewhere to take a break and have a cuppa.

10. That means, every 30 seconds there is a baby born somewhere having some congenital defect.

somewhere 英英释义



1. an indefinite or unknown location

    e.g. they moved to somewhere in Spain



1. in or at or to some place
    (`someplace' is used informally for `somewhere')

    e.g. she must be somewhere

    Synonym: someplace


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