sonata [səˈnɑ:tə]  [səˈnɑtə] 

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sonata 网络解释

1. 索娜塔:北京现代的第一个孩子--索娜塔(Sonata)将于11月18日正式下线. 若是真能如此,北京现代将成为国内合资汽车企业中为数不多的签约当年就推出新车的公司. 北京现代的快速建设令素以工作勤奋著称的韩国人也赞叹不已,

sonata 双语例句

1. sonata的意思

1. Disc: 11. Sonata For Piano And Violoncello In F Major

2. Sonata for Violin and Piano no 7 in C minor, Op.
    奏鸣曲小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲没有7 C小调,作品。

3. Piano Sonata No. 32 in C minor, Op.

4. sonata什么意思

4. In fact, the entire sonata consists of these repeated sections that are 8 to 10 bars long.
    不要拘泥于 150%的字面涵义,也不需要使用节拍器来做精确的度量。

5. Find out where to buy cheap generic Ambien, Sonata, Imovane, Valium, Provigil, or the new sleep aid Rozerem, as well as proven all natural sleep aids.
    找出哪里可以买到便宜的非专利坦,索纳塔,忆梦返,安定,Provigil ,或新的睡眠援助Rozerem ,以及经实践证明所有自然睡眠艾滋病。

6. sonata什么意思

6. Nineteen years later, in 1840, a work by Giuliani entitled Gran Sonata Eroica was published by Ricordi as op.

7. Spring scenery into the distance, the birds sing my view of the sonata with spring, the red, the golden cauliflower, buds, leaves fall blew out the green shoots grow, everywhere is a fit6 of recovery, the scene, it presages a dead person the beginning of a new life, a full of expectations and blessing.

8. The No. 26th piano sonata is the only one in all works. Because of beautiful melody and careful structure, it has become to one of the necessarily work in a lot of international piano play. It also occupy the firmness position in lots of piano concerts.

9. It can be said that Ciqu creative Schubert Piano Sonata marks beginning of a period of maturity.

10. With it came the development of the modern concerto, symphony, sonata, trio and quartet to a new peak of structural and expressive refinement.

11. sonata什么意思

11. Trio Sonata in E minor, Op.

12. Trio Sonata in D major, RV 84

13. sonata的翻译

13. They are showing an synthesis of architectural principles of the concerto form, the style of the Italian trio sonata and the technique of the classical German organ trio playing.

14. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

14. Trio Sonata in E flat major for two transverse flutes and basso continuo, QV 2:17

15. Trio Sonata in D major for two transverse flutes and basso continuo, QV 2:15

16. Dance suites, Baroque concertos, ornamentation, solo sonata, trio sonata

17. sonata的翻译

17. Of the works on this Cd, only the Sonata, the Passacaglia and Chinese Puzzle were published in her lifetime.

18. sonata的意思

18. Sonata of the Guadian Angel is a passacaglia for violin solo and really outside the Rosary Cycle proper.
      好曲子!正如 CD 解说内所写的,Biber 现今的声誉大部份是藉由这首曲子建立的。

19. sonata的近义词

19. Some of the elements can already be found in the company's 2010 Tucson sports utility vehicle and 2011 Sonata sedan.
      其中的一些元素已经可以在现代2010年款途胜 SUV和2011年款索纳塔轿车上找到了。

20. His interpretations reflects the essence and authenticity of the masterpieces, whether it`s Mozart's Fantasy, Schubert's Sonata, Chopin's Mazurka or Debussy's Berceuse.

sonata 词典解释

1. 奏鸣曲
    A sonata is a piece of classical music written either for a single instrument, or for one instrument and a piano.

sonata 单语例句

1. Besides a longer lifecycle, one of the Sonata's main selling points is safety.

2. Hyundai runs a joint venture with Beijing Automotive Industry Holdings Corp producing Sonata and Elantra sedans.

3. Another modified model Sonata Yuxiang will be produced in the second half of this year.

4. One of Tian's all time favorites is Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

sonata 英英释义


1. a musical composition of 3 or 4 movements of contrasting forms


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