sophism ['sɒfɪzəm]  [ˈsɑfˌɪzəm] 

sophism 基本解释

名词 谬论,诡辩


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sophism 网络解释

1. 诡辩:作者在这一章考察的结果可以概括为:西方思想 发展中出现的诡辩(sophism)和经院哲学(scholasticism)两阶段同样也 存在于东方文明的进化过程中. 印度思想中的分类相近,亦不会与为中国思想所喜爱的建立在社会性的等级 制度之上的分类相类似.

2. sophism的意思

2. 诡辨术:sonority features 音响特征 | sophism 诡辨术 | sophist 智者

3. 好好学单词·英语单词

3. 诡辩术:solipsism 唯我论/独我论 | sophism 诡辩术 | sorities 连锁论证

4. 诡辩 (名):sophism 诡辩 (名) | sophist 诡辩家; 诡辩者; 博学者 (名) | sophistic 诡辩的; 强词夺理的 (形)

sophism 双语例句

1. sophism的意思

1. The paper points out that the activity of criticism on Einstein is the political activity and the philosophical criticism, and the people used the methods of subreption, libel and sophism in the activity.

2. The question, famed of old, by which logicians were supposed to be driven into a corner, obliged either to have recourse to a pitiful sophism, or to confess their ignorance and consequently the emptiness of their whole art, is the A58 question: What is truth?

3. sophism

3. We all know the so-called sophism of the ancients, proving that Achilles would never overtake the tortoise, though Achilles walked ten times as fast as the tortoise.

4. From the beginning of civilization of human, the disorder caused by employing new knowledge and tools have lasted to today. People sniff at the easy and simple life indifferent to fame or benefit, considering it as the life of gerund-grinder. They scrabble for tactics, powers and intrigues. The peaceful and tranquil life is replaced with that of a concept of sophism and rivalry, which people should know is main cause of today`s social disorder.

5. Dialectical analyzing the nature of sophism, it is a mistake.

6. sophism的解释

6. This is only a sophism founded on this, that it is of no importance to the human race to believe that a certain man exists, whereas it is extremely useful for them to believe the existence of a God.

7. While the two theories are to a certain extent reasonable, they are not free of sophism, which is a serious defect.

8. Until 5th century B. C., this sceptic started, its main representative was the school of sophism.

9. sophism的解释

9. This sophism goes against common sense.

10. He would do anything he thought must, and not think over others. He is sophism to his fingers. However, he actually approved by all Japanese.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. I argued, with no less sophism, that my timorous happiness was proof that I was man enough to bring this adventure to a successful conclusion.

12. sophism的近义词

12. " That's a beautiful sophism " said the girl with a smile more beautiful still.

13. Dialectical reasoning needs the " supervision " of analytical reasoning, otherwise it will lead to sophism.

14. sophism什么意思

14. Analysis of the Dialectical Relationship between the Management and Service in Logistic Management Dialectical reasoning needs the " supervision " of analytical reasoning, otherwise it will lead to sophism.

15. Its essence is criticism and revolution, its forms are dialogue and dispute, its opposites are dogmatism and sophism, and its contents are unlimitedly abundant and concrete.

16. sophism

16. How many times had he risen to his feet in the combat, held fast to the rock, leaning against sophism, dragged in the dust, now getting the upper hand of his conscience, again overthrown by it!

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. Therefore, the quantitative easing of the United States to print $ 600 billion is an absolute disaster for global economy, so the remark that hot money is beneficial by U. s. finance minister is sophism against facts.

18. Greek philosophy objects to rhetoric, not just objects to the sophism rhetoric, it objects to all kind of persuasive rhetoric.

19. Enough of Sophism by the Petroleum Enterprises

20. Therefore, his discussions on the doctrine of conception and language, ontology, epistemology, the doctrine of judgment, dianoetic, sophism, the standardization of language and Chinas unification are still the distillates of scholarship with positive values at present.

sophism 英英释义


1. a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone

    Synonym: sophistry sophistication


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