soporific [ˌsɒpəˈrɪfɪk]  [ˌsɑ:pəˈrɪfɪk] 

soporific 基本解释

名词 催眠的物质、药剂等

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soporific 网络解释

1. 安眠药:催眠药或安眠药(Soporific)是诱导睡眠的药物. 催眠药有片剂、胶囊、液体口服或注射针剂等几种形式. 催眠药片或胶囊通常称为安眠药片(sleeping pills). 入睡困难时可服用催眠药. 服用适量催眠药可缓解忧虑和紧张,起到镇静催眠的作用.

2. 催眠的:hypocritical伪善的 | soporific催眠的 | idiosyncrasy特质,特性

3. 催眠药:soporiferous 催眠药 | soporific 催眠药 | sore 溃疡


4. 催眠的、安眠药:insomnia失眠 | soporific催眠的、安眠药 | sonata奏鸣曲

soporific 双语例句

1. soporific是什么意思

1. They are revivifying soporific students, dangling and delivering intellectual challenges beyond the ken of most educators.

2. The soporific effects of melatonin may be attributed to its hypothermic effects.

3. But it had a surprisingly soporific effect...

4. soporific的近义词

4. Or was it a sort of soporific he took, whilst something else worked on underneath in him?

5. It has come at the price of a soporific message.

6. In them were no considerations of Mediterranean cruises, of soporific Southern skies or drifting in the Vesuvian Bay.

7. In them there were no considerations of Mediterranean cruises, of soporific Southern skies drifting in the Vesuvian Bay.

8. After trudging for some distance, his slow steady steps acted as a soporific.

9. Whereas Mrs Clinton's is soporific, Mr Giuliani's makes the reader sit up and gasp.

10. After his soporific speech for an hour, the speaker received no applause from the audience.

11. soporific

11. The warmth of the room and the monotony of the speaker's voice grew soporific.

12. I had to fight the soporific effect of the drug all day.

13. His voice had an almost soporific effect.

14. I found his style of lecturing rather soporific.

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. Her soporific voice made it difficult to stay awake in the lecture.

16. soporific是什么意思

16. Organic compound having powerful soporific effect; overdose can be fatal.


17. The soporific that Dr. Ramsay had administered was taking its effect, and almost immediately Bertha fell into a happy sleep.

18. soporific的意思

18. When I had difficulty sleeping a few years ago, I found aromatherapy massage quite helpful: relaxing, calming and soporific.

19. Small genus of perennial herbs of north temperate regions: bugbane. Inducing sleep or sedation; soporific.

20. In contrast to the blaze of sunlight outside, the inner light had a soporific effect, especially on the twins.

soporific 词典解释

1. 催眠的;使人想睡觉的
    Something that is soporific makes you feel sleepy.

    e.g. The warmth of the room and the monotony of the speaker's voice grew soporific.
    e.g. ...the soporific effect of the alcohol.

soporific 英英释义


1. a drug that induces sleep

    Synonym: hypnotic


1. inducing mental lethargy

    e.g. a narcotic speech

    Synonym: narcotic soporiferous

2. sleep inducing

    Synonym: soporiferous somniferous somnific hypnogogic hypnagogic


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