spaceman [ˈspeɪsmæn]  [ˈspeɪsmæn] 


spaceman 基本解释

名词 太空船上的飞行员,宇宙人

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spaceman 网络解释

1. spaceman的意思

1. 太空人:Kiss的经典阵容是由西蒙斯(贝斯)、斯坦利(节奏吉他)、Ace Frehley(主音吉他)、Peter Criss(鼓手)组成的,他们在舞台上分别扮演恶魔(The Demon)、星童(Starchild)、太空人(Spaceman)、猫人(The Catman)四个角色.

2. 宇航员:spaceless 没有余地的 | spaceman 宇航员 | spaceport 太空站

3. 太空人;宇宙科学工作者;宇宙飞行员:spacelab太空实验室 | spaceman太空人;宇宙科学工作者;宇宙飞行员 | spacemenspaceman的复数

spaceman 双语例句

1. Where can I watch Wham Bam Thank You Spaceman movie online free full stream?

2. spaceman的近义词

2. He is a spaceman.

3. He was that very spaceman who was first been to the moon.

4. spaceman的翻译

4. Don't flatter yourself. I've got a spaceman too.

5. He spent five years training to become a spaceman.

6. They must have been too excited to sleep last night, for they met with China's first spaceman Yang Liwei yesterday morning.

7. The spaceman was subjected to all kinds of tests before he sent up in rockets.

8. spaceman在线翻译

8. The spaceman will drive his moon car around to study the moon.

9. 1961 Alan Shepard became the first American spaceman, in a mercury capsule freedom vii.

10. They just glitter lika morgue un I dreamed I was a spaceman, burned lika moth in a flame.

11. spaceman

11. Cry cry and cry, for the success of our China spaceman's first spacewalk!

12. Children got up in spaceman outfits.

13. The spaceman plays sports.

14. spaceman

14. By using the system SD design method, microcomputer soil and water conservation information system was designed and established on tool software of PC-ARC/INFO or Spaceman.

15. We join Spaceman Spiff on the distant planet Zorg … Gronk! Argh! Trapped by a hideous Graknil, Spiff draws his trusty atomic napalm neutralizer!

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. The successful launch of Shenzhou seven, in particular, is what chinese people take great pride in for China is the third country of which the spaceman is able to walk out of the spaceshuttle for several minutes.

17. This is Yuri Gagarin, the first Russian spaceman, as it has been said, the first man that flew to space.

18. I want to be a spaceman.

19. SpaceMan 99 uses a Windows Explorer like interface, and is very quick and easy to use.

20. spaceman的解释

20. B: He will be a spaceman.

spaceman 词典解释

1. 太空人(主要为儿童用语)
    A spaceman is a male astronaut; used mainly by children.


spaceman 单语例句

1. The two are both air force pilots, like China's first spaceman Yang Liwei.

2. Chinese taikonaut Yang Liwei said he could never forget the moment when he blasted off from the earth and became the country's first spaceman.

3. Yang was privileged to be the first Chinese spaceman, and his tour was accompanied by many surprises.

spaceman 英英释义


1. a person trained to travel in a spacecraft

    e.g. the Russians called their astronauts cosmonauts

    Synonym: astronaut cosmonaut


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