spacesuit [ˈspeɪssu:t]  [ˈspeɪssuːt] 

spacesuit 基本解释


名词 太空服,航天服

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spacesuit 网络解释

1. 宇航服:spacer 隔离物 | spacesuit 宇航服 | spacial 空间的

2. 宇宙飞行服:公众人物public figures | 宇宙飞行服spacesuit | 巴勒斯坦领袖阿拉法Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat

3. 太空服:JERKIN 无袖短上衣 | SPACESUIT 太空服 | APRON 围裙

4. 航天服:航天服 spacesuit | 出舱服 space extravehicular activities (EVA) suit | 无人飞船 unmanned spacecraft

spacesuit 双语例句

1. The crew of China's third manned space mission is assembling a new specially made spacesuit in advance of the country's historic first spacewalk.

2. Eee-Eee told the squirrel to get out of my spacesuit.

3. He looked thicker and stubbier with his spacesuit on, but he could handle the lunar gravity as no Earthborn human being could.

4. Jimmy, expert though he was, couldn't outrace Robutt, who didn't need a spacesuit, and had four legs and tendons of steel.

5. A spacesuit structure: The outer white cover a thermal micrometeoroid garment underneath pressure retention garment protects its wearer from the vacuum of space.

6. All of these clothes are similar to the spacesuit designs that kept astronauts comfortable in the temperatures of the moon, and are spin-offs from space technology.

7. Through individual human stories of the people behind the scenes - the caterers, the spacesuit designers and the psychologists - we bring to life Man's most ambitious space endeavour yet.

8. Thirteen undergraduates(7 male and 6 female)participated in manual performance evaluation studying with barehand and with the simulated spacesuit glove through strength, fatigue, tactile perception, range of motion and dexterity 5 studying indices(28 testing indices), and the 28 testing indices were optimized by using statistics and knowledge of anthroposomatology.

9. When you walk in al the fairy boys are very nervous well, my starship doesn't want me and neither does his world i'm glad i caught you on my view screen, sailor you're the grand one cause this wooing is what i'm wanting when my spacesuit comes to warm me and hole me like a god i'm the captain of the gravity, maxwell everywhere i see your faces hot one from a starship over venus to the sun but it's a crime!
    当你走在基地仙境男孩很紧张那么,我starship不希望我也没有他的世界我很高兴我被你对我的看法画面中,水手你的宏伟1 造成这种追求的是什么,我想当我和宇航服来温暖我与孔,我想是上帝我就是队长的重力,麦克斯韦我到处都看到你的脸热点之一,从starship超过金星向太阳但它的犯罪行为!

10. spacesuit的反义词

10. When it comes to sneezing in a spacesuit while in the void of space, it is best to aim well.

11. spacesuit

11. He must have sweltered in his spacesuit: despite the heavy fog of the last two days, blue skies appeared on cue early this morning.

12. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a spacesuit damages them.

13. By Monte Carlo method, the reflection and infrared radiation angle factors are calculated between spacesuit and spacecraft or earth when spacesuit is located at any position relative to the spacecraft or the earth.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. The orbital radiation heat flux received by the spacesuit used for extravehicular activity (EVA) is analyzed.

15. Method A method for measuring the spacesuit joint torque by use of robot technology was proposed in this paper.

16. spacesuit的意思

16. A good costume for trick-or-treating on this frigid planet would be a toasty self-heating spacesuit, an oxygen supply, ice skates and plenty of hot cocoa.

17. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

17. Where was my spacesuit?

18. A spacesuit can help astronauts adjust to the temperatures in outer space.

19. 好好学单词·英语单词

19. If you are walking on the surface of mercury, you need one of heck of a spacesuit.

20. The robot put Buff to sleep, then put the spacesuit on him and carried him to the spaceship.

spacesuit 单语例句

1. The spacesuit had nothing to do with NASA's concerns that the spacewalk was a gamble.

2. Along with the radio transmitter, the stuffed spacesuit also has internal sensors to monitor temperature and battery power.

3. Chen said China spent less than four years on developing the EVA spacesuit and its design and assembling were done by the Chinese independently.

4. The spacesuit is designed for such missions of up to seven hours.

5. A total of 100 photos will also be exhibited as well as the traditional Chinese knot made by Liu Yang and her spacesuit.

6. Visitors will have a chance to wear a simulated spacesuit and have their photo taken.

7. The spacesuit is reportedly designed for such missions of up to seven hours.


spacesuit 英英释义



1. a pressure suit worn by astronauts while in outer space


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